Hear this command.

Qingshan, who was present, wondered: "Han Yuan is also a fixed exchange rate, the interest rate is about 10%, and their foreign exchange reserves are also very sufficient, and it is a fixed exchange rate, it should be easier to make money!"

The so-called currency carry trade.

That is, foreign exchange carry trades.

Refers to borrowing low-interest-rate currencies to buy and hold high-efficiency currencies to earn interest differentials.

Because money is essentially a general equivalent symbol, value comes from the basic logic of supply and demand.

Because emerging market countries are all developing countries, their currency values ​​lack market recognition. In order to attract capital investment, interest rates are generally higher than those of developed countries.


The interest rate in Thailand, Malaysia, Dahan, Indonesia and other countries has long been around ten percent deposit yield.

Treasury yields are as high as 12% or even 15%.

In developed countries, currency values ​​are stable, and very low interest rates can attract capital, resulting in huge interest rate differentials.

If this spread is not worth speculating at two percent.

But once expanded, by buying the currencies of low-interest-rate countries and investing in countries with high-interest-rate currencies, whether it is deposits or buying government bonds, it will be a business with the least risk but a very profitable business.

Because this kind of purchase is equivalent to the endorsement of the country's sovereign reputation, the gains from the carry trade are directly paid by the country's central bank.


Carry trades tend to drive a global flood of liquidity and can also drive bull markets.

So seriously.

Aoyama's suggestion is very good.

Arbitrage from Dahan with a fixed exchange rate has a stronger central bank bottom line, lower risk and higher profit, which is an excellent investment opportunity.

But Naoto Nagano leaned on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and said as if looking at an idiot, "You idiot questioning my decision?"

"That's not what I meant!" Qingshan looked aggrieved, but he could only answer, but in his heart, he felt that the president was too arrogant.

Naoto Nagano had no interest in explaining it, so he rolled his eyes and said, "Don't show this kind of grievance, and soon you will understand why you can't go to the big man's exchange."


the next period of time.

In accordance with Naoo Nagano's instructions, the Japan Health Insurance Investment Department launched a large-scale carry trade between the Japanese yen and the Thai baht.

"The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty"

Since the Thai baht is a fixed exchange rate.

The interest rate is at 10% again, and after the Bank of Japan cut the interest rate at 5%, double the interest rate with BOT bottom line is obviously a steady income.

At the same time, the inflow of large Japanese yen into Thailand has promoted the booming real estate development in Bangkok, and the Thai stock market has continued to rise.

almost simultaneously.

Dahan was also subjected to carry trades by international capital because of the fixed exchange rate.

In just a few months, hard-earned foreign exchange has been looted by interest rate spreads because of the need to stabilize the exchange rate.

Discover the seriousness of this problem.

The Central Bank of Dahan quickly took action and merged the currency that has been in the dual-track system. After the unification, the price was about 8.70 yuan.

The official price changed from 4.5 to 8.7 overnight. Many institutions that led to carry trades made a profit, but lost a lot in currency value.

this depreciation.

No one expected it.

As a result, many financial institutions around the world suffered huge losses. Only Japan Health Insurance escaped because Naoto Nagano banned the spread of the big man.

Aoyama, who was still dissatisfied with Naoo Nagano, was stunned.

While scolding the hooligan, he was very happy.

Otherwise, his career can be over if he is scammed for hundreds of millions.

As such.

Although Naoo Nagano has not yet officially served as the president, his prestige in the club has been completely condensed.

the next period of time.

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates again, by 75 basis points at a time, causing the lira and krona, which had just stabilized in the European currency market, to be hit hard.

The Bank of Japan launched a large-scale QE and cut interest rates by 75 basis points, which depreciated the yen from 90 to 1:110 against the dollar to the yen.

Prices in the currency market fluctuate wildly.

A dire shock to emerging markets.

Because of the U.S. dollar interest rate hike, the yield on government bonds has soared to 5%, like a pump in the financial market, strongly absorbing capital from other countries to obtain U.S. dollar fixed income.

The devaluation of the yen means that Japan has started a price reduction sale, which has depreciated from 79 to 110.

The practicality of Japan's manufacturing industry is not even an opponent of Britain, France, and Germany. It can only be administratively suppressed through the Plaza Accord, forcing the yen to appreciate from 200 to 80, which has taken away a part of Japan's manufacturing trade share, forcing Japan to give up. The middle and low-end trade market is developed along the high-tech route.

Now that the yen has depreciated so much, it means that the export price of Japanese-made products has dropped by more than 40%.

The development of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines over the years has been based on cheap labor and low sales prices, and they have earned a lot of foreign exchange from high-intensity and low-tech industries.

Now Japan suddenly cuts prices and sells it, which is completely a dimensionality reduction blow.

In just half a year, Japan's trade exports have increased by 40%, while the four little tigers' trade exports have suffered a heavy blow, their share has shrunk on a large scale, their foreign exchange earning ability has weakened, and their trade balance has changed from surplus to flat.

This year, the economic landing plan finally paid off.

