Chapter 72: Remember to invite me to coffee [2 more].

The location where Concubine Yingli was hiding was very hidden, and ordinary people could not imagine that someone would hide in a drawer. Unfortunately, under Lin Ying’s prompt, the three female gangsters soon discovered Concubine Yingli’s hiding place. Facing three female gangsters armed with stun guns, what can Fei Yingli do?

I could only helplessly raise my hands and surrender.

Concubine Yingli was arrested again, and she was mercilessly stripped of her clothes!

A female gangster wearing a mask said something very vicious: “Concubine lawyer!! I will let men all over the world see your body! ”

This kind of thing, let alone Concubine Yingli, even if any woman comes, her face will change greatly… No, special actors may not have such worries.

“You… Why are you doing this! ”

Concubine Yingli was shocked and afraid, she felt that she had no way to live here just by thinking about this kind of thing.

“It’s all to blame on you!!”

The female gangster angrily scolded: “My husband is obviously a domestic violence man, but you desperately defend him? You don’t want face!! ”

Another female gangster also spoke: “It’s clear that guy killed my son, but you still have to defend that scum!” You woman who only has money in her eyes!! ”

The third person complained very sadly: “If it weren’t for you, my home wouldn’t be dispersed!” You broke my family apart! ”

Faced with the accusations of these three female gangsters. Concubine Yingli was speechless for a while.

It’s not that she really did something wrong, but she handled too many cases, the other party’s words are vague, how can she remember which case it is?

Besides, civil disputes go back and forth. It’s either a relationship dispute or a money dispute.

The content of the cases is also similar.

You guys are so vague, how do I know which case it is?

This gave Concubine Yingli a headache, which made her unable to confront them.

So Concubine Yingli had to say: “I have always paid attention to fairness and objectivity in handling cases, and I have never shielded bad people.”

“You can make things clear, I can explain! I have never been conscientious in litigating! ”

She swore by it.

It’s a pity that Concubine Yingli didn’t understand one thing, and she went to court when she knew that she was not reasonable… They must have felt that they were right.

A female gangster sneered and said, “Huh! You just want to play our identity! ”

“As a lawyer, if you have one, your heart is dirty!!”

Another female gangster also spat on it.

“I used duct tape to shut her up, don’t tell her so much, take pictures!!”

The third female gangster decisively took tape to seal Concubine Yingli’s mouth.

This made Concubine Ying ideal say nothing.

Watch them fiddle with themselves like puppets, then the flash comes on and a picture is taken. This made Concubine Ying’s heart cut like a knife, and she was in pain.

Once these photos are leaked out, then when you walk on the road in the future, you will be pointed at and judged. The most important thing is that Xiaolan will also be implicated by herself and be ridiculed at school.

Just thinking of this, Concubine Yingli felt death in her heart.

Once the photos were revealed, she brought the three female gangsters to justice before committing suicide. At this time, the atmosphere is almost rendered.

Lin Ying naturally appeared.

I saw him suddenly appear from the window.

The three female gangsters were taken aback, and one of the female gangsters instinctively wanted to run, but the female gangster who took the lead shouted: “Panic? He’s just one person, the three of us! It’s him who should be afraid!! ”


The female gangster who wanted to run suddenly realized a little, and then became arrogant again: “Hmph! You must be the helper that the mean woman found, and you dare to come alone? Bite off more than one can chew!! ”

“Stop talking so much nonsense, arrest him too…” Just let them get together as a pair of dog men and women! ”

“Hahaha! At that time, the concubine lawyer will definitely be ruined!! ”

The third female gangster was excited just by saying this.

“Let’s go, let’s go together!”


“Lawyer Concubine, I’m sorry I’m late.”

Lin Ying said and took off her coat and covered Concubine Yingli’s body, and then went to gently tear off the tape on her mouth and untied the rope of her hands.

“I… I… I’m fine. ”

Concubine Yingli shook her head with tears in her eyes, she glanced at the three female gangsters who were easily beaten to the ground by Lin Ying, and she was still a little puzzled in her heart.

She wanted to go over and beat them up again, but she held back the thought.

“You put your clothes on first.”

Lin Ying picked up all of Concubine Yingli’s clothes, and then stuffed them into Concubine Yingli’s hands, then turned around and checked the three female gangsters.

After Concubine Yingli took the clothes, she quickly put them on. After putting the clothes on, the sense of security comes back.

At the same time, it also restored Concubine Yingli’s sanity a little.

She walked over, took off the masks of the three female gangsters, and after seeing their faces, she immediately recalled their identities and the case of the three of them.

A pua husband, who treats him as an animal.

One is because his own mistake caused his son to be unexpected, and he wants to push the fault on others. The last one is a domestic violence daughter, and even instigates her daughter to help her earn money to spend. There is one to count one, all scum!!

“Thank you, Mr. Lin.”

Concubine Yingli was very grateful to return the coat to Lin Ying, she knew that if it weren’t for this man, she would probably die!

“Remember to treat me to coffee.”

After Lin Ying smiled, he returned Concubine Yingli’s mobile phone to the other party and said, “What are these three people going to do?” ”

“Leave it to the police.”

Concubine Yingli replied without thinking, she was a good law-abiding person, and of course she would not take personal revenge.

“What about this?”

Lin Ying raised the camera again.


Concubine Yingli definitely wanted to take it, after all, there were her own indecent photos in it. When the police come, it will definitely be treated as evidence.

At that time, will the police see the photos stored in the camera and delete them?

But if you take it, you will also break the law.

Just when Concubine Yingli was entangled, she suddenly saw Lin Ying raise the camera and smash it to the ground. Click.

The camera was smashed into a dozen parts scattered around.

Lin Ying found the memory card in this wreckage, and after breaking it with a click, he took the chip, handed it to Concubine Yingli, and said;

“It’ll be fine to take this away.”

Looking at the chip handed over, Fei Yingli suddenly had a feeling of tears in her eyes. She forced tears to welling up and took the chip gratefully.

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