“Hiccup! Ah shh~ good, a lot of oh many sang~ sister lord, also, has also changed a lot, night moon night moon said shakily. ”

At this time, the last work appeared from nowhere, and walked in front of the night moonlight with a staggering pace.

See the wine jug with a strong sense of age in the other party’s hand.

After Ye Yueguang was stunned, when he picked up the other party, he was quite stunned:

“Isn’t this the wine I put in my room?” You girl…”

Speaking of the back, Night Moon couldn’t help but shake his head.

Misuzu Misuzu Misaka next to him dodged the wine jug and didn’t have a good air:

“Dead Niko, I’ll go back and spank you next!”

The strong aroma of wine poured into his nose, and Misuzu Misaka, who was originally an alcoholic, was suddenly hooked out of the gluttony, and briefly picked up the goblet on the banquet table next to him and filled it for himself.

After taking a sip, the boss with beautiful eyes instantly opened, as if he had found some treasure, and shouted:


“Oh Kasan, please don’t go crazy in a place like this…”

Since she was a child, I don’t know how many times Mikoto has seen Misuzu Misaka go crazy with alcohol, and suddenly has an ominous premonition.

The experience of Misuzu Misaka throwing up in the past and letting herself and Ohdo-san help clean up is still vividly remembered.

“However, it is really delicious, I will taste it too.”

Dori straightened her nose and poured herself a cup.

Before anyone else could stop it, he took a sip.

“This is!?”

Dori also had her pupils shrinking.

Even a person who doesn’t know how to drink at all can taste the mellow taste.

But it’s not just the taste.

After drinking it, it gushes out from the depths of the body, as if something has been opened, what exactly is…

“Naninani, what?”

“Is it wine? Well, it’s so fragrant…”

“We’re underage and can’t drink.”

“Anyway, the chairman drank it, it’s nothing to taste it.”

One by one, young girls were attracted and rushed towards this side.

Just a jug of wine, not enough for these girls to drink.

However, with just a small sip, everyone was already red and almost fainted.

Night Moon Light rubbed his temples, and the divine wine that he had snatched the last bit of in the Celestial Realm back then was also drunk by these nizi.

However, the ability of this wine is layered, and it has no effect on himself, so the night moonlight will not be distressed.

He clapped his hands, causing the red-faced girls to barely come to their senses.

Night Moonlight shouted:

“Okay, okay, after the banquet, let’s go back to their respective rooms.”

“Night, Night Moon Sensei, good, so dizzy…”

After a few steps after the marriage next to him, Guangzi suddenly plopped down and almost fell to the ground.

Night Moonlight hurriedly reached out to catch her.

Looking down again, I saw that this nizi had fallen asleep.

Like most boarding schools in previous lives before Night Moonlight, Tokiwadai has a mandatory lights out time.

“No way, you guys squeeze.”

In the dark, the night moonlight can only have two hands on one side, find a room at random, and leave the two girls on a bed.

Although the black light was blinding, he was too lazy to use his ability to look.

Whoever catches is put in the nearest room.

After a few trips, Mikoto and Dori, Micron and the final work were put together.

Night Moonlight returned to the banquet hall, scratched his head and said to himself:

“Who else is coming, Misuzu hasn’t brought it back yet, Kuroko doesn’t have to worry about that girl… There should only be a few left, right? ”

“Misuzu, you’re drunk here…”

When he returned to the banquet hall, Night Moonlight also recalled the way Mikoto vomited when she was a child, and Misuzu Misaka vomited when she went crazy with alcohol.

He never wanted to experience that experience a second time.


As soon as Night Moonlight finished saying this, a soft sound suddenly came from the right side.

Night Moonlight reached over, and suddenly felt amazingly soft.



“Hmm~ what kind of wine, just drink a glass of wine and want to vomit…”

I don’t know how long it took, Misuzu Misaka got up from the sofa in the banbandron hall.

Although she didn’t spit like before, she drank a whole cup compared to other little girls who only sucked a small mouthful.

When I walk at the moment, I feel like I’m going to hit the wall at any moment.

Feeling the dark light and blinding environment, climbed into his daughter’s bedroom.

Catching the moonlight reflected outside the window, I barely saw the sleeping Dori and Mikoto, showing an idiotic smile, “Hehe~ good child, mother is coming~”

After speaking, he directly pounced on it, hugged the two in his arms, and covered Mikoto and Dori almost suffocated.


After looking around the room left and right, Mikoto Misaka wondered:

“Huh? What about my husband? ”

Originally, she was still ready to wake up when she was being exercised by that guy.

Why are you so honest tonight?

However, under the wine, Misuzu Misaka did not think much about it.

Holding her two daughters who were about to be suffocated by her, she fell into a deep sleep.

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