“You investigated me, and I don’t know anything about you.” Lin Ying said as he left the shooting range, he planned to go to a nearby Chinese restaurant to eat something.

“You’re really smart.” Belmode’s beautiful eyes showed admiration, and she asked again: “And what?” What do you see? ”

“You’re the FBI.” Lin Ying said this deliberately as he walked.

“Oh?” Belmod said in surprise: “You can see it all here? ”

“Only you FBI will investigate me……… If you were a gangster, you would have already attacked me, and you don’t need to talk to me. Lin Ying casually threw her a reason and stopped in front of the zebra crossing.

“Well, I see what you’re thinking.” Belmod chuckled and said, “But it’s a pity… You guessed wrong, I’m not the FBI. ”

Lin Ying glanced at Belmode with some surprise.

He specifically said that it was the FBI, just to give the other party a step down.

Let Belmode impersonate the FBI to contact him.

I can also justifiably deal with the “FBI”.

But Belmod did not take advantage of this identity to deceive himself!

What does she want to do? Directly woo yourself?

Is it so casual for organizations to find people?

No wonder there are so many cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods inside…

“…… I don’t care who you are. Lin Ying saw that the street lights turned green and began to cross the street.

“Since you don’t care, then you don’t mind listening to me finish my sentence, right?” When Belmod followed across the road, in order to avoid oncoming passers-by, he deliberately leaned towards Lin Ying’s body.

“If you have something to say quickly, leave quickly after speaking.” Lin Ying knew that Belmod was using a beauty meter.

But what made him discouraged was that he knew it, but his little heart still beat faster without contending!

Lin Ying feels that this body still has too little experience, and in the future, he must make up for the shortcomings in this regard.

“Haha~~~ You are really interesting, do you think I will lack money when you look at my dress?” After Belmode let out a pleasant laugh, he leaned into Lin Ying’s ear and whispered: “I don’t lack money, I lack people… Lack of a man as fierce as you!! ”

Her exhalation in her ear made Lin Ying feel crispy and numb, and he quietly took two steps to the side and said, “Let’s just say it, what are you here for?” ”

“You lack money, I lack people… We can take what we need, can’t we? Belmod noticed that the other party intended to distance himself from him, and couldn’t help it.

She kind of liked this shy oriental boy.

This is interesting for other guys with sperm brains.

Lin Ying didn’t answer right away, he needed time to think about it.

Reality is not a game, and you can’t start over again if you choose the wrong one.

After coming to a Chinese restaurant, Lin Ying ordered a tomato scrambled egg and small stir-fried meat, and began to ponder it carefully.

Belmod did not urge, she looked at the menu and said to the waiter: “I want a sweet and sour meat, thank you.” ”

“Miss, your Chinese is good.” The waiter looked at Belmode in surprise.

“I spent some time in Shanghai, and it’s a bustling and interesting city!” Belmod held his chin and smiled.

“Ahhh… I’m this big, I’ve never been to Shanghai. The waiter muttered and walked away with a lackluster of interest.

“What’s wrong with him? Why do you seem so upset? Belmod looked at Lin Ying with a puzzled expression.

“Prices in Shanghai are too high, ordinary people won’t go there to play……… By the way, I haven’t been there either. Lin Ying said and took a sip of water.

It was not surprising that Belmode would say Chinese.

The other party is the intelligence officer of the organization, and the language of the main country in the world is somewhat spoken.

If she could speak Wenzhou, it would shock Lin Ying.

“Oh~~~ So that’s it.” Belmod understood that the waiter just now showed such an expression because he was poor.

Soon, the meal was served.

Lin Ying began to continue while eating.

In fact, the point he considered was very simple, that is, if ———— mixed with the organization, would he be hungry for three days and nine meals, and occasionally hit with steel rods?

Judging from the anime, the situation of the organization is quite bad, it is targeted by intelligence agencies around the world, and it is also against the protagonist, and the arrangement is full of all kinds of undercover agents, as well as traitors, and it is only a matter of time before it is taken.

However, if you don’t deal with the organization, as you complete the check-in task in the future, your ability will become stronger and stronger, and you have nowhere to do anything, and you will be playing little over there all day, how boring it is.

After eating, after walking in the nearby square for a while, Lin Ying finally had an answer.

He looked at Belmode and said, “I can cooperate with you, but I can’t accept this commission, I need time to judge.” ”

He made a point of emphasizing that he cooperated with Belmode, not with the organization.

In this way, you don’t have to be involved with the organization.

“No problem.” Belmod readily agreed.

When many people first enter this industry, they have a conscience at the beginning.

But as time went on, more and more people were killed, and the conscience gradually disappeared.

She really saw this kind of thing a lot.

As for the other party’s emphasis on cooperating with him, Na Belmod is too willing.

Use the resources of the organization to expand interpersonal relationships for yourself, and enjoy ~~~

“Here you go.” Belmode threw out a USB flash drive to Lin Ying and said, “This is your first target. ”

Lin Ying looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, and he said slowly: “It’s all prepared in advance.” If I refuse… Do you say, ‘This guy is a heinous bastard, and getting rid of him is also eliminating evil and promoting good?’ ’”

“Haha~~~ was guessed by you.” Belmod smiled slightly, she looked at Lin Ying with playful eyes, and said slowly: “You are a man who can block his own life to fight black boxing in order to make money……… How could you possibly refuse this kind of thing? ”

Lin Ying was silent about this, as if acquiescing to this matter.

Belmod took Lin Ying’s expression into her eyes, and she was very satisfied with this feeling of being in control of the situation.

Turning to leave, Belmode waved his hand and said goodbye dashingly: “Within three days, give me an answer… Hope we have a good cooperation. ”

Watching the enchanting figure gradually fade away, Lin Ying’s mouth slowly wiped a smile.

Gambling your own life for money?

You analyzed it well.

But alas, wrong.

If he hadn’t completed the check-in mission and become the king of melee combat, he wouldn’t have run to fight the black fist.

Money can be earned slowly, but the little life is gone, that is really gone!

From the beginning, your analysis of me was wrong……….

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