Inside the café.

After the waiter served some desserts, Xin Huang couldn’t bear it.

He asked, “Lan, what’s going on these days?” That guy… Did it treat you? ”

This question was actually something that Kiko and Yusaku also wanted to know, but they were concerned about Xiaoran’s feelings, so they didn’t ask.

But if it’s a new question, it’s easy to do.

“Xiao Xin, things have passed, Xiao Lan has returned safely… That’s the most important thing. Yu scolded Shinichi harshly, while he was also protecting Ran’s feelings.

However, according to Xiaolan’s next answer, Yusaku can also roughly guess Xiaolan’s situation.

If Xiaolan hadn’t taken the initiative to say what happened in those three days.

Then the result is obvious, those three days must be Xiaolan does not want to mention.

This means that a lot of bad things have happened to Xiaolan.

If Xiaolan took the initiative to mention it, it meant that she was physically and mentally healthy and not harmed.

“It’s okay, Uncle Yusaku.” Xiaolan said embarrassedly: “I came back so late, it was all my own problem. ”

As soon as these words came out, the three Kudo family were quite surprised.

They looked at each other, subconsciously glanced at each other, and made eye contact.

This is a reason they never thought about!

Xin came forward again and again, and he asked, “Xiaolan… What’s going on here? Why is it your problem? ”

“That……… I…… I accidentally had a fever, and then the man … Just took me back and took care of it. Xiao Lan said embarrassedly.


This answer was a place where the Kudo family of three was stunned.

For a while, they didn’t know what to say.

This is the path that was never envisaged!!

They instinctively thought that Xiaolan was taken away, and then bullied, abused, and humiliated.

In short, it’s the standard process after the bad guys take people away.

But they never expected that it was because Xiaolan had a fever?!!

He was also taken back by the man and carefully taken care of???

What’s going on with this special lady?

All three of the Kudo family felt a little magical.

Especially Yusaku, he has been handling a case for so many years, and it is the first time he has encountered such a magical thing.

After being taken hostage by the bad guys, he was taken care of by the other party……… I’m afraid the probability of this happening is less than one in ten thousand, right?

Yukiko also felt a trance, and she sighed: “This kind of thing… I’ve only seen it on movies. ”

“If you follow the plot, the next thing should be Xiaolan, you and the person who held you hostage began to redeem each other, then fell in love, and finally came together…”

“Aunt Yukiko… How could this happen! Xiaolan felt a little funny, she said: “It’s all said it’s a movie!” That must be fake. ”

“Also, I was lying in bed and sleeping when I was sick, and it was very uncomfortable… Where would you think so much. ”

Having said that, Xiaolan unconsciously remembered the scene of helping the man take a bath, and her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated.

Because, that was the first time she bathed a man.

What should be seen and what should not be seen, all are seen.

“That’s it, mom, don’t think so much!” Shinichi said angrily.

In fact, he also breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

If something really happened, he would be very uncomfortable in his heart.

“But then again, Xiaolan, you’re really lucky enough……… From childhood to adulthood, it seems that she has always been sheltered by lady luck. Shinichi remembered what happened in the past, and it was wonderful.

He muttered, “If you win the grand prize at every turn, even if something happens, you can save the day in the end… It’s really an enviable luck. ”

“Yes… Is that so? Xiao Lan said in confusion, she felt that her luck was average, right?

“Haha~~~ In short, it’s best if Xiaolan is fine.” After Yukiko learned that Xiaolan had no hands from body to mind, she was finally relieved and said, “Then take a good rest in the past two days, and then I will take you to the neighborhood.” ”

“No need to rest~~ I don’t have any big problems.” Xiaolan waved her hand, indicating that she was fine now.

It’s a rare trip to New York, I’ve been sick for days, so if I take a few more days off, what a waste of time!

“It’s not that you want to rest, it’s that we want to rest.” Shinichi yawned and said, “In the past few days, my mother and I have not slept much because we are worried about you. ”

“Ahhh… This… I’m really sorry about this. Let you care about me so much. Xiaolan was shocked, and after she realized this, she apologized again and again.

Yukiko smiled and said that it was okay, and she said, “I will rest with Shin for a day or two, and then I will let Yusaku take you around for a walk.” ”

“Me?” When Yusaku heard this, he immediately smiled bitterly: “This… I’m afraid not. I’ve been busy lately with some things about discussing the publication of novels. ”

“Hey, didn’t you say you could make time?” Shinda looked at Yusaku dissatisfied.

“Sorry sorry, it happened suddenly… I can’t control it either. Yusaku smiled bitterly, he also wanted to find time to accompany the new Xiaoran and the two.

But alas, the CIA pressed tightly.

Xiao Lan didn’t find a reason not to go before, but now that Xiao Lan is safe and sound, he has no excuse.

Those people aren’t as talkative as the FBI.

“This…” Yukiko instantly felt a headache, and she didn’t know what to do for a while.

It’s hard for Xiaolan to come here, can’t let Xiaolan play alone at home, right?

Let her go out alone, and don’t worry… After all, those things have just been experienced.

At this time, a figure flashed in Yukiko’s mind, and she immediately said to Yusaku: “Otherwise… How about letting Lin take Xiaolan around? Anyway, he also has plans to go to Japan, and it is good to let them contact it in advance. ”

“Lin… Is it? OK. After a moment’s thought, Yusaku nodded.

Let foreign friends take Xiaolan to play, he is not at ease.

Foreigners are naturally, maybe if they make Xiaolan crunch, they will lose a lot.

As for Lin Ying………… Although they have not known each other for a long time, Yusaku recognizes the character of the other party.

Of course, the most important thing is… They also have no other choice.

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