Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1277: Lin Feng's decision!

In Lin Feng's inner universe, there is an endless starry sky, an extremely huge world, suspended in the center, and countless worlds around it revolve around it.

If you look closely, you will find that these small worlds, more or less, have some connections. And these connections, over time, will become stronger.

A peculiar power seems to be in the process of being conceived. Once it is conceived, it will cause drastic changes to the entire universe. Lin Feng knew that that was the rule!

Different from the previous laws of the universe, but the rules of the realm!

Now, the universe in his body is actually slowly changing towards the "realm".

It's just that the rules of the realm still need to be bred, and the breeding of the rules of the realm consumes a lot, or even a lot. Originally, Lin Feng killed the demons of the seven emperors, and accumulated a large number of world origins, not to mention 10,000 worlds, even 12,000 worlds, it is estimated that they can be cultivated.

However, the inner world is gradually bred with special rules, which actually consumes the world's source, and also consumes the world's source, and there is still a big gap.

Lin Feng could feel that the special rules were about to take shape, and they were constantly rolling over, and they could break out at any time. Originally, it takes a long time to breed rules, slowly accumulate, and slowly breed.

But Lin Feng accelerated time, and even the speed of time in the universe reached 100,000 times, which naturally required a large amount of world origin, and even the large amount of world origin accumulated by Lin Feng was somewhat in short supply.

In fact, if Lin Feng removes time to speed up and accumulate slowly, then naturally there will be no problem, but Lin Feng doesn't want to delay time and give birth slowly.

Isn't it the origin of the world? Lin Feng naturally has a way. In this world, there may not be many worlds without owners, but there are definitely many demons. Even if there are no demons in the black realm, are there no demons in other realms?

Lin Feng will not be stuck in the black domain all the time.

At least, Lin Feng knows that there are many demons in the two realms, such as the Linglong realm, such as the black ice realm. He is also measuring, and is ready to have a "ruthless" attack.

If he wants to successfully nurture the special rules of the inner world at one time, he needs a lot of world origins, even larger than the world origins needed to kill the seven emperors last time.

This is Lin Feng's "shortcut".

But this "shortcut" is not so easy at all, whether it is the Black Ice Realm or the Linglong Realm, it is not so easy to deal with.

Lin Feng weighed it for a long time, and finally made a decision. He set his goal on the black ice realm. After all, the strongest person in the Black Ice Realm is the 9,000-plus celestial demon real body, and he is almost a half-step one-star celestial demon emperor.

Lin Feng can barely cope, not to mention, he may not be able to face Emperor Dara from the beginning. As long as there is a buffer time, maybe the special rules of the world in his body have already been conceived.

What's more, Lin Feng is not afraid even if he is facing the Emperor Dara head-on. With his current strength of the cosmic wall, he is really fearless except for the one-star emperor or the one-star supreme.

On the contrary, the Linglong Realm seems to be on the surface, its strength is not as good as the Black Ice Realm, or even far worse. Emperor Hao Ming only has more than 8,000 celestial bodies, and there is still a certain gap with the illustrious Tuo Luo Emperor.

But Lin Feng knew very well that the hidden strength of Linglong Realm was too terrifying. The water in Linglong Realm is too deep, and behind it is a one-star emperor or even a two-star emperor.

If Lin Feng was "savage" in the Linglong Realm, there would be no doubt that there would be a star of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and that would be really troublesome. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Lin Feng still aimed at the Black Ice Realm.

Relatively speaking, the Black Ice Realm is a "soft persimmon".

If Emperor Tuo Luo knew that he had become the "soft persimmon" in Lin Feng's eyes, he didn't know how angry he would be, but now that Lin Feng weighed each other in the two realms, he really felt that the realm of black ice was a "soft persimmon".

"It's the realm of black ice! This time, the special rules of the inner world must be nurtured, and even transformed into a real one-star supreme!"

There was a gleam in Lin Feng's eyes, and his eyes were full of eagerness. One-star Supreme, he had been looking forward to it for a long time. Aren't the goals of most controllers and one-stars to become One-star Supreme?

And now, Lin Feng has already stepped into the one-star supreme in half a step, and he is only one step away.

Lin Feng had already made a decision in his heart, so he began to let the Domain Alliance collect the information of the Black Ice Realm. With power, it is indeed different. For collecting information like this, Lin Feng only needs to issue an order and wait quietly.

If there is no power, and Lin Feng has to do it himself, it will be too tiring.

In a very short period of time, the domain alliance has collected a lot of intelligence about the black ice realm, which is also a manifestation of the domain alliance's influence. With Lin Feng slaughtering the Seven Great Demon Emperors in one fell swoop, why wouldn't the Domain Alliance not publicize such a thing?

What's more, the domain alliance is not afraid that the black domain world will be missed by other demons, so the higher the profile, the better.

Under this circumstance, the Black Domain Realm and the Domain Alliance are no longer unknown, and even gradually gained a certain reputation in some surrounding realms.

Even, there are some foreign controllers in the domain alliance who have applied to join, which is a good phenomenon.

"Well, the information is almost collected. In the Black Ice Realm, apart from the Emperor Dharani, the nine emperors under the command of Emperor Dara need to be paid attention to. Among them, there is the Hellfire Emperor. But in fact, these Emperor Zun It's not worth mentioning, I need an intervention point, um, as a domain alliance, I can directly intervene."

Lin Feng weighed it for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

Although the realm of black ice is generally considered to be the realm of Emperor Dara, Emperor Dhara is not the master of a domain. Although the power of the demons is strong in the black ice realm, there are still a small number of controller forces in the black ice realm.

However, these controller forces are not unified, but are resisting those demons in their own ways. This is good news for Lin Feng.

As a domain alliance, directly intervening in the black ice realm will probably not cause much reaction. After all, one more domain alliance is not much, and one less is also a lot, so there is no need to care.

Although the Yumeng has a bit of "reputation", it is still far from the Emperor Dharani.

However, deep in Lin Feng's heart, he has a huge "ambition". His is not just to intervene in the realm of black ice, nor even just to harvest a wave of demons.

His real purpose is to use a large number of demons in the black ice realm to achieve one-star supreme, and then completely sweep the black ice realm, push everything horizontally, and become the real master of the realm!

The Domain Alliance will become a pivotal force in countless surrounding realms!

This is the real purpose of Lin Feng!

Therefore, Lin Feng summoned the backbone of the Domain Alliance and announced his intention to intervene in the Black Ice Realm. For a time, the Domain Alliance was shocked. However, Lin Feng was in control of everything in the Domain Alliance, and he even revealed a little bit of his strength.

The entire top management of the Domain Alliance was shocked by it, and even willing to cooperate fully, and there was no longer a trace of obstruction.

Because they know what it means.

It means that this trip to the Black Ice Realm is very likely, the realm alliance will give birth to a real one-star supreme!

Even, it is not impossible for Lin Feng to become the real domain owner.

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