Junmaru and Bai, whose brains were beaten separately, couldn’t help but show embarrassment.

Just now the brain did not think, the body acted first.

Looking back, during their time in the Land of Water, they also encountered many assassination troops sent by Citrus Yakura to hunt down the Blood Ninja.

It was all night moonlight protecting them.

“You two… Is it a descendant of Kaguya and Yukiichi? But aren’t both already …”

After seeing Junmaru pull out the bone knife and the white knot mark condense the ninjutsu of the ice pick.

The woman’s big eyes with burgundy hair were filled with incredible amazement.

The reason why she escaped from Wuyin Village recklessly was because she heard about the successive extinction of these two races.

Even the ghost lamp was tragically exterminated some time ago.

The status of these three clans in Kirihide is comparable to Konoha’s Senju, Uchiha, and Hinata.

And the extermination of the three clans also made the people of Wuyin Village and even the entire Water Country realize.

The fourth generation of Mizukage really wants to erase the Blood Succession Limit Family from the history of ninjas.

However, today she actually saw that there were still children who could use the bone vein and ice escape.

And the man who led them.

In the third Ninja World War, Yunyin did not fight with Wuyin.

So Night Moonlight and each other are also meeting for the first time.

Although the image and ten years later are still a little surprising.

But the night moonlight still recognized the identity of the other party at a glance——

The future five generations of Mesui Kage Terumi.

The night moonlight man didn’t know how to tap his brain.

Before coming, he completely focused on Shiro, Junmaru, these little devils.

Completely for the sake of the strongest blood succession ninja in the Mist Hidden Village, it is Terumi!

“You… Could it be that the rumored [Ninja World’s strongest thunder ninja]…”

Terumi hesitated to guess.

Although she also participated in the Third Ninja World War.

But Kirihide has only fought Konoha.

For the name of Night Moonlight, it is also limited to rumors.

Without waiting for Zhao Mei to finish speaking, Night Moonlight’s eyelids suddenly jumped and said:

“There are a large number of misty Shinobi coming this way.”

I think so.

The Thunder Gun just now made such a big movement.

If no one comes, the ninja of the mist is afraid that he will either be blind or deaf.



Getting rid of those Mist Shinobi’s searches, Night Moonlight put Yun Yin’s forehead back on, which can be regarded as officially revealing his identity to Junmaru and Shiro.

But it doesn’t really matter, they have decided to follow this man who illuminates the darkness of their hearts.

“It’s really you.”

Terumi sighed in a low voice.

[The strongest thunder ninja in the ninja world]……

Recalling the name of Night and Moonlight, Terumi’s mind came up with the sky-piercing thunder pillar that she had just seen.

I feel that I can completely remove the last four words, and the nickname is directly changed to [The strongest in the ninja world].

Noticing that the ghost seemed to follow the three of them in the rear, the night moonlight perfectly concealed the arc of the rising angle.

Feigned puzzlement asked

“Why follow me?”

“I, I…”

Terumi didn’t know how to respond for a while.

She also has the bloodline of the Blood Succession Limit, and it is also an extremely rare double blood succession, and she was naturally hunted down and killed by the fourth generation of Water Shadow.

Right now, she doesn’t know where to go.

Seeing Bai and Junmaru, two little guys who also had blood to follow the Limit Realm, followed behind the skin of the night moonlight.

Subconsciously, I followed all the way.

“We’re going back to the Land of Thunder, if it’s okay, let’s separate here.”

Night Moonlight waved his hand, with a disgusted expression of “go and go, don’t bother me”.

Qi’s face turned red for a while.

What do you mean?!

Such a big beauty yourself, do you watch me wait here to die?!

In addition to being angry, Terumi also suddenly noticed the mystery in Ye Yueguang’s words just now, and pointed at Junmaru and Shiro and asked:

“You, you’re going to take them to the Land of Thunder?”

“So what? Inevitably, you can still go to your Lord Shui Ying to sue me?” ”

The night moonlight seems to be the school domineering of the class flower.

Terumi’s face suddenly turned blue and white.

In her opinion, these two remaining inheritors of the corpse vein and the ice escape were immeasurable wealth for the Wuyin Village.

And now the night moonlight wants to take them away.

That is undoubtedly to unload another arm on the terminally ill fog concealment.

When Junmaru and Bai Zaiyin become a family in the future, then these two blood succession boundaries will forever become the possessions of Yunyin.

“Nope! You can’t take them away! ”

Terumi suddenly changed her previous attitude and put on a fighting posture and shouted at the night moonlight.

With a smile in her eyes, she looked at this woman who was completely different from the marriage maniac in her impression, naïve and even a little naïve.

Night Moonlight smiled and said:

“What do you want to do?”

“These two children are the future of our Wuyin Village! I will never allow you to snatch them! ”

Terumi shouted sharply, and the silhouette flashed, and rushed towards the night moonlight while making a seal.

However, it was as if the picture was replayed.

The two immature figures raised their bone knives and ice blades again to block in front of Terumi.

PS: Plus more explosive liver, ask for flowers, tips, evaluation votes

~ ho ~

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