Chapter 92: Shinichi’s Admiration [2 more].

After telling the police about the incident and what happened in the middle, Lin Ying and Ming Mei were sent back to the city, and the two of them got off the car and saw Xiaolan Yuanzi Xinyi and the three of them.

“Brother Lin, you didn’t hurt anywhere, did you?”

Xiaolan Yuanzi greeted with concern.

“I’m okay.”

After Lin Ying replied with a light smile, he introduced Akemi next to him to the two girls, and said, “Let me introduce you, this is the brave bank lady Miss Masami Hirota.” ”

Being praised like this, Akimi was embarrassed: “Mr. Lin, don’t tease me…” I’m not as brave as you, I just don’t want to see people get hurt. ”

“I also think Miss Hirota, you are very brave.”

Xiaolan felt that this sister was modest.

“There were so many people inside at that time, only you, Miss Hirota, came forward! Isn’t that brave? ”

Sonoko thinks Akemi is much better than the others!

“Yes… Is that so? ”

Akemi smiled sheepishly.

She took out her business card from her pocket and handed it to Lin Ying: “Mr. Lin, thank you for coming to save me…” I’m going back to the bank now, and when I’m done here, I want to treat you to a meal, okay? ”

“Of course there is no problem.”

Lin Ying accepted the business card.

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

Akemi bowed slightly, and then trotted away in the direction of the bank.

“I admire Miss Hirota a little!”

Xiaolan looked at each other with admiration, she wanted to be such a brave girl.

“yes, if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

Sonoko frankly admits this.

After speaking, she looked at the business card in Lin Ying’s hand and said in a joking tone: “Brother Lin~~~ Miss Hirota seems to like you~”

“I’m not doing these things to soak people.”

Lin Ying said and shoved the business card into Yuanzi’s hand. This action made Yuanzi stunned for a moment, but soon a happy smile appeared on his face.

She was worried about whether the other party would hook up with Miss Hirota.

But I didn’t expect Lin Ying to give him his business card… This shows that he has no interest in that girl! This move, on the contrary, made Yuan Zi feel that Lin Ying’s body had another touch of charm, which was simply cool!!!

Looking at Shinichi, who had been thinking in the distance, Lin Ying went over and asked, “Shinichi, what are you thinking?” ”

“Ahh Brother Lin. ”

After Shinichi came to his senses, he scratched his head embarrassedly and said, “I just think… That robber is so smart. ”

“In such a situation, you can come up with such a way… If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to think of such a dangerous way to jump halfway! ”

Seeing Shinichi praising the “robber” Lin Ying was very satisfied in his heart. Being able to get the approval of this protagonist means that he still has two brushes.

“Okay… Now that the matter has passed, don’t mention it again. They wasted a lot of time… Let’s go to dinner! ”

Lin Ying turned to Xiaolan Yuanzi and said, “What do you recommend?” ”

“Uh-huh! Yes, it’s nearby! ”

Xiaolan no longer mentioned what had just happened, she took the initiative to enliven the atmosphere and said: “It’s the one I often go to with Yuanzi, and the kaiseki cuisine in that house is very good, right, Yuanzi!” ”

“Uh-huh, that’s the one!!”

Yuanzi nodded, she understood what Xiaolan meant, and tacitly stopped mentioning this matter.


After dinner, Lin Ying asked Xiaolan Yuanzi to take him to the Ginza side. This made the two girls very happy!

They come here about three or four times a week.

I learned a lot about fashion here, and it’s no exaggeration to say that this is their second school.

In this regard, Shinichi became listless in an instant, and he followed the three of them like a walking dead. Watching Lin Ying and Xiaolan Yuanzi talking, there were talks and laughter, and he said that he couldn’t understand.

What is there to talk about cosmetics, clothes, perfume, these things?

Although he didn’t understand, Shinichi patiently walked with them.

However, in my mind, I always involuntarily think of a murder case I encountered today and that bank robbery. Having said that, Brother Lin’s reaction was really fast enough, seeing the off-road vehicle from a distance, he could realize that something was wrong, so he tried to escape the bank in advance… I’m inferior to him in this regard.

It’s just a pity that we were stopped by the two security guards, otherwise he would definitely have taken us to avoid the bank robbery. And… If only I could have as powerful a skill as Brother Lin.

In the apartment murder case, when I met the murderer, I was able to take the other party down directly. Directly come and catch him on the spot, no matter how cunning he is, it is useless!

In some bank robbery cases, Brother Lin will not dislike my ability to protect myself and stop me. When he said this, Shinichi suddenly remembered the killer he met when he was in New York.

The picture of the other party accidentally kicking the white-haired murderer’s pistol into flight made him unforgettable for a long time. If he would also do this, then what reason would he have to be afraid of prisoners in the future?

Thinking of this, the idea of learning kung fu became stronger and stronger. However, he once told Xiaolan that he did not like violence.

If she expressed her desire to learn, she would definitely laugh at her.

In fact, it was good to be laughed at by Xiaolan, if it was known by Yuanzi, this eighth woman would definitely leave no room to humiliate her ministers in the end, Shinichi planned not to tell others about this, secretly study by himself, and then surprise everyone!

After thinking of this, the corners of Shinichi’s mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly. Soon, the time was ten o’clock.

“It’s not early, I’ll send you back.”

Lin Ying estimated that it would take half an hour to send them back.


Xiaolan returned with the garden, and the two of them had a great time strolling around!


After hearing these words, Shinichi was moved… Finally able to go back.

After Lin Ying drove them all home, he did not leave, but took out his mobile phone and entered a string of strange mobile phone numbers.

“Miss Hirota, are you interested in coming out for a drink at this late hour?”

Yes, Lin Ying did hand the business card given by Akemi to Yuanzi, but he had already written down the mobile phone number.

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