After Akai left the fifteenth floor, he came to the elevator and took the elevator to the seventh floor.


The elevator doors opened, and he pulled out his pistol and cautiously walked out of the elevator doors.

With vigilance, Akai Shuichi came to the room where many people died.

He looked at the door, and there were more than a dozen corpses piled up in the house.

Akai frowned, but still went inside.

He began to discreetly examine the bodies on the ground one by one, only to breathe a sigh of relief after making sure they were really dead.

Then Shuichi Akai checked again where people could be hidden, including ventilation ducts.

But without exception, nothing was found.

At this time, the radio walkie-talkie sounded James’s voice: “How is it?” Akai, did you find anything? ”

“Didn’t find it.” Akai Shuichi replied with a frown, and he said, “This is indeed a place where there are no Tibetans……… I can’t think of how the killers sneaked up on them. ”

“So…” came James’s helpless voice over the radio intercom.

And after Akai Shuichi ended the conversation, he checked it again without dying.

But still nothing was found.

This made him sigh and turn away in disappointment.

However, just as Akai Shuichi walked to the door, something suddenly came to mind.

He jerked his head back, staring dead at the open window.

A bold idea was born out of my head!

Akai quickly walked to the window, he looked carefully at the window, and then found a shallow footprint.

Then he poked his head out and looked down.

Sure enough, the window downstairs was open!!

“This guy is so daring… Just jumped from here. Akai Shuichi’s tone was full of surprise.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he measured the distance from here to the window on the next floor, which was about ten meters.

Ten meters away!

If the other party jumps off, or does not grasp the glass window below, it will fall directly and become a lump of meatloaf!

After understanding why the other party entered this room and disappeared, Akai Shuichi immediately began to think about what the other party was doing, ambushing teams A and B.

“Jumping from here to the sixth floor is theoretically possible… But if you want to climb up from the window on the sixth floor, you can’t do it without catching the props……… But the other party did not have any props at that time. Akai Shuichi thought for a while, but did not get an answer.

So he turned and left the room full of corpses and went down to the same room on the sixth floor.

Coming to the window, Akai Shuichi quickly discovered the footprints on it.

He leaned over to take a closer look and saw that his toes were facing inward.

Other words…… After the guy jumped down from the seventh-floor window, he stepped on the window frame on the sixth floor window and came in, and did not go up again.

Didn’t go up? So how did he ambush the people of the security services?

Akai Shuichi frowned, thinking bitterly.

Suddenly, he slammed his head and said, “So that’s it… What a daring guy! ”

After speaking, he quickly rushed out of the room and came to the escape passage.

However, Akai did not go in, but opened the nearest room.


After a glance, he turned away without hesitation.

After opening several rooms in a row.


Shuichi Akai found the evidence he wanted.

So, he decisively picked up the radio walkie-talkie and began to contact James: “I know how that guy disappeared and how he ambushed the security team!” ”

James on the other end of the radio walkie-talkie sounded in a surprised voice: “Oh? What’s going on? ”

Akai Shuichi said slowly: “After the killer entered the room on the seventh floor, he jumped down through the window, grabbed the window on the sixth floor that was pushed out, and entered the room on the sixth floor. ”

“After that, he went out of the sixth-floor room and hid next to the escape passage to ambush.”

“Team A went up to the seventh floor through an escape passage, and he sneaked up on the last member of Team A, and then replaced him and mixed into the team.”

Looking at the snaked FBI in front of him, Akai Shuichi breathed a sigh of relief and said, “The members of Team A are all fully armed and wearing helmets… So the people of Team A did not realize that something was wrong. ”

“After that, he hid in Team A, entered the room on the seventh floor, and shot and killed them while they were not looking.”

“Then he did the same trick and returned from the seventh floor to the sixth floor through the window, he probably got the walkie-talkie, heard our conversation, so he mixed into the B team again.”

After disposing of Team B as well, he left the window again and returned to the sixth floor… If nothing else, he should have mixed into the other teams and reached the fifteenth floor!! ”

After discovering the trick of that killer in one breath, Akai Shuichi felt more and more that this guy was particularly bold and quite arrogant!

After eating Team A, I am not satisfied, and I have to eat Team B!!

“So it is… When I say how people disappear, I am out of sight in this way. Over the wireless walkie-talkie, James’s voice came and he said, “So, the fifteenth floor is no longer safe!” ”

“I’ll keep the others on their toes and start checking immediately, Akai, you hurry back to the fifteenth floor!”

“Received.” As soon as Akai finished speaking, he immediately ended the conversation, left the room and turned to press the elevator.

However, the elevator just came down from the seventh floor, but when it reached the sixth floor, because the purpose was inconsistent, it did not stop, and went directly down to the fifth floor.

Akai Shu saw that both elevators had gone down, and simply turned around and ran into the escape passage and began to climb the stairs.

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