Pirate Alliance

Volume 2, Chapter 167 Speed ​​70

The Terrible Triangle sea area has always been a "semi-black box". The great route itself is a sea area full of unknowns, and this special area is the unknown within the unknown.

Year-round fog, no sun, unknown islands and unknown creatures, everything is interpreting "dangerous" to "more dangerous". A complete chart of the Triangle Sea.

Because it is within the reach of human beings who draw such charts, at least for now.

At the beginning of the most northeast corner of this sea area, there is an island called "Whirlpool Island", which can almost be regarded as the starting island of the source of "Terror III".

Although this place has been discovered a long time ago, and it cannot be said that no one has ever landed on this island, but... most people will never stay here for more than three days, because the environment here is too sour, absolutely Not suitable for human habitat.

Leaving aside what the inside of the island looks like, it is very difficult to land on the island first. The periphery of the island is full of huge whirlpools and serpentine currents of tens of hundreds of meters. Easily crushed, twisted, and torn into a pile of planks.

And just today, the long-lost "guest" of the island.

"Ahem, we've landed on the beach."

But judging by his powerless appearance, he was washed over by the waves rather than grabbing the beach. Now he looks like a dead dog, and he slapped wetly on the ground.

The amazing thing is that he no longer has time to talk nonsense at this time, and the whole world seems to be 80% clean.

After lying on his stomach and choking out half of the pot of water, he finally felt a little better, but his eyelids began to droop slowly due to extreme exhaustion.

How about taking a five-minute break first?

However, within thirty seconds, the sound of the waves brought him back to his senses, well, for a small reason, he cannot rest now.

So struggling with the last bit of strength, he started to move forward bit by bit like some kind of hard-shelled reptile, even using his jaw.

After climbing about fifty meters, through the rope tied around his waist, a bunch of human analogues were dragged out of the sea like candied haws. Is this the legendary human centipede?

But regardless of whether it is true or not, in short, Qiu Bai can rest.

The capsize this time was "expected"...Although every capsize of his ship is included in the data, the sea conditions are beyond the navigator's ability to deal with it after a certain level, so this time it is a reasonable capsize , it’s not anyone’s fault—from this moment on, we will never bring up the 1.2 billion blame again.

Qiubai has always been famous in his pirate group for his physical strength, but he didn't expect that he overestimated himself this time. Now not only is he lacking in strength, but the arsenal that he only denies as a last resort is also empty. there is none left. It was through this method of running all the way and wearing bandages all the way that he "smoothly" landed on the island.

If he was swimming alone, it would not be a big problem. The key is that there is a pile of weights behind him, and this pile of capable people is almost "invincible" in the water.

The original plan was that Qiubai was tied to one end of the red rope of fate, and Cavendish was tied to the other end. This is the only person in his pirate group who can swim. The two of them just happened to be an EMU. Maybe he ran out of strength after a while, so in the end it was Qiubai who dragged him along... I was really tired.

After a while, Qiu Bai finally felt that he could move, so he struggled three or five times before standing up like a strange species whose neck had been cut off.

"Ain, wake up?"

After untying the rope on Ain's body, he gently pinched the other's face to bring her back to consciousness as soon as possible.

Everyone who couldn't swim originally had a board tied to their bodies, but now the board is gone... Soon, Ai En opened his eyes.

The person behind was Luo, so Qiu Bai stepped on his stomach directly, uh... a little unfair between men and women? But Qiu Bai just felt that he didn't have the strength to bend down his upper body anymore.

But when he got to the back of the line, Qiu Bai almost died of anger: no wonder he felt that the drag was so heavy, but Cavendish still had a box at least 1.5 meters square tied to the rope behind Cavendish's buttocks.

What the hell is this, Qiu Bai doesn't remember that there is such a box star among his companions.

"Necessary supplies...don't throw away..."

Cavendish raised his head reluctantly and kept wiping the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. Seeing that Qiu Bai had a great plan to throw the box back into the sea, he hurriedly said.

Qiu Bai turned his head. Now that the supplies have been dragged over, of course he won't throw them back, but he can't restrain the urge to throw Cavendish back now... That stuff is soaked in water, and it's better than this string of human bodies. Are the centipedes all sinking together? As a result, Cavendish just watched him procrastinate like a douchebag, can he have a conscience?

This kind of coquettish slut must be thrown back into the sea for him to turn into seaweed and re-enter the path of evolution, but how can Qiubai have the strength now? So he benevolently stepped on Cavendish, who was struggling to get up, along the midline of the human body... Let's leave this matter for now.

"Go move the box, dear Cavendish, if you don't want me to put it in a cuboid box and bury it here."

Although Cavendish is wronged, my hair hasn't grown yet, did I say anything? But he still went to carry the box honestly, he vaguely felt that if he talked to Qiu Bai at this time, his future life might be a little bit unfavorable.

"Everyone, don't take it here, go forward, if a wave comes and sweeps someone down later, I don't have the energy to go down and catch someone."

Qiu Bai patted everyone on the shoulder one by one, signaling them to leave the coast quickly.

What he said was very reasonable, so everyone began to crawl towards the distance one after another. Whether they would be sucked into the sea was another matter. The key point was that they felt a little nauseated when they saw a watery sea, which created a psychological shadow coming.

After two or three kilometers inland, they squatted on the spot:

Rest and wait for Cavendish.

No matter how good the weather is in this sea area, the visibility is very low. The sky is either dark or foggy. It is almost impossible to see the sun, and the thumbnail Qiubai can't figure out what time it is.

But at this distance, it took Cavendish almost 5 hours to move the box over, at a speed of 400 meters per hour. It really deserves to be called "Rommel's Sickle Weasel".

After this period of time, when Cavendish fell down again like a dead dog, the rest of the people finally calmed down... The condition of the others is still better than Qiu Bai, after all, they are dragged burden.

Unfortunately, now is still not the time to relax, because...

"What's the matter, Ain?" Qiu Bai, who was lying on his back with all his heart, suddenly felt that Ain was patting his shoulder persistently one after another.

Ain pointed to the place on his right.

Then Qiu Bai saw a pair of eyes several times bigger than his head.

"My friend...how did your body lean over you so silently?"

Qiu Bai asked softly, stood up slowly, and then asked without looking back, "Happy friends, who can fight now?"

The answer is that no one can hit, there is no red or blue, everyone is a bunch of brittle...so hit with a hammer.

"Then there is only one way. I will count one, two, three, and everyone will run in two, understand?"

As he spoke, he backed away quietly, and then took Ain's hand beside him, "Cavendish, do you still need to bring supplies? I agree 100% this time."

At this time, sacrificing a teammate can often ensure the safety of others, but the unlucky Cavendish has no sense of dedicating himself to everyone.

"Are you kidding me?"

For this mysterious creature, human beings are probably also mysterious creatures, so it is just staring at it now.

"Listen up, one, two... run!"

What about three? Where did San go?

Qiu Bai pulled Ai En to run as fast as possible, but this place cannot be described as "running wildly", because they couldn't run.

"I knew it, I knew it, there was a forehead that was as bright as a light bulb over there, why did you come after me?"

Qiu Bai didn't need to look back, he knew he was coming towards him and Ain's group with something... Anyway, he will always be the worst at this time.

"Because your head is red."

However, Ai En gave a reasonable explanation from a scientific point of view sharply.

Red it represents anger, anxiety, danger, for some wild animals this is the real light bulb.

On the other hand, for Qiubai, the symbolic meaning of red is simpler, it represents bad luck...

That's all. 46

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