Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 553: acquaintance

The two shuttled directly out of the space, and they did not shuttle any more, but flew forward directly.

Lin Feng took a closer look, it was really a big hand.

He saw a large number of planets across the starry sky, and they seemed to be arranged in a unique way, it should be some kind of big formation.

There are hundreds of these planets, and each planet seems to have the breath of life, and of course, there are a large number of stars. In the middle is a supergiant planet, almost a hundred times larger than ordinary planets, almost comparable to stars.

Such a huge supergiant planet is rare.


When Lin Feng and His Royal Highness Longyuan flew to the first planet, someone flew out.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan, who is this?"

This is someone on the planet to greet, and the person who greets it is obviously a great emperor.

"This is the new emperor of our Beamon Temple, the Emperor of Destruction, His Highness Lin Feng!"

"The new emperor? His Royal Highness Lin Feng?"

The Great Emperor who greeted him was stunned for a moment. He was far away from the border and had not received the notice from the temple. This was why His Highness Longyuan would accompany Lin Feng. I'm afraid it wasn't as simple as "coincidence".

After all, His Royal Highness Longyuan has been sitting at the border for a long time, and generally he will not leave. His Royal Highness Long Yuan did not even attend such a grand event as the Big Bang.

"Yes, the new emperor, His Royal Highness Lin Feng! This is His Royal Highness Bellam, and he is also a great emperor!"

Lin Feng greeted His Highness Bellam. Although Bellam was shocked and seemed to have not recovered, he nodded. The Beamon Temple has not had a great emperor for so long, why did a great emperor suddenly appear?

Moreover, the breath of life is obviously still so young, which means that Lin Feng is not even more than a thousand years young. Such a young emperor is simply incredible.

"His Royal Highness Bellam, let's convene all the great emperors and commanders, give His Royal Highness Lin Feng a message, and let everyone get to know each other. For a long time in the future, everyone will have to work together."

"Okay, I'll let you know."

Bellam turned around and left, apparently to inform other practitioners.

Lin Feng couldn't help but asked curiously, "His Royal Highness Longyuan, how many emperors do we have in the entire border area?"

"The number of great emperors is not very large. With your words, there are only ten in total!"

"Ten Great Emperors?"

Although the absolute number is not large, it is almost equal to half of the number of temple emperors.

Moreover, there are a large number of top emperors, even quasi emperors!

Nearly half of the power of the Beamon Temple was placed on the boundary, and even the top emperor Longyuan was sitting in the seat, which was enough to show that the temple attached great importance to the boundary.

The two came to the supergiant planet together, and many practitioners flew over one after another.

"Haha, His Royal Highness Longyuan, you are back."

A bold voice sounded, and Lin Feng saw a burly man striding over, and the breath on his body was really terrifying. He was definitely not an ordinary practitioner.

"His Royal Highness Yaodao, could it be that when I was not there, there was a monster of annihilation?"

"Hey, where are the annihilation monsters? I was so itchy, I entered the annihilation galaxy a little bit, angered a group of annihilation monsters, and almost couldn't come back."

His Royal Highness Yaodao was a little embarrassed. His Highness Longyuan left, and he made such a big disaster. Fortunately, there were no serious consequences.

"Hmph, if we hadn't arrived in time, would you be able to come back?"

A cold voice sounded, and a beautiful woman came gracefully.

"Yes, His Highness Longyuan, His Highness Yaodao wanted to go to the Silent Galaxy to see it, but he almost couldn't come back."

Several more people came one after another, and the aura on their bodies was not inferior to His Royal Highness Yaodao.

His Royal Highness Long Yuan had a headache, and then introduced to Lin Feng one by one that these were all great emperors.

"I have seen the great emperors."

Lin Feng was neither humble nor arrogant, and seemed very calm, but it was the Demon Sword Emperor, with a glint of light flashing in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, how about we have a good time to learn from each other?"


Lin Feng didn't know how to answer.

His Highness Longyuan said with a wry smile, "Don't mind your Highness Lin Feng, this is the nature of the Demon Sword. Almost every great emperor in our borders has been challenged by the Demon Sword."

Lin Feng nodded, it turned out to be similar to Wu Chi. However, it is not easy for this kind of martial arts to cultivate to the emperor.

"Everyone, let's go first."

His Royal Highness Longyuan led everyone into the conference hall.

These conference halls have many locations, and they are very layered, and the heights are clear.

The tallest one is the nine-seat chair. Later, His Highness Longyuan ordered another chair to be added. There are ten chairs in total, which are the positions of the great emperors.

The next-level is the position of the Venerables, and the second-level is the position of the primary planetary life.

The conference hall soon became lively, and a large number of practitioners came.

Before Lin Feng was in the upper part of the temple, he didn't meet many core disciples. It turned out that these core disciples had all reached the border, so the rewards must be quite generous.

Most of the people, Lin Feng did not know, but among those venerables, Lin Feng did have an acquaintance.

"His Royal Highness Longwu."

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng!"

Venerable Longwu's eyes lit up and immediately greeted him.

"His Royal Highness Longwu, I didn't expect you to reach the border too."

Lin Feng did not expect to meet Venerable Longwu here.

"Haha, Your Highness Lin Feng, I was originally at the border, I just didn't want to miss the Big Bang, so I took the risk. The Big Bang hasn't ended, so I'll come back here. I didn't expect His Highness Lin Feng to arrive so soon, but I think I think so, according to the rules of the temple, His Royal Highness Lin Feng is the emperor, and naturally he has to participate in the task of guarding."

At this time, some venerables around Long Wu also came over. Venerable Long Wu also introduced them one by one. When they learned that Lin Feng was actually the emperor, they all looked respectful.

Inside the temple, even the planet-level beings are at the same level as the great emperors, and they are called "His Royal Highness". But outside, the difference is big.

Every great emperor can traverse the universe and suppress one party!

Lin Feng was also very happy to meet an, and he was going to meet with Long Wu in private again and chat more. Long Wu has been in the border area for so many years, and he must know more about the border area than him. detailed.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, let me introduce these emperors to you."

His Royal Highness Longyuan called Lin Feng alone, and the other emperors had already arrived. Everyone had also heard a brief introduction from His Highness Longyuan that Lin Feng was the new emperor of the temple, but he knew nothing about Lin Feng's other information.

His Royal Highness Longyuan introduced the eight great emperors, and the two sides could be considered to know each other. The next step is to take care of Lin Feng, a dignified emperor, many people are curious, how did His Royal Highness Lin Feng suddenly become the emperor?

You must know that most of the powerful Venerables in the temple are known, but only His Highness Lin Feng, most practitioners seem to have never even heard of it.

Even if they stay at the border for a long time, they actually have some connection with the temple. If they are really powerful Venerables, it is impossible to have no impression at all.

For a time, many people were secretly inquiring about the details of Lin Feng, the new emperor.

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