However, Sarutobi did not want to use Shimura Danzo's radical methods, and did not agree to transfer to Koharu to let Shiranui Genma serve as the eighth class to lead the team to shinobi.

With the bonds of the teachers and students of the three major clans, who knows if Genma will break the gag order and take the opportunity to approach Naruto Uzumaki.

I don't know the identity of the four generations of Hokage Guardian Ninjas in the fire genma, which makes Sarutobi have some scruples.

If there is only one person who does not know the fire in the genzo, he can't turn up the big waves.

Although it's a ninja, it's just a civilian ninja.

But if it has the support of the three major clans, it is difficult to say the result.

It is still the main purpose to let the future patriarch of the Hyuga clan establish a teacher-student bond with his prospective daughter-in-law, Erxi Rihong.

Without the support of the Hyuga clan, it would be very difficult for Asma to inherit the five generations of Hokage!

Tapping is a must!

slapped him in the face of the three generations of Hokage, how could he let it go so easily.

But the benefits must not be ceded to Shimura Danzo.

This old classmate, just obediently, keep to himself, be the dark root of Konoha well.

As for the sunset red....

The old man does things, and it is your turn to oppose it?

"I agree with Koharu's opinion, let's inform Hiyozu to come first. "

"Tuan Zang, you don't have to meddle in this matter. "

"In addition, Sunset Red is only a light enemy, even if he doesn't know the fire Genma, if he doesn't know that Hinata Big Big Wolf can have white eyes and soft fists, he will fail. "

The ape Fei Ri Chop makes a decision, and the advisors and the group have the power to make suggestions, but the decision power is still the one of the ape Fei Ri Chop.

Tuanzang is so angry.

If you don't want me to interfere, why did you call me?

Deliberately trying to stomp on my face to show that you, the Hokage, are majestic?

Shimura Danzo snorted coldly: "Hinata clan, you are too indecisive!Hyuga clan, this time there must be a clansman to join the dark department!".

Shimura Danzo did not say to join the roots.

In front of the ape flying sun, this thing can't be done at all!

But if you join the shadows, there is a high probability that Ape Fei Sun will agree.


When he joins the dark department, the old man has hundreds of ways to bring him into the roots!

Sarutobi agreed to Shimura Danzo's proposal.

There should indeed be one in the dark department.,People from the Hyuga clan!

Hinata Hinata didn't know it at this time.

His baby daughter has already hit Sunset Red Riding Face.


Konoha Ninja Market.

There is a large number of ninja beasts sold here.

Unlike psychic beasts, ninja beasts can be used without signing a contract, and they are the favorite combat companions of many civilian ninjas.

Civilian ninjas don't have the background of family ninjas, and if they want to improve their combat effectiveness, they rely more on ninja equipment.

And ninja beasts are also classified in the category of ninja tools.

The reason is very simple, if the basic attributes are not enough, you can only wear more equipment.

Wuyue walked around the ninja beast market for a long time, but he didn't find a suitable ninja beast.

It is not difficult to understand how high-quality ninja beasts can appear in the ninja beast market.

Just as Wuyue was about to leave, four ornamental ninja beasts appeared in an inconspicuous small stall!



Wuyue's eyes suddenly lit up.

"There are a lot of ornamental ninja beasts, too, of high quality. "

"It doesn't matter if you can't fight, you have to train anyway. "

Wuyue came to the stall with a smile, skillfully bargained, and bought these four ornamental ninja beasts at the lowest price.

Pikachu's material cards, there are seven or eight of them in the month.

You don't have to use Pikachu's material cards.

Just because, with Pikachu's material card, no moon can change the appearance of the squirrel.

Although they are all squirrels.

But ordinary squirrels, how can they be as cute as Pikachu!

Wuyue is a rental ninja beast, if the ninja beast is not cute, how can it be popular?

Except that Hinata is a wealthy family.

There are also Inuzuka, Oil Girl, Yamanaka, Nara, and Akido are all big families, and they are all familiar classmates.

Although the Uchiha has declined, Sasuke is still very rich.

After all, there is a lot of inheritance.


Wuyue suddenly had a plan.

Having tasted the sweetness of custom ninja beasts, Wuyue plans not to launch regular ninja beasts for the time being.

To make money, naturally, is to make money from rich people!

"Although Sasuke is the first in the grade, this first has moisture. "

"Inuzuka, Oil Girl, Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi, these are all in the form of going through the motions at the ninja school. "

"They're basically practicing at home and skipping classes at school. "

"Only Sasuke, an Uchiha orphan, will work hard to be the first in the ninja school. "

"Well, first of all, I have to let Uchiha Sasuke, who is conscious now, is actually a rookie. "

"Then, let's take advantage of the trend to launch custom ninja beasts!".

"I'm such a business genius!".

Wuyue had already thought of a plan for the second custom ninja beast.

"Material card: Sasuke in white is a legend of the wind, although it is only a three-hook jade, but the current Sasuke has not even opened a one-hook jade. "

"Plus the material card Ash's Pikachu. "

"Uchiha Pikasuke. "

"It's up to you!".

[Ask for support on the first day, if you think it's broad, give it a little if you have a flower evaluation.] 】

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