Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 506: encounter

"By the way, what exactly do these new substances do?"

Lin Feng asked curiously, his mental power extended into the space, and he saw that the gray "little fish" seemed to be constantly shuttled, which looked very magical.

Raymond shook his head and said: "Since it is a new substance, how do we know what it does? We can only try one by one in the future."

"do not know?"

Lin Feng was a little stunned. He didn't even know the function of the new substance, so how to compete for the new substance? If you encounter danger in order to compete for worthless new substances, wouldn't it be worthless?

Long Wu said with a wry smile: "His Royal Highness Lin Feng, ask for wealth and honor, let alone us, even the great kings of the gods can't know the specific function of the new substance. However, whether the new substance is precious or not, it can still be used a little bit. There are some clues."

"How to identify?"

Lin Feng's heart was shaken, and his eyes were fixed on Long Wu.

"It's actually very simple. The greater the noise of new matter in the Big Bang, the more precious it is likely to be!"

"Yes, the louder the movement, the more terrifying the energy of the new material. How can a new material containing terrifying energy be precious? Even if we can't use it, we can trade it to those who need it in the future."

Both Raymond and Long Wu nodded. Although they didn't know the specific function of the new substance, they could roughly tell whether the new substance was precious or not.

Although this method is indeed only a simple and crude method, it is also the most direct and effective method.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll try to find some new substances that are more dynamic."

Lin Feng is not satisfied with just getting a little new substance, but wants to get more precious new substance. For example, some precious new substances, even just a little, are more precious than other large amounts of new substances.

With the help of the law of tides, Lin Feng felt like a duck to water. He seemed to have countless eyes, and he could observe a large number of new substances hidden under the tides of the Big Bang.

"Huh? There's a wave there, what a big wave!"

Lin Feng suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and he sensed a wave in the distance.

Seeing that wave, Lin Feng's heart moved. This was the first time he saw a wave appear in the tide of the Big Bang. If it was a new substance, the energy contained in it would be amazing.

"Go, I have discovered a precious new substance!"

There was a trace of urgency and excitement in Lin Feng's eyes, and the huge fighting body immediately flew into the distance.


It didn't take long for Lin Feng to stop, and he pointed to the terrifying wave with a faint "roaring sound" in the distance, sweeping across a million kilometers.

Although a million kilometers is nothing in the eyes of the Venerables, His Royal Highness Longwu alone has 30 million kilometers. But here is the big bang of the universe, and there are terrifying tidal forces, and this wave is not a practitioner, but a new substance.

How terrifying energy must be contained in new matter that can sweep waves of millions of kilometers?

The eyes of Raymond, Long Wu and the others turned red all of a sudden, and they were all extremely excited, shouting: "Quick, grab the new substance, with this new substance, even if we leave immediately, we will gain a lot. It's gone!"

They all know very well that the new substance sweeping the waves of millions of kilometers is a general new substance?


Lin Feng grabbed into the depths of the wave. Although the wave seemed to be surging, and there was a terrifying strangling power in the center, Lin Feng's fighting body was not afraid of this strangling power.

When Lin Feng's hand reached the depths of the wave, he aimed at a group of colorful rays of light and grabbed it fiercely.

"Catch it, it's heavy!"

Lin Feng looked overjoyed, he had already caught the multicolored light, and he felt as if it was heavy. You must know that he is now a 200,000-kilometer combat body. Even if he doesn't use the law to increase, there is nothing that can make him feel heavy. Even a planet can be easily moved by Lin Feng without feeling heavy.

Although I don't know what new substance the five-colored light is, it is so unique and must be extraordinary. I will put it away first.


Just as Lin Feng grabbed this new substance of multicolored light, a terrifying giant hand suddenly slapped it from a distance.

The terrifying giant hand, whose strength is simply amazing, grabbed the colorful light group at once.


Longwu's battle body exploded, turning his palms into fists, and blasting out at once.

How terrifying is a 30 million-kilometer battle body that erupts with all its strength?

The giant hand stretched out from a distance was instantly blown up, causing the other party to roar frantically. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Feng took the colorful light group into the space at the fastest speed, and he didn't even have time to investigate.

"Ah, ah, you are courting death!"

In the distant universe, there were bursts of roaring sounds, and four cultivators flew in in a blink of an eye, and all of them were extremely exaggerated, at least more than 20 million kilometers.

Among them, there is even a terrifying cultivator with a combat body that exceeds 30 million kilometers, or even close to 40 million kilometers, almost reaching the peak of the Venerable. It made Long Wudu's expression change, and his expression was extremely solemn.

"Hand over the new substance!"

The venerable leader, who was nearly 40 million kilometers away, sounded like Raymond, and ripples arose in the big bang of the universe.

Raymond, Yu Jing, and Long Wu all had serious expressions on their faces. There were four opponents, two practitioners with a combat body of 20 million kilometers, and two practitioners with a combat body of more than 30 million kilometers.

Compared with Raymond, Yu Jing and others, it was almost crushed. Although Raymond and Yu Jing are not weak among the Venerables, and they must have trump cards, such as powerful source weapons and so on.

But to be able to come to the Big Bang to compete for the opportunity, who has no trump card?

Once the battle is really desperate, I am afraid that Raymond and the others will be more fierce.

"Who are you? We are disciples of Beamon Temple..."

Before Raymond finished the other party snorted coldly: "What is the Beamon Temple? We are disciples of the Fire Cult!"

"Fire Cult?"

The expressions of Raymond and Longwu changed greatly, and for a while, they became extremely gloomy, and their expressions seemed to be full of unwillingness.

During the Big Bang, each basically acquired new matter by itself. But there are also competition backgrounds. If you join a loose cultivator, the disciples of Beamon Temple still have some shocking power.

But the Fire Cult, that is not inferior to the Beamon Temple, and even stronger than the Beamon Temple!

The reason is very simple. The leader of the Fire Cult is a god, a **** more terrifying than the **** king. There are even two **** kings under his command, and his power is at its peak, including a full eight galaxies.

The people of the Fire Cult are basically arrogant and domineering, and the things they fancy are always robbed by them, and no one dares to fight against them.

What's more, the strength on the bright side now, Raymond and others are far inferior to these four disciples of the Fire Cult. For a while, Raymond, Long Wu, and Yu Jing all fell into silence.

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