Concubine Yingli never thought that she would be carried by other men on the street one day.

This made her feel a little overwhelmed and not knowing how to respond.

In that regard, she admitted that she had little experience.

So much so that the heartbeat always plops and beats fast, which makes the undefeated queen feel unnatural.

Whenever a passerby came over, Concubine Yingli always felt that the other party would look at her and slander herself in her heart, which further deepened her tension.

However, what she feared most was running into acquaintances on the road.

In case it bumps in, it’s embarrassing……… I don’t know how to say hello when I meet in the future.

Just thinking about this picture is very suffocating.

So whenever there are people. Concubine Yingli will turn her head to Lin Ying’s chest, and then turn around when there is no one.

For this reason, Concubine Yingli also specially let Lin Ying take the path, so that there are fewer people.

“Mr. Lin, why are you here?” Concubine Yingli felt that it was too embarrassing not to speak, and the atmosphere was a little strange, so she took the initiative to break the silence.

“I was running around here, I heard someone’s cry for help, so I came over.” Lin Ying could detect some small movements of Concubine Yingli, which made him secretly happy.

Some people look cold and proud on the outside, exuding an aura that is incomprehensible.

But only after getting closer, will you know that the other party is actually just raw melon eggs.

Not talking about relationships, or even having little experience in relationships between men and women.

That’s why he made a move that refused to be thousands of miles away to hide his weakness.

“This way…” Concubine Yingli only noticed that Lin Ying was wearing a sportswear at this time, and she didn’t notice it just now.

“Do you live near here?” She was a little surprised that although it was very convenient to travel around the neighborhood, there were not many apartments for rent, basically all next to each other.

“Hmm… Have lived here for a while. Lin Ying replied truthfully.

“It’s pretty close to where I live.” Concubine Yingli paused, and she asked again: “What is the name of your apartment?” ”

“Akabane Apartment, Building A 1301.” Lin Ying reported his address very happily.

“!!!!” Concubine Yingli was taken aback, and she widened her eyes and said, “No… No way? ”

“Huh? What’s wrong? Lin Ying looked at Concubine Yingli with doubtful eyes and asked, “Is there anything wrong with this place?” Have you ever had a homicide? ”

“That… Not really. Concubine Yingli shook her head, she restrained her excitement, and said slowly: “Because I live in Akabane Apartment, Building A 1302. ”

“Is it so coincidental?” Lin Ying’s face was full of surprise, and he said, “You live across from me? ”

“If there’s nothing wrong… It should be. Concubine Yingli also felt a little in a trance, which was too coincidental.

However, such a coincidence made her smell a hint of conspiracy.

She asked, “How long have you been moving here?” ”

“More than a month, almost two months…” When Lin Ying said this, he noticed the vigilance contained in Concubine Yingli’s eyes, and secretly said in his heart: Cautious and careful, completely not carried away by successive chance encounters, worthy of being a woman who can reach the head of a lawyer!

He said helplessly: “Lawyer Concubine, you can ask the administrator of Tanaka, he knows.” ”

“Ahhh… I’m sorry. Concubine Yingli realized that her vigilance had been discovered, and she said embarrassedly: “This is my professional habit… Excuse me. I didn’t suspect you, just… What a coincidence. ”

“I can understand… Girls should be a little more vigilant. Lin Ying said he could understand.

During the conversation, the two quickly returned to Akabane’s apartment.

In order to dispel Concubine Yingli’s doubts, Lin Ying also specially greeted the administrator of Tanaka: “Mr. Tanaka, I’m back.” ”

“Oh! Lin Jun, are you back? Today is earlier than usual. After Administrator Tanaka replied, he snorted, looked at Concubine Yingli who was held by Lin Ying in surprise, and said, “This… Isn’t this a concubine lawyer? How…”

Tanaka was surprised, because Concubine Eiri was notoriously a raw person who did not enter.

However, he has seen many suitors of concubine Yingli, and has tried all kinds of means to pursue each other, but unfortunately there is no result.

So much so that Tanaka suspected that Eiri lost interest in men after being hurt by her husband.

But now, she was actually being held by a man?

Oh, my God!

It’s incredible!

Seeing the other party’s surprised expression, Concubine Yingli immediately knew what the other party was thinking.

For the sake of unnecessary misunderstandings, she explained: “When I came back, I ran into robbers, my bags were snatched, my shoes ran away… Accidentally injured foot. ”

“Thanks to Mr. Lin, he snatched back the bag for me and specially carried me back.”

“Ahhh… That’s how it is. After Tanaka understood the ins and outs of the matter, he suddenly showed a stunned expression.

After seeing the blood stains on the soles of Concubine Yingli’s feet, he didn’t suspect it.

“Frankly speaking, I didn’t expect the concubine lawyer to live across our door……… I’ve been staying for almost two months, and I haven’t touched it once. Lin Ying sighed.

“Haha, that’s no way.” Tanaka said with a smile: “The concubine lawyer is very busy, she leaves early and returns late… You didn’t go out until after ten, how could you possibly run into it. ”

Concubine Yingli listened to the words and finally confirmed that Lin Ying had lived here for a while, which made her feel relieved.

“I have to send my concubine lawyer back to treat the wound… Let’s talk about it next time. Lin Ying saw that his goal had been achieved, and he took his leave and left.

“Hmm.” Tanaka nodded, and he smiled after watching the two of them enter the elevator.

The lone man and widow stayed together and said that there was nothing to do, but he did not believe it.

However, he will not talk nonsense about this matter.

Because Mr. Lin, generous and enthusiastic, sends himself some good cigarettes and wine from time to time!

If you make people hate themselves because they talk indiscriminately, it will be worth the loss!

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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