“These are all the letters, with the red number on top and theEnglish letters in blue numbers. “Mitsuhiko separated all the letters.
“The next step is how to put them together.” Xiao Lan said looking at the letters.
“But how to fight this??” Yuanzi was still at a loss.
“Is it a person’s name? Red is the last name, blue is the first name?” Ayumi guessed.
“It’s very possible~.” Miyano Akemi said encouragingly.
“Look! This looks like a personal name~!” Ayumi arranged the letters corresponding to the red numbers.
It became JOLLY.
“Jolly…” Hui Yuanai began to think.
“How about the blue ones?” Mitsuhiko rearranged the letters corresponding to the blue numbers.
Becomes GRROE.
“No, it should be like this!” Hui Yuanai rearranged.
“JOLLY-ROGER? Who is this?”
“What does this mean?” The little ghosts of the young detective team were all puzzled.
“The literal translation means Happy Roger,” explained Akemi Miyano.
“Happy Roger??” Sonoko still had question marks all over his head.
“After the Middle Ages, that’s the last thing any crew wants to see.”
“It is said that the origin of this name is composed of JOLLY-ROUGE, which means red flag, and OLD-ROGER, which means devil.” Haihara Ai explained.
“Pirate flag!??” Mitsuhiko was the first to react.
It is said that in the Middle Ages, the earliest pirate flag was painted with a white skull on a red flag.
But as time went by, it gradually became a white skull painted on the black flag.
And in the era when skulls were popular, pirates often prepared two flags.
Raise the black flag and skull first, as if to invite the opponent to surrender voluntarily.
Otherwise, a red flag will be hoisted. This means that the other party will not be forgiven.
“But, is there a pirate flag on the island?” Yuan Tai asked suspiciously.
Yesterday, they also ran around most of the island.
But I didn’t see any pirate flag.
“Yes! Let’s ask Uncle!! Uncle! Do you know where there is a pirate flag on the island?” Mitsuhiko shouted to the landlord who was chatting with Dr. Ali in the corridor outside.
“Jolly flag? I don’t remember a pirate flag on the island.” The landlord walked in.
“Have you solved the riddle of the treasure yet?”
“Well, I have figured out the meaning of the numbers, but I don’t know what the pirate flag really means.” Xiaolan said regretfully.
“Huh?” The landlord’s expression froze when he saw the small pieces of paper cut out on the table.
Xiao Ai showed doubts, what does this uncle seem to know?
“Huh…” The landlord uncle let out a long breath.
“Come with me.” After finishing speaking, he walked out directly.
“Huh?” Everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay, but they all followed.
The crowd followed to the landlord’s room.
“Actually, I used to be a treasure hunter.” The landlord confessed to everyone.
“When I was young, I came to this island in search of Ann Boney and Mary’s treasure.”
“After staying on this island for a long time, I fell in love with a woman on the island, married her, started a family, and became a fisherman.” The landlord told everyone about his experience.
“Hey?? So romantic!!” Yuanzi was touched.
A treasure hunter who gave up his identity as a treasure hunter for a woman and became a fisherman instead!
This must be true love!
The landlord of the homestay took out an old map from the drawer.
“This is a treasure map from three hundred years ago.”
“Eh?? The numbers are the same!!”.
133. Conan: My hand is about to break! (Please subscribe!)
Some of the numbers on the map that the owner of the hotel took out are the same as the stamp numbers obtained by the Boy Detective Team in their treasure hunt!
“It turns out that this is a code thought up by Ann Boni, who has 300 years of money.” Xiao Ai said thoughtfully.
“So, as long as you unlock this code, you can find the real treasure!?” Mitsuhiko asked in shock.
“It should be.” The owner of the homestay nodded.
“Wow! Treasure!!!” Mitsuhiko and others were all excited.
“So, does the clue refer to the pirate flag on the map?” Xiao Lan looked at the pirate flag on the upper right corner of the map.
“Is there any clue about the pirate flag? There is nothing special about this pirate flag.” Yuanzi stared at the pirate flag, confused.
The treasure map that the homestay owner took out, the pirate flag in the upper right corner, is similar to other pirate flags.
It is a skull on the top, and then a machete and a musket below.
Isn’t the pirate flag all like this?
Nothing special.
“Look at the teeth of these skulls, do they look like characters?” Hui Yuanai reminded.
“Huh?” The three little ghosts of the young detective team all came to the map and examined it carefully.
“Really! Looks like English letters.”
“The upper teeth are DOS, and the lower teeth are DIOSAS. What does this mean?” Mitsuhiko asked suspiciously.
“DOS-DIOSAS means two goddesses in Spanish.” Haibara Ai explained.
She is a top student.
“Sister Ai is amazing!!”
“Yes yes yes!!”
Miyano Akemi looked at Xiao Ai with an aunt smile.
Seeing that her sister can live a relaxed and happy life like ordinary people, Akemi Miyano feels very happy.
“But what do the two goddesses mean?” Sonoko asked puzzled.
“Could it be because the treasure belongs to Ann Bonnie and Mary, so two goddesses were used instead?”Xiaolan guessed.
“Probably not. Since it is a treasure map, the treasure hunter will definitely be told the exact location of the treasure in the end.” Hui Yuanai denied Xiaolan’s guess.
Then he looked at the host of the homestay.
“Is there anything related to the two goddesses on this island?”
“There is no one on this island. But Laiqin Island, that is, the small island outside the port, has two statues of goddesses.” The landlord uncle explained.
“Behind the statues of the two goddesses, there is indeed a secret passage leading to the ground, but that secret passage has already collapsed.”
“The secret passage is blocked by a large number of boulders, and there is no way to clear the secret passage only by manpower,” said the landlord uncle.
“Ah? So uncle discovered the pirate’s treasure a long time ago?”

After eating breakfast with everyone, Conan ran to the village office alone, eavesdropping on the meeting of Police Officer Megure and others.
He wants to find out who designed the shark to attack the three treasure hunters.
Conan had the same idea as Police Officer Megure and the others, and the first suspect was ‘Ito’.
Because he has a ‘convicted record’ and has conflicts with those three treasure hunters.
Unlike other people looking for ‘Ito’ all over the world, Conan ran directly to the hotel, preparing to find out the room number of ‘Ito’, and then slipped in to find clues.
Unexpectedly, I ran into Miwako Sato and ‘Ito’ outside the hotel.
After Miwako Sato and ‘Ito’ left the front desk, Conan ran to the front desk and asked the lady at the front desk about ‘Ito’.
Because of her status as a child, the front desk lady lowered her guard and told Conan everything.
So Conan’s first thought was that ‘Ito’ had already killed the other two!
Otherwise, how could it be possible that ‘Ito’ came back, but the other two treasure hunters couldn’t find anyone?
On the small island, it couldn’t be easier to deal with two corpses.
If you tie a stone and throw it into the sea, it is impossible to find it in a short time.
Conan has been guarding outside the room of ‘Ito’. After Miwako Sato and ‘Ito’ left the room, he immediately used the identity of a child to trick the cleaning to open the door for him.
It can only be said that the identity of a child is really easy to use.
Few would suspect a seven-year-old.
Conan was in the room, looking for suspicious items everywhere.
The result was the same as that of Sato Miwako. After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find anything.
Not to mention fish blood and plastic bags.

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