Inside the café.

In order to thank Lin Ying for his help last time, Concubine Yingli specially invited him to coffee.

During the small talk, she suddenly became a little curious: “Mr. Lin, can I take the liberty of asking, what is your job?” ”

“I now work as a tutor, mainly English, Chinese and mathematics.” Lin Ying replied.

There is no need to speak English and Chinese, and now Lin Ying can use them to communicate with foreigners at will.

Teaching some newcomers to English in this regard is not a problem at all.

As for mathematics, Lin Ying originally did not plan to do it, but he happened to see that the content of mathematics was so simple at the home of a high school student, so he added it without hesitation.

The reason why you should choose to be a tutor is simple.

First, the profession of teaching still has a certain social status here in Japan.

When ordinary people hear the word teacher, they will subconsciously develop a sense of respect.

Although tutors are not formally established, they are also respected… The cost of tutoring is so high, even if they don’t respect people, they have to respect their money.

Second, tutors work freely and in a fixed location, even if there are students or not.

Anyway, it is enough to let outsiders know that they have a legitimate career.

No, when Concubine Yingli heard that Lin Ying was a tutor, her expression changed a little.

She said in a surprised tone: “Hey, tutor! It’s not easy. ”

“Yes, especially if you need to receive the approval of your parents…” Lin Ying sighed a word or two.

But this is not the case, because he is a foreigner and has a fluent English.

Most Japanese parents have a habit of admiring foreign countries, and they agree without embarrassing themselves.

“Then what age are the students you teach?” Concubine Yingli asked, not that she was interested in Lin Ying, but chatting.

There has to be a topic, and since this topic has unfolded, let’s go along with the conversation.

Otherwise, there is nothing to say, how boring.

“A lot of them are high school students preparing for college.” Lin Ying paused and added: “But most of them are poor students, to put it bluntly, they have no foundation at all, they learn from scratch, they don’t like to learn, and they can’t concentrate.” ”

“So what should I do?” Fei Yingli said in a worried tone: “You are so young, won’t those children be unconvinced by you?” ”

“Well… It’s a secret. Lin Ying smiled slightly, and did not tell Concubine Yingli the method.

“Huh? Or a secret! Concubine Yingli became more and more curious, but the other party did not say, and she was embarrassed to continue to ask.

Lin Ying took a sip of coffee and smiled without speaking.

In fact, this secret is very simple, in the face of those students who are not convinced by him, he will choose to beat them directly and beat them until they are obedient.

As long as a book is placed on their bodies during the beating, there will be no marks on the body.

In addition, Japanese high school students love face very much, and they will not tell their parents that they will do it to the tutor, but they are in turn educated by the tutor.

After chatting for a while, soon Concubine Yingli was going back to work at the office.

Lin Ying did not hold back too much, he knew that deliberately approaching would only make the other party wary.

I have already laid out the game, and then I can wait patiently, just like a fisherman, waiting for the bait to be hooked.


A week later, Lin Ying did not wait for news from Maori Kogoro.

Instead, the two younger brothers called and asked them to meet at the Chinese restaurant.

“What’s the matter with me?” After the meeting, Lin Ying asked straight to the point.

He wondered if these two people would be greedy enough to swallow the elephant, feel that they had their own handle, and threaten themselves to give them money.

If it really was, then he could only help the two of them delete the number and retrain.

“Boss, it’s about lawyer Concubine!” One of the younger brothers hurriedly said: “Just yesterday, we were found by someone we didn’t know. ”

Another said: “He said he was from the victims’ association! ”

Hearing that they were not here to blackmail themselves, Lin Ying was slightly relieved, at least he didn’t have to kill people.

He asked curiously, “Victims’ association? ”

“Yes, it is an association of those who lost the case because of the concubine lawyer.” A little brother explained in detail.

“………… Avengers? Lin Ying said with a somewhat strange expression.

“Huh? Boss, this name you gave is more beautiful! The little brother said in surprise.

“Yes, yes, that’s more domineering than the victim association or something!” The other one also nodded, thinking that the name was great.

“The name matter is put aside for now, you guys tell me… They are looking for you for something. Lin Ying’s eyes narrowed slightly, he felt that he could use these people, maybe he could produce a miracle! !

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