“………… It turned out to be such a request. ”

On the sofa, Belmod slowly put on her black stockings, looked at Lin Ying with strange eyes, and said: “I thought… You were trying to cool off before you started, but you didn’t expect it to be such a request. ”

“Even if I make such a request, will you agree to it?” Lin Ying asked rhetorically.

He knew very well that a technical flow killer like Belmode, who had a good brain and mastered transfiguration, could not engage in any flesh and skin trading.

People’s confidence is here, there is no need to do this kind of thing.

Coupled with the arrogant character of the other party, he also disdains to do this kind of thing.

Of course, using her beauty to hang other people, this kind of thing is something she will do.

Take, for example, with Calvados.

“Huh.” Belmod smiled and said nothing, she appreciated Lin Ying’s point of understanding proportions and would not make such rude demands.

She said, “But… I didn’t expect you to have such a fetish. ”

“It’s rude to scribble on girls.”

It’s not my fetish, it’s a systemic fetish. If I don’t write a “positive” word on your thigh, it doesn’t give me anything ……… After Lin Ying complained in his heart, he defended his behavior: “Everyone is different, and there is nothing strange about having all kinds of proclivities. ”

After speaking, he did not give Belmode a chance to complain and said: “When will the operation start?” ”

“I’ll give you a transfiguration now and help you infiltrate the FBI.” When the evacuation on my side is arranged, you will start the operation. Belmode said his general plan.

“Such a rough plan?” Lin Ying frowned, he knew that this time he would probably rely on himself.

“Time is in a hurry, there is no time to think too much.” Belmod shrugged her shoulders and said, “You can only make plans while acting, and more to see the opportunity.” ”

“It’s okay.” Lin Ying didn’t say anything.

He glanced at the skills he had just acquired, and his confidence in this action soared.

【Ding! You successfully complete the check-in mission of Belmode, and you gain skill ——— bullet time. 】

Bullet time, this is the source of Lin Ying’s confidence in this operation.

Of course, if the check-in reward is not good, then he will not be able to paddle in this mission………………… Anyway, for him, the horizontal and vertical are not a loss.

As for Calvados’ life and death, he has no relationship with him, so naturally he will not do his best.

Belmod didn’t know the cunning mind of this oriental man, and she stopped being verbose at the moment, beckoned Lin Ying into her dressing room, and began to transfigure the other party.

During this period, she threw Lin Ying a piece of information and asked him to memorize the identity information.

It took nearly an hour for Belmode to transform Lin into an FBI.

She drove Lin Ying to the FBI’s New York branch and said, “You go first to familiarize yourself with the environment, so that it is convenient for your future actions.” ”

“Well, I will.” Lin Ying nodded, he looked at the FBI separation behind him, and the emotions in his heart were somewhat excited.

I’m finally starting to do great things!

“Be careful with this operation, and… Stay connected. After Belmode’s instructions, he stopped talking and drove away.

She glanced at Lin Ying in the inverted mirror, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

After parking the car in a nearby parking lot, Belmode quickly transfigured directly in the car.

Soon, she changed from a big beauty to a black big sister with a somewhat bloated figure.

After changing cars, Belmode slowly came to work at the FBI in New York.

After easily passing the FBI’s identity verification system, she entered the Intelligence Service.

“Hi Sara, I’m here to take over… Is there a lot of work today? Belmode greeted his colleagues in a uniquely black voice.

“There is something today, I can’t get off work, I heard that I caught a fierce guy.” The white woman named Sharon said speechlessly: “I don’t know when the overtime will be……… Damn, why not catch it again later? ”

“Oh~~ It’s good that I work the night shift.” Belmod said happily.

After chatting with her surroundings, she began to get to work.

The rescue of Calvados is obviously unreliable to rely on a rookie killer who has not been in the industry for a long time.

Belmod naturally wants to blend into the FBI, and she will see if she can find an opportunity to rescue Calvados according to Lin Ying’s actions.

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