
Maori Kogoro sat at the bar, bored playing with his wine glass, passing the time.

But it’s more about thinking about your own life.

How did his life become like this?

In the distance, after Lin Ying saw the other party, he said to the blonde girl next to him: “It’s him……… If you succeed, I will triple your salary on the original basis. ”

“That’s it, boss!” When the blonde girl heard that there was an extra reward, her face immediately showed joy!

After she got the one-time fee money from Lin Ying’s hands, she went to talk very happily.

“Hey, uncle. Alone? The blonde girl sat down next to Maori Kogoro.

“Ahhh… You… Did you call me? Maori Kogoro was surprised that he was accosted.

“Who else but you?” The blonde girl grinned and said, “How about a few drinks with me?” ”

“Ahhh… This one…… I’m sorry, I still have things at home, so I left first. Maori Kogoro said, then put down his glass and got up to leave.

“………” This scene was not only the blonde girl stunned, but even Lin Ying was a little surprised.

Looking at the back of Maori Kogoro leaving, he said thoughtfully, “It seems that … Maori Kogoro’s vigilance is still quite strong. ”

“When faced with a sudden pick-up, the first reaction is to stay away.”

“It seems that this policeman is not in vain.”

Lin Ying touched his chin and chuckled, “It seems that… You have to arrange a script for him. ”

He already had a plan in mind.


A few days later, a certain bar.

A dark-haired girl in professional clothes said gratefully: “Mr. Maori for helping me and driving away that stalker, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to sleep well in the past few days… I toast you with this cup. ”

“Since I took your commission, it is natural to complete it. You don’t have to thank me! Maori Kogoro said what he said, but no matter how proud his face was, he couldn’t hide it.

“Mr. Maori you are so powerful~~~ You are the most powerful of all the men I know… So, can I lean a little closer to you? The brunette girl pleaded, but without waiting for Maori Kogoro to agree, she rested her head on the other’s shoulder.

She closed her eyes and sighed sincerely: “Well, it’s very safe.” ”

This made Maori Kogoro, who had eaten vegetarian food for ten years, extremely excited, and a lot of yellow waste was produced in his head in an instant.

However, he still resisted the urge to stretch out his hand and refused: “Miss Nao, you can’t do this, I’m a man with a family.” ”

“What does it matter, I didn’t think about destroying your family… I just want to thank Mr. Maori well. The girl named Mary said this crooked reasoning, and then moved closer.

The woman’s soft body and faint smell of perfume were constantly stimulating Maori Kogoro’s nerves, which made him sigh and then hurriedly take a sip of beer.

Reason told him no, but the body said yes.

These two diametrically opposed attitudes left Maori Kogoro unsure of how to choose for a while.

At this time, the girl named Mary rested her head on Maori Kogoro’s chest again, and she said in a sad tone: “Stay in Mr. Maori ‘s arms, how safe you feel……… How nice it would be if Mr. Maori were my other half. ”

These words instantly made Maori Kogoro feel complacent in his heart, feeling that although he was middle-aged, his charm was still infinite!

No, he hasn’t exerted his strength yet, and the other party has thrown his arms and hugged!

Of course, compared to charm, Maori Kogoro gained a sense of identity in Nao’s body.

Feel like you’re not a waste-sleuthing detective for nothing.

This satisfaction made Maori Kogoro extremely obsessed.

However, Maori Kogoro eventually restrained himself, and he reminded: “Miss Nao, you drank too much…”

“Drink… The drink was indeed similar, and my head was a little dizzy. Nao covered her forehead a little contrivedly.

But unfortunately, at this time, Maori Kogoro was blindfolded, where would he think that this was contrived, this is clearly cute!!

“Mr. Māori … Can you send me back? Nao raised her head, her eyes darkly sending Qiubo, the meaning was obvious.

This is the second attack.

“This… It’s inconvenient. Maori Kogoro did not refuse completely, that is, hesitated.

As an adult, he certainly knew what it meant.

My heart wavered again.

“That… Then forget it, it’s me who is abrupt. I’ll go back myself. Nao said this very disappointed.

She stood up, and before she could take two steps, she suddenly stumbled to the side and fell to the side.

Maori Kogoro was quick in his eyes, and he hugged the other party, he sighed, as if he had found a suitable reason for himself, and said: “You are like this, there is no way to go back alone.” ”

“I don’t know if I was pulled away by someone else on the road……… I’ll send you back. ”

“Mr. Maori, you are really a gentle man… That…… Then please. Nao said, naturally leaning on Maori Kogoro’s body.

Maori Kogoro also helped each other and left the bar.

Looking at the distant backs of the two people, Lin Ying chuckled and said, “Approach as a client, so that you won’t be suspicious, right?” ”


PS: It is scheduled to be on the shelves tomorrow, so I will tell you in advance.

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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