Chapter 81: Shinichi is so proud [1 more].

PS: Happy New Year and great fortune to everyone!!

“There are gunshots!!”

Shinichi reacted immediately, and then he decisively chose the pig to rush forward and ran directly towards the place where the gunfire came from.

“Hey! Shinichi! ”

Xiaolan looked at her hair and ran over like this, and she inevitably felt worried.

She wanted to catch up at the first time.

However, at this time, her hand was held by Lin Ying.

“Lin… Brother Lin? ”

Xiao Lan turned around and looked at Lin Ying with eager but puzzled eyes.

“The gunshots had just started… It shows that the gunman was still near the scene. ”

Lin Ying said calmly and calmly: “Run up now, there is a high possibility of running into the gunman.” ”

When it came to this, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were both smart girls, and they immediately realized the danger!!

“That new one…”

Xiaolan inevitably showed a worried look.

“He’s so smart, he’ll be fine.”

Lin Ying actually didn’t answer Xiaolan’s question. Shinichi Satoshi is not smart, and it has nothing to do with the current situation.

However, Xiaolan was still young in the end, and she did not hear the meaning of this sentence, she thought it was okay, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

The same was true of Yuanzi, and she said angrily: “Shinichi that guy, every time it is like this…” Be the first to rush when you encounter something! It’s really worrying!! ”

Although Shinichi is also her hair, Sonoko has never liked each other very much.

Because every time I heard Xiaolan say that when the two of them were shopping outside, once something happened to the case, Shinichi would be the first to go up and directly throw Xiaolan in place.

It takes a few more hours to solve the case before leaving. After that, the date was ruined.

As Xiaolan’s best friend, Yuan Zi is naturally very dissatisfied with Shinichi’s approach!

“Young people are somewhat impulsive.”

While leading them forward slowly, Lin Ying took out his mobile phone to call the police and watched Lin Ying walk in front, and also called the police in an orderly manner.

This made both Xiaolan and Yuanzi feel a strong sense of security, as if there was each other, as if anything could be solved.

After the sense of security dilutes the sense of crisis, all that remains is the worry of Shinichi and the dissatisfaction of the other party. A few minutes later, Lin Ying took Xiaolan and Yuanzi to find Shinichi on the second floor of an apartment.

He was in the entrance of a house, observing a corpse.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi are not old fritters who are accustomed to seeing the world in the future and can talk and laugh in front of corpses. Now their first reaction when they see the body is to scream and hug together.

Lin Ying pulled them behind him, blocking their view. This action made Xiaolan and Yuanzi feel very relieved.

Although I was afraid, I was not so afraid.

After seeing Lin Ying and a few people coming, Shinichi got up and left the entrance and said, “Xiaolan, call the police!” ”

“I’ve already called the police.”

After Lin Ying answered Shinichi’s words, he asked, “What did you find?” ”

“When I ran over, I happened to run into a masked man with a gun coming downstairs, and I wanted to stop him, but he suddenly knocked him away…”

Shinichi said helplessly.


At this time, Xiao Lan next to her was taken aback, and she couldn’t care about being afraid.

From Lin Ying’s back, she stretched out her head and reprimanded, “You still ran into that murderer? What if someone shoots you too? ”

“That’s it!”

The garden next to him couldn’t stand it, and also stuck out his head and said two words: “You still say that you are a detective, you can do such a reckless thing!” It’s so unbelievable! ”

“I… I won’t! ”

Shinichi actually knew that he was wrong, but he felt that the two of them said this about themselves in front of Lin Ying, which made him lose face.

“The murderer is so panicked, he just wants to run, how can he care about others? He couldn’t have killed everyone who came to him, right? ”

He said slyly.

“Let’s not talk about whether the bullets are enough, just if he delays this time, he may not be able to run!”

Listening to Shinichi’s rebuttal, this made Xiaolan and the two girls in the garden feel angry and very unhappy. They don’t say that because they care?

In other words, ordinary people, they are too lazy to bother!

Not only are you unappreciative, but you want to quarrel with us.

This made Xiaolan and Yuanzi feel sad, and felt that they had fed the dog with a good heart.

“Shinichi, the two of them are worried about you too.”

Lin Ying patted Shinichi’s shoulder and signaled him not to say anything.

Besides, Lin Ying was afraid that he didn’t do anything, and Shinichi would be hated by Xiaolan and Yuanzi, how unfulfilled it was.

“Hmm… Well, I see. ”

Seeing Lin Ying speak, Shinichi immediately paid attention to it… No way, people can really fight.

Didn’t you see that just now in the ring, he easily beat Xiaolan to the ground? In addition, the other party is older than himself and knows his parents.

Proper seniors.

In Japan, it is natural to be taught by seniors for doing wrong things. The police couldn’t say anything when they came.

Therefore, Shinichi can not listen to Xiaolan Yuanzi.

But be sure to listen to Lin Ying… Disobedience will really get beaten!

“Just know, next time 767 don’t be so reckless.” If something happens, I don’t know how to explain it to your parents. ”

Lin Ying took this matter as a matter of course.

If you want to convince a second-stage teenager like Kudo Shinichi, you must crush each other from both aspects of identity and ability.

“I know it’s wrong, and I won’t dare next time.”

Shinichi bowed respectfully. Lin Ying knew that this kid was still unconvinced in his heart.

He smiled, and then said: “Listen to Xiaolan, Shinichi, your reasoning ability is very strong, when you went to New York before, you also solved a murder on the plane…” What did you find? ”

Listening to Lin Ying mention his heroic deeds, Shinichi inevitably felt proud, and after being proud, he touched his chin: “At present, there are still too few clues, except for knowing that the deceased was killed with a gun, there are no other clues.” ”

After listening, Lin Ying said: “Then you go and investigate, Xiaolan and I are waiting for the police to come over.” ”

“Then Brother Lin will be troubled here!”

Shinichi replied sharply, and then he couldn’t wait to enter the house and continue to investigate.

He wants to express himself!!!

“It’s not very suitable for girls, we’ll just wait here in the corridor.”

Lin Ying closed the door, then turned around and put Xiaolan and Yuanzi’s shoulders away from here.

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