Now Takenomiya Yu is in a dilemma…

Hanging on the [Scarlet Black Bow] is an arrow with countless wind elements. If this arrow does not have an accurate and suitable target, it will definitely have a lot of impact on the entire Miyama Town.”what!”

Just when Takemiya Yu just made up his mind to slowly consume a certain amount of mental power to dissipate it, suddenly three figures broke into his mental perception, or…

“This is a monster!!”

That’s right, three youkai to be more precise.

The three figures that entered his mental perception range were vastly different from humans in both form and aura. They were very similar to the gloomy and gloomy look on the old rat at that time, except that one had a huge aura and the other had a weak aura. That’s it.

Moreover, Takemiya Yu also found that through his mental perception, the monster with the shape of a giant’s skeleton and a little human girl did not seem to be malicious.

That’s right, he can clearly feel this, but next to them there is a very deep one-eyed monster, which is completely different. It is full of evil and bloodthirsty malice. It seems to the entire Miyama Town residents. like a lamb to be slaughtered…

“Humph! It’s just you…”

Takemiya Yu does not allow anyone or any creature to destroy the peace that belongs to him alone. For Takemiya Yu, the entire Miyama Town is the most untouchable scale in his heart.

Zhu Gongyu pulled the [Scarlet Black Bow] into a full moon, and the arrows were slowly wrapped in a whirlwind that seemed to be able to sever the rock and steel bars. The wind element was brewing in it and slowly became violent, and the target was ready. The man was completely prepared for ashes.


A loud bang shook Miyama Town a few times, and the arrow broke away from the [Scarlet Black Bow] and broke through the clouds at high speed, roaring and swarming towards the target.


at the same time–

“It’s that mental power again, it seems that this time it’s a lot stronger than last time…”

The figure of the barren skeleton appeared again from the depths of the mountain.

“…I also felt an inexplicable and illusory power enveloped us, and, Huang Skull, do you feel that the wind element in the air is thinning?”

After Kuanggu’s reminder, Huang Skull also found out, and immediately, he was shocked.

“No, that human has discovered us… This is an arrow condensed by the wind element!”

When Huang Skull looked up, he saw an arrow surrounded by a tornado, attacking the two of them. The surrounding trees were all broken by the strong wind pressure, and the rocks were shattered.


Huang Skull knew that it was too late to escape with his body shape, not to mention that there was a mad bone beside him, he immediately curled all the bones into a ball, protecting the mad bone in the middle, he was ready to carry this hard. an attack.

“Damn, it was discovered by that human…”

An exasperated voice, hoarse like a dead leaf, rang in the ears of Desolate Skeleton and Crazy Bone.

At that time, the two of them discovered that there was a guy who had been hiding beside them all the time.

“Is it the Jizo?!!”

This voice is very familiar whether it is Crazy Bones or Desolate Skeletons. However, shouldn’t he be following Lord Yu Yihu now?

Apparently, he secretly disobeyed Master Yu Yihu’s order, and at this time, Huang Skull and Kuang Gu discovered that the target of the attack from that human being was Shijizo.

The one who is enough to kill the big monster descended in front of Yujizo, and under the pressure of the wind, let alone resisting, he didn’t even have the strength to move a finger. After all, his greatest ability is mental control, not the power of the body. , what’s more, in terms of strength, he is far less than the barren skeleton next to him.

“No, the old man’s ambition has not been completed, how can he die here…!!!”

Before he died, Jizo couldn’t help roaring.

But the arrow carries infinite murderous intent, but it will not be interrupted by his roar.

The arrow condensed by the wind element directly penetrated it mercilessly, and then the wind element became more unstable.

Boom… Whoosh whoosh! !

The violent wind element exploded directly in the body of Qijizo, and turned into an extremely huge black tornado, crushing all the trees, flowers, rocks… all around and turning it into a flat ground, and Jijizo directly became The body was shattered to pieces, and there was not even a trace of flesh and blood left.

After waiting for the attack to pass, Huang Skeleton slowly stretched out all the bones again, and stopped talking nonsense, grabbed the crazy bones and ran away from the mountain.

Fortunately, the target of the attack just now was not himself. If he was really hit by the blow, he would definitely break a few ribs. Moreover, before he left, he also detected the human who released the attack. .

His heart has long been covered by the stormy waves.

It is the human being that Lord Yuyihu asked him to protect, but clearly a few days ago, the arrow technique was only at the master level, but now I haven’t seen it for a few days, how could it have reached the extraordinary level, it is completely unbelievable!

Even the desolate skeleton, who has lived for thousands of years, is the first time he has seen such an incredible deed.

However, no matter how unbelievable it is, it is not the time to be entangled in these things. It is necessary to report to Lord Yu Yihu as soon as possible, and also report the fact that Jizo has left and followed them without authorization.


After perceiving that Huang Skull and Crazy Bone had left the mountain, Takemiya Yu took back all his mental perceptions. Since the other party has no hostility or malice, he has no plans to establish a strong enemy.

After all, he could sense that the barren skeleton in it was not a weak one, and if he really wanted to destroy it completely, it would inevitably bring disaster to Miyama Town…

At this time-

niceIn the mountain town, the house-to-house thatched cottages also turned on the lights, because the huge movement just now inevitably woke the residents up. It was also such a huge movement, and it was strange not to wake up.

Takemiya Yu quickly left.

The new book is uploaded, I hope to support it, thank you! .

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