“You’re going to Tokyo?”

When Belmode heard Lin Ying say this, he immediately frowned.

As an actress, she has always mastered her emotional control ability.

But this time, she was a little out of control.

After realizing this, Belmod quickly stretched his eyebrows again, and the connection between these two movements was very fast, and if you didn’t look closely, it was estimated that you couldn’t see it.

A smile appeared on her face again, “Why is it so sudden?” ”

“Actually, it’s not sudden.” Lin Ying saw the change in Belmode’s expression clearly, although it was only for a moment, he also saw it clearly.

He said, “I had this plan… What’s more, your current gunshot wound is not good and you need to recuperate for a while. ”

This reason made Belmod nod, and she said: “It seems that … The female agent told you a lot of things. ”

“No more, no less, just right.” Lin Ying did not deny that he needed to make Belmod think so.

In this way, you can reasonably explain why you can organize things so clearly.

Belmode was silent for a moment.

She knew that with Lin Ying’s character that even ordinary people were unwilling to poison, knowing that she was a member of the terrorist group, she would inevitably have some bad ideas.

Estimate…… He didn’t know how to face himself, so he had the idea of leaving!!

After thinking of this, Belmod felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, which made her a little irritable.

However, it was impossible for her to tell Lin Ying that she was now secretly preparing to destroy the organization.

The more people know about a plan, the higher the likelihood of it being leaked.

It’s not about trust.

Because once a person knows something, he will unconsciously reveal the news through a subconscious behavior.

Let’s say you know that there will be a big car accident on this street, but the exact time is not clear, and you will definitely subconsciously avoid this street.

And avoiding this action is itself revealing information.

“Yes, it’s also slightly safer over there than here.” Belmode didn’t say much in the end.

She just nodded and said, “You humiliated the FBI, and you should also go outside to avoid the limelight.” ”

“Is there anything you want to tell me?” Lin Ying asked.

If it were someone else, they might not understand it, but Belmod did.

What this sentence actually means is———— don’t you have anything you want to tell me?”

Let her be somewhat happy, which shows that the other party’s heart still cares about herself.

“Relax over there.” “As a killer, you should learn to free yourself. ”

“I’ve seen a lot of killers who don’t reasonably release the stress of the killer’s job and kill themselves.”

“Some people like to take drugs and then make themselves addicts.”

“Some people like to look for women and then die on the belly of women.”

“There are also people who like to gamble and have a lot of debt for this and are used as watchdogs.”

“If you feel too stressed, your cooking skills are very good, you can choose to be a chef to release your pressure.”

After listening to this advice, Lin Ying asked with some curiosity: “Then what is the way for you to release your pressure?” ”

“Acting.” Belmode didn’t hide it this time, she laughed: “I like to play different roles to escape real life and then release my stress.” ”

Lin Ying suddenly realized, no wonder the other party’s acting skills are so good, and the Oscar can be so.

After the two chatted for a while, they said everything that should be said and everything that should be explained.

Lin Ying said goodbye to Belmode.


“Okay, I’ll send you here.”

At the airport, Yukiko drove Lin Ying to the airport and followed him to the boarding gate.

She thought of something at this time and said, “Oh, right. Xiaolan asked me to tell you… Once you’ve settled in Tokyo, tell her that she’ll take you into Tokyo as quickly as possible. ”

“Just go to the Maori detective office in Mika City to find her then… Easy to find. ”

“Hmm.” Lin Ying nodded, he did have plans to go around there.

After all, Maori Kogoro’s body must have a check-in task, and he will not miss it.

“It’s almost time for takeoff, you hurry up and register.” After glancing at the clock, Yukiko quickly instructed.

However, what she didn’t expect was that Lin Ying suddenly came up, hugged herself into her arms, and kissed her deeply.

At this moment, Yukiko was confused, and his body seemed to be malfunctioning, and he was disobedient.

The deliberately suppressed memories reappeared in her mind again, making this mother a little uncomfortable.

After finally coming to his senses, Yukiko had not moved, Lin Ying took the initiative to separate, and he said: “I don’t know when the next meeting will be, or maybe we won’t see each other again……… Take good care of yourself and don’t go to places where there are many people anymore, it is not safe. ”

“………… Well. Yukiko nodded obediently, and she didn’t know why she had given such an answer.

Anyway, her head was confused at that time, and it was not clear what was going on.

When the reaction came, Lin Ying had already entered the boarding gate.

This made Yukiko a little stunned, and her heart was very uncomfortable.

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