
After Concubine Yingli saw that someone had gone up to stop her before, she was happy and continued to sit.

She glanced at the male guest, he looked quite young, probably in his early twenties, as for the appearance……… Quite handsome!

This made Concubine Yingli nodded secretly, she appreciated such a handsome and enthusiastic young man!

“Hey, hey, hey! What does you have to do with you guy? The two troublesome guests looked at the young man who walked up, his tone still arrogant.

“It doesn’t matter, but I can’t get used to you embarrassing girls.” The young man said with full justice.

“Hahaha! I thought it was a nosy guy. The troublemaking guest laughed, and then he said coldly: “It seems that you have been beaten less!” I’ll teach you a lesson today! ”

With that, the guest raised his fist and struck it.

But the young man quickly grabbed the opponent’s fist and smashed his backhand into the opponent’s nose.

The troublemaker screamed in pain.

“You… You bastard! When the other guest saw it, he wanted to go up to help, but he was kicked by the young man again and fell to the ground in pain.

“I thought you guys were so good at fighting, it turned out to be Xiao Xiao San!” The young man scoffed.

This made the two troublesome guests immediately provoked, they got up from the ground, and ran away in ashes.

“Are you all right?” The young man asked the girl.

“I… I’m okay, thank you. If it wasn’t for you helping me, I wouldn’t know what to do… As a thank you, I would like to treat you to something to drink, okay? The girl said shyly.

“Of course.” As the young man spoke, he sat down next to the girl, and the two began to talk.

The corner of the concubine Yingli at the bar at this scene couldn’t help but smile, and she sighed: “Wonderful performance!” ”

“yes.” The bartender at the bar said: “Heroes save beauty, this kind of thing, few girls can resist it, right?” ”

“It may be true for other girls, but for me… It’s not romantic. Concubine Yingli shook her glass and replied with a chuckle.

“Huh? Why? “The bartender was very surprised by this.

“Because I know judo…” Concubine Yingli smiled and said, “I can protect myself.” ”

“So this kind of thing won’t happen to me!”

“So that’s so…” said the bartender, poured a glass of wine in front of Concubine Yingli, and said: “Please use it, this glass is the store manager invited everyone to drink, please forgive me for what just happened.” ”

“Then thank you to the store manager for me.” Concubine Yingli accepted it unceremoniously.


A few days later, Fei Yingli was working in the office as always.

As she was carefully processing the information, there was a bang on the door.

Outside the door came the voice of Kuriyama Green.

“Teacher, the customer is here!”

“Please come in.” After Concubine Yingli replied, she immediately stopped her work, and she quickly looked at the schedule, which said “civil lawsuit, fight and fight” eight big characters.

This made Concubine Yingli immediately have a bottom in her heart, not too troublesome a lawsuit.

Click, the door opens.

Kuriyama Green pushed the door in, and she said to the customer: “Mr. Lin, please come in… I’ll go pour tea with you. ”

“Is there coffee?” Lin Ying said: “I prefer to drink coffee. ”

“Is instant coffee okay?”

“No problem.”

After finishing the conversation, Lin Ying entered the office, and he greeted Concubine Yingli: “Hello Concubine Lawyer.” ”

“Huh? It’s you? After Concubine Yingli saw the person coming clearly, she was taken aback.

“Huh? We…… Know it? Lin Ying’s face was full of doubt.

“The other day at the bar, we met at the bar… You may not remember though. After seeing that it was the enthusiastic young man, Concubine Yingli felt a lot better.

Handsome, kind lad, who doesn’t like it?

“Sorry, I don’t have a good memory.” Lin Ying tactfully said that he didn’t remember.

“It’s okay……… You had a great performance that night, and it’s rare to see a brave young man like you. How nice it would be if there were more brave young people like you in society……… Have a seat. After Concubine Yingli praised, she invited Lin Ying to sit down.

“Alas, but I was also sued.” Lin Ying was helpless, and he said: “So I need a good lawyer to help solve my troubles.” ”

“Don’t worry, this is a small problem, I can settle it for you!” Fei Yingli pushed her glasses confidently.

She happened to be a witness to this incident and knew the ins and outs of the matter.

It is not difficult to settle this lawsuit on behalf of the other party.

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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