Pet King

Chapter 551: stand by

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

Early in the morning, before dawn, Zhang Zi'an was still the first person in the pet shop to wake up. In order to expand the space, the bedroom and living room have been opened in the last renovation. From the single bed, you can directly see the hanging basket rattan chair and desk. Sitting on the bed, he found that π hadn't awoken yet, still curled up in a hanging basket rattan chair to sleep like a baby, and took off his nose glasses and put them on the desk-it only took off his glasses when he was asleep.

Π, who usually wears glasses, seems a bit precocious, and often makes him ignore his age. At this time, after taking off his glasses, π is still a minor monkey. If it is a wild monkey, it may have just left the mother's back at this age, and try to explore this strange unknown world.

The single bed squeaked slightly with Zhang Zi'an's movement. Several elves were awake, but then they continued to sleep. Only Xinghai and π blinked and sat up, probably because they are all fantasy spirits, and do n’t need much. Sleep? As for the snow lion, in theory this neet cat is also a utopian elf, but Zhang Zi'an wonders if there is something wrong ...

π jumped out of the gondola, put on his nose glasses, sat in the swivel chair, and couldn't wait to open the laptop.

After uploading the first chapter, you will be faced with the review of new works on the website. The review editor will check whether the content of the first chapter has any tendency to violate the rules. Will someone be a traitor to move the article of the chief helm or post some illegal acts? Ji's deceptive things, but π's novel does not touch both points, there should be no problem.

Zhang Zi'an knew that after turning off the lights last night, π didn't fall asleep. From the direction of the hanging basket rattan chair, it sometimes heard the sound of tossing on the other side and the hair rubbing against the blanket. It must be anxiously waiting for the result of the review.

After this old computer finally started to boot, π entered a username and password to enter the starting point of the author's Chinese website. Sure enough, a short message from the website popped up in the background-"Pet King" passed the review, I wish you a happy writing!

π turned his head, smiled silently at Zhang Zi'an, and clenched his fists.

Under the light of the display, its face was full of excitement.

He also gave him a thumbs up as an encouragement, anyway, π can be happy.

Zhang Zi'an got out of bed, but found that in a blink of an eye, π's complexion had turned sunny and cloudy, half-opening his mouth and staring at the screen in a daze.

He was puzzled in his heart, not knowing what happened, and walked lightly, crossed his fingers with a question mark on the desk, and asked it.

The screen displays the "works management area" in the background of the website. From this section, you can see some simple data of works under the pen name. Currently there is only one book under π's pen name, which is "Petit King". It pointed to one of the columns of data for him to see.

Collection: 2

That is to say, only two people saw and joined the bookshelf after the first chapter was published. One of them was π himself, and one was a wild reader—most likely to review the editor.

Zhang Zi'an understood why π was suddenly frustrated. To be honest, this was also what he expected, and he typed and encouraged: It doesn't matter. In the world of millions of words, if you are, you will see only one chapter. Novel? Come on, persistence is victory!

His encouragement had a certain effect, π barely piled a smile, and typed: OK.

It is not convenient to write directly in the background of the website. Pi takes a deep breath and tries to forget the poor number 2 in his head without thinking about it. Open the Word document and start writing the second chapter.

Seeing π like this, Zhang Zi'an was even more worried.

He gave up the mass and chose the niche. He didn't know if his encouragement was a way to quench his thirst. It was like the parents knew that the path chosen by the child might be a detour or even a dead end. At this time, the child should be encouraged to continue to bravely go forward and scratch his head. Breaking the blood, or trying to persuade the child to change course?

He is not clear about what is happening abroad, but most Chinese parents will choose the latter wisely. They hope to pave the way for their children to the road called "happiness". I hope that the children will walk straight on this road without turning, forever Don't get hurt in any way.

This kind of thing doesn't matter if it happens to Fina and Laocha. Their arrogance and power make them have unparalleled confidence, and they do n’t accept any interference from the owner, even if it ’s the interference from the master. He just smiled, then licked the wound and moved on. However, π is different from them. It is an introverted and sensitive elf. It is lonely and not good at contacting other elves, let alone how powerful it is. Can it withstand the pain of failure?

Normally, he would go downstairs to clean up in the morning and start the day-to-day business, but today he rarely stands behind π for a long time without moving. He repeatedly weighs the pros and cons in his heart, making it difficult to choose.

π turned his head confusedly ~ ~ and asked: What happened?

Zhang Zi'an pretended to smile easily, bent down and drew a "human" character on the table with his fingers, and then typed: "Did you see it?" The "people" of Chinese characters support each other. π, I want to tell you one thing, no matter what your novel is written, we will always stand behind you and support you.

Xinghai usually went upstairs and went down with Wendy to hide and seek after getting up, but today he also stayed, jumped to the desk, and waved his front paw to π to show support.

π laughed happily, typing: Thank you.

It seemed to have gained some invisible strength, straightened its body, continued to type according to the posture and **** taught by Zhang Zi'an, and the speed was still very slow.

Zhang Zi stared silently at the back of π. When he typed that line, he had already made a decision—taking a detour is not necessarily a bad thing. The experience of taking a detour will become a precious wealth in the life of the child. At that time, the child may recognize the detour and choose the right path. Even parents can't stay with their children forever, after all, they must let go and let the children go alone. What parents can do is to watch the child's back silently like this, and then bandage the wounds for the children when they are scratching their blood on the detour and prepare for the next trip.

After a fracture, the regrown bones will be thicker; if the heart is hurt, they will be stronger.

He turned slightly, watching the black and white portrait of his parents standing on the chest of drawers with the faint morning light, and they were also looking at him with a smile. They never interfered with the path he chose, nor did they require him to inherit the pet store, so this should be their previous mood, right?

However, this does not mean that he wants to be a pure bystander. There are many things he can do to better support π.

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