at the same time–

Takemiya Yu, who had just been offline from [Tonghao Manga Club], also came to the high mountains surrounding Miyama Town.

“Let’s lay out some defense mechanisms here.”

Zhu Gongyu looked around. Because of the attack a few days ago, the tall and straight trees were uprooted one by one, which was quite messy.

Setting up defenses is not a whim today. As early as when the old rat incident happened, he had this idea, but he was too weak at that time, and he had only one ability [subhuman ability], the black ghost ( ibm) can just be called combat power, and the remaining capabilities are in the stage of insufficient attack power.

However, with the upgrade of the archery to the [Grandmaster-level Archery], and even the [Extraordinary Archery (First-Order)], which now has powerful supernatural power, and the [Scarlet Black Bow] is enough to be deployed enough to protect the entire Miyama Town. defense mechanism.

Takemiya Yu stretched out his palm and gently probed forward, [Scarlet Black Bow] appeared out of thin air in his hand in a black-red light,

“Bang, buzzing…”

Takemiya Yu lightly flicked the bowstring of the [Scarlet Black Bow], and heard a very clear and pleasant sound. Then, his feet slightly separated, and the bow was stretched into a full moon, and he immediately started——

“[Crimson Moon]!”

Immediately, Zhu Gongyu felt that his spiritual power had doubled.

“Gather the wind!”

The wind in the mountains gathered towards the [Scarlet Black Bow] in the hands of Zhu Gongyu, and a light cyan arrow condensed from the wind element was formed. This time, it did not charge for too long like last time. .

After a few breaths—

Zhu Gongyu suddenly let go, and the light cyan arrows hanging on the [Scarlet Black Bow] burst out towards the gray sky. When it flew to an altitude of less than 100 meters, the light cyan arrows suddenly disappeared. It seems to be hidden in space.


Takemiya Yu calmed down and slowly outlined the trace of spiritual power that linked the light blue arrows.

The light cyan arrow that had just disappeared in the air suddenly appeared again, turned the direction of the arrow, and attacked the rock ten steps away to the right of Takemiya Yu.


The size of the rock is not small and it is extremely strong. While being penetrated by the light blue arrows, its power is even more to tear the rock into powder. Although this power is far less powerful than killing the monster with malice towards Miyama Town a few days ago, However, for a guy like the old mouse leader, there is absolutely no problem with one arrow.

This is enough, and Takemiya Yu is not just laying out such an arrow.

In an instant—

Zhu Gongyu continuously pulled the [Scarlet Black Bow], and the wind elements in the mountains rushed towards here, and the light blue arrows spread out in all directions like peacocks, not only this Even the nearby mountains are within the shrouded range of the arrow.

Just like the arrow just now, after reaching the designated destination, it was secretly hidden in the space.

Because of the constant accumulation of wind elements in Takemiya Yu, whether it is Takayama or Miyama,Inevitably there was a gust of wind.

This made the residents of Miyama Town worry again, is there another typhoon coming?

But, the weather forecast didn’t report it.

Not right—

Now the weather forecast doesn’t work anymore, and the ghost weather shrouded in Kyoto doesn’t have a reason.

Many residents were afraid that the typhoon that happened on the mountain would strike again, so they quickly put down their work and returned home to secure the windproof tent again.


Takemiya Yu, who was on the high mountain, did not know the defense mechanism of his own arrangement, and once again brought chaos to Miyama Town.

He was still pulling the bow and firing arrows.

Don’t look at the power of these light blue arrows is not large, but the consumption of spiritual power is not weak, because, with them, there is another spiritual power that belongs to Zhu Gongyu. Arrows can continuously absorb wind elements, maintain their own power, and more importantly, detect malicious existence.

It’s not like youkai, like poachers, villains… all fall into this category, as long as they enter the mountains around Miyama Town, the arrows hidden in the space will mercilessly turn into stealing them. The blade of life.

Takenomiya Yu has always been wicked towards those poachers and Miyama Town, and has no sympathy at all. In his memory, every year in Miyama Town, the occurrence of these guys will cause the residents to feel uneasy. Now that he has strength, naturally There’s no reason to let these bad people go.

As time goes by–

When Takemiya Yu felt that his mental power was about to be exhausted, he put down the [Scarlet Black Bow] in his hand.

“Huh…thousands of arrows are scattered on the surrounding mountains, and the defensive monsters are enough. Like the very powerful monsters before, they can also play a blocking role, which is enough for me to arrive in time.”

With the help of these arrows hidden in space, the spiritual power that belongs to him, Takemiya Yu can easily detect when a monster sneaks into the mountain, which can be avoided to a great extent. In the old mouse incident. The tragedy of Miyama-cho’s departure happened.

Zhu Gongyu calculated that the daily consumption of these arrows needs to be replenished almost once a week. The arrows naturally dissipated and disintegrated.

After arranging all this, Takenomiya Yu was about to put away the [Scarlet Black Bow] and go down the mountain.

Suddenly, his body was stunned, and his mental power, which had been exhausted, instantly recovered to its peak period, and, more than that, his mental power limit was doubled at this moment.

In other words, his mental power at this moment is the same as the [Crimson Moon] when using the [Scarlet Black Bow].

Even if Zhu Gongyu didn’t calm down to investigate, he knew that he had another ability and was promoted to an exceptional level.

The new book is uploaded, I hope to support it, thank you! .

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