Pet King

Chapter 62: Model customer

The predecessors' eyes looked with scrutiny, and they also concealed malicious speculation.

Traveling with colleagues is the truth of the enemy.

Zhang Zi'an was itchy by their eyes and always wanted to scratch. Doesn't it feel good to be watched collectively by beauties? Even the golden cat's despised eyes were much friendlier than them.

Is this the stunt of a single dog-self-defeating?

In short, finish it early, and then return to your own one-acre three-point plot, even if it is a bit old and broken, but it ’s very comfortable and reassuring.

Su Min can also feel these bad eyes, but she is used to it and still smiles and asks: "Do you want to see a ring or a necklace, or something else?"

Zhang Zi'an figured it out. Fina likes shiny things. Diamonds are chosen by her. I do n’t know if other gemstones are counted. It ’s safer to buy diamonds. He ca n’t afford diamond necklaces. I can't afford it, so let's get a diamond ring.

"I want a diamond ring," he said.

Su Min took him to the counter showing the diamond ring.

"Do you have any special requirements for the brand?"

"No." He shook his head. He doesn't even know which brands.

"What's your psychological price?"

He thought for a while, it was 4,000 last time, this time can't be more shabby.

"5000 to 6000."

Can't be more, otherwise it will take up the working capital of the store. He has to go in again recently, this time the quantity is more. As long as you sell more pets, you will have money to buy better ones in the future.

Su Min scratched an area by hand across the glass of the display cabinet. "These are finished products that meet your requirements. You can carefully select them. Of course, we can also choose loose diamonds for customization."

子 Zhang Zi'an looked at it, it was dazzling, dazzling and blooming, and the titanium alloy dog's eyes could hardly hold it.

"Whatever you want," he said.

"Ah?" Su Min opened her mouth wide, thinking she heard it wrong.

"I don't understand, you pick one for me." He said.

He thinks this is normal. In his pet shop, he will help customers choose the best pets for them. What is different about jewelry stores? He doesn't know jewellery. In this case, instead of picking it by himself, let him help recommend it. Is trust so difficult to understand?

Su Sumin's face was startled, and then she smiled bitterly. How could anyone buy such a jewellery?

"Mr. Zhang, if you are not sure of the style, can you talk about the purpose of your diamond ring? In that case, I can help you with reference." She said patiently.

Use? Zhang Zi'an has a crooked head. I can't say that I use a diamond ring to feed cats, right?

"Useless," he said.

"Uh ..."

Seeing the lively colleagues whispering quietly, they agreed that Zhang Zi'an had come to play Su Min, and I don't know when Su Min offended others.

Su Min was also embarrassed. She lowered her eyes and whispered, "I mean, are you going to be married, engaged, or as a gift?"

子 Zhang Zi'an would like to answer that it is for marriage, even if he betrays the big FFF group, but Nima, I do n’t even have a girlfriend, and it ’s too against the conscience and rules of a single dog!

"It's a gift," he said.

Su Min's nervousness calmed down a bit, she said, "In that case, you need to provide accurate size. Do you know the thickness of her fingers? If you are not sure, we can provide a ring for trying on, You can take it back and ask her to try it on. "

子 Zhang Zi'an was also speechless. She uttered a "she", speaking as if he had a girlfriend.

If possible, he really wanted a men's diamond ring, so it would be easy, but the types of men's diamond rings seem to be very few, and the diamonds set on them are too small and broken, and Fina cannot be satisfied.

尺寸 "The size doesn't matter," he said seriously. Not to mention whether this ring can be worn on cats, even cats will be uncomfortable.

"Uh ..."

My colleagues' smiles were getting stronger and stronger, and Su Min exuded tiny sweat beads on his forehead.

"It's difficult for me to do this ..." she said in a low voice.

Zhang Zi'an doesn't know what's wrong with her. Why is it like he's bullying her? It's because she's spitting his "single dog" repeatedly.

He thought about it, raised his hand and made a gesture, "So, it's about the thickness of my little finger."

Su Min relieved, "That's good, but you still have to choose a style."

子 Zhang Zi'an is relatively speechless, and the topic is back.

He can understand that choosing jewelry is very subjective, and he can choose his favorite style and favorite style within the price range. The problem was that Fina couldn't come to pick it herself, and he knew nothing about jewelry.

"You help me choose one." He emphasized again.

His expression is like saying, I am a model customer, praise me!

有人 If someone walks into his pet shop and says I want to buy a pet, you can pick one for me. He will surely take the lead and have the confidence to satisfy customers.

However, ~ ~ Su Min shook his head in difficulty and refused, "Sorry, sir, we have rules and cannot choose for customers."

"There are so many turtles in your shop! You can't take pictures and you can't help customers ..." He sighed.

"Sorry." Su Min lowered her head.

"I don't blame you." He understands this feeling of working under a fence.

He would choose to quit his job and inherit the pet store. Why does it not include the longing for freedom?

Finally, he came up with a compromise.

"That's good, I don't need you to help me pick it." He emphasized this sentence first, made sure she understood, and continued: "But I want to ask, suppose you want to buy, in the range of 5000 to 6000, you Which one would you choose? "

Su Min froze.

As a jewellery clerk, as a jewellery clerk with little performance, as a jewellery clerk who can only watch idly most of her predecessors **** away all of her high-quality customers, she has time to fantasize and watch a lot of bright Diamond ring, imagine which one you will wear when you get married.

She didn't even think about too expensive a ring, she only focused her eyes on diamond rings under 10,000 yuan, from the shape, color, weight, clarity and cut of the diamond to the style, material, color and ring of the ring. The inlaying process, after countless comparisons, chooses the most cost-effective, and chooses his favorite from the most cost-effective, and imagines how a boyfriend with a vague look would give the ring to himself.

She reached out and carefully pointed at a ring in the corner.

"If ... if it were me, I would choose this one."

This, probably does not violate the rules?

的 The diamond ring she refers to is what she thinks is the best price at 6000 yuan.

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