With the depreciation of the yen, the export share of major companies has risen sharply year-on-year.

With the new reservoir of the bond market, the bursting of the bubble economy did not cause inflation due to the outflow of seawater from the real estate industry.

The day suddenly became better.

Even the real estate market has stopped falling and stabilized, and Tokyo property prices have risen from 100,000 to around 150,000.

Everything is going for the better.

After a year of development, Youlian Group has acquired more than a dozen bankrupt banks, and used the Internet to develop online financial services. Small and medium-sized financial services have suddenly become the largest institution surpassing Sanhe Bank.

But don't know why.

As one of the major shareholders of Youlian Group, Ikeda Sakurako was not happier at all because of the rapid expansion of the club.

Her whole person looks like she has lost her mind.

Either he threw things at home all day long, or he acted erratically, held a big party, and served Nagano's wife over and over again, and the whole Nagano-kun's head was green.

this day.

New Year's Day in 1995 came again.

The New Year was supposed to be a happy day, but Sakurako Ikeda's villa was a mess.

When Naoto Nagano arrived, Ikeda Sakurako's eyes were red, her expression was haggard, and her messy clothes no longer looked as peaceful and wise as usual.

But she didn't seem to notice her state.

Using a knife to cut through the clothes on Ikeda Xiaoye's body little by little, in an almost insulting attitude, the bullied Xiaoye's face was flushed with tears in his eyes.

See Naoo Naoo coming.

Ikeda Xiaoye knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Nakamura-kun! Please, help Miss!"



Ikeda Sakurako snorted.

There was a hint of madness on his face, and his eyes were full of confusion.

The perfect and powerful woman in her heart seemed to have changed her soul.

Naoto Nagano twitched in pain.

Facing the knife in Ikeda Sakurako's hand.

Naoo Nagano walked over like this.

after all.

Those eyes regained some clarity.

The long knife in his hand fell with a bang.

being hugged.

Ikeda Sakurako murmured, "Am I ugly now?!"

"No! You will always be the woman I can't get! Always so beautiful!"



"Fuck me!"


"You don't want to **** me?"


"I'm dying!"

"Will not!"

"Don't comfort me with lies that you don't believe, satisfy me, while I'm still sensible!"

Calm eyes.

A burst of bright color burst out.

But under the calm appearance of the lake, there is a madness that can go berserk at any time.

Naoo Nagano thought that he didn't believe in love for a long time, and only had an instinctive need for a woman, but now, he suddenly found that he really fell in love with this woman.

"Grass me! Hurry up..."


one day.

two days.

the next half month.

Naoo Nagano has been staying in Ikeda Sakurako's mansion.

Closed communications, stopped everything working.

But even though the body already felt hollowed out, there was an indescribable tingling in my heart.

These days.

Ikeda Sakurako is getting more and more crazy.

That kind of madness seems to have lost its mind.

In addition to venting or venting.

Almost as soon as he wakes up, Naoko Nagano's body is used.

Over the years, although they have seen each other's bodies for a long time, Naoo Naoo also wanted to get this woman, but he never thought that he would use this way.

The day came to January 17th.

this day.

early morning.

Wooden bed.

The strange sound didn't stop for a long time.

But different than usual.

On this day, Sakurako Ikeda seemed to have regained her senses, her eyes were clear and charming, and she tried her best to provoke Naoko Nagano's nerves.

Put on any shameful pose.

Although Nao Nao Nao knew she was doing it on purpose, he couldn't help but burst out with new energy.

Crazy man.

Aggressive like a wolf.

The queen bed was also overwhelmed.

A series of squeaks in protest.


The two were dizzy.

Followed Ikeda Sakurako and bit Naoto Nagano's back: "Wait, I'm a little dizzy!"

"Too tired lately? Then take a rest!" Naoto Nagano said tenderly, wiping the sweat from Ikeda Sakurako's forehead lightly.

"Probably! But I still want..."

Biting his lip.

Sakurako Ikeda has a charm that she has never had before.

The eyes of a woman are captivating, Nao Naoo was just about to rest, and motivation came again.


The big bed slammed.

Then, the room shook violently.

Like the earth shaking.

Before Sakurako Ikeda and Naoo Nagano understood what was going on, they felt the ground sink.

With a bang.

The ground collapsed.

The big bed and the two also fell off together.

at this moment.

Ikeda Sakurako let out a scream like never before.

She tightly hugged Naoko Nagano's neck, her legs were only crossed around his waist, and she turned over.

Yingying's slender waist.

A terrifying force erupted.

As soon as Naoo Nagano realized the earthquake, he was already turned down by his life.


The roof collapsed.


The gas made a violent explosion.

A large flame engulfed everything in an instant...


On January 17, 1995 at 5:46 a.m. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Kobe City, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred, killing more than 5,400 people and injuring more than 34,000...


The Sun Also Rises.

It was just that the two people buried in the ground felt darkness.

But the strange thing is that there is no fear in my heart.

It turns out... I was actually killed by this guy...


It seems to be pretty good too!

Very eloquent to say...



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