"He often tells us proudly that there will be at least five million in cash in the safe."

Kanazawa Zhikang suddenly reminded.

"More than five million in cash?"

"That's right!"

"The murderer probably heard about Professor Dashan's habit somewhere, so he came up with the robbery plan."

"It's just that he didn't expect that Professor Dashan would rather die than give up, and would not give out his password."

Mouri Kogoro continued his reasoning in a serious manner.

"As expected of a famous detective, he solved the case in one fell swoop. It's really amazing!"

Kaori Nakahara praised, as if the truth had really been found out.

"The blizzard is too big now, and it is estimated that even if the police call the police, the police will not be able to come."

"We can only wait until tomorrow."

Jiang Jiao Guobu said helplessly.

These are doctors from the First Surgery Department. They are used to seeing all kinds of human organs. Since their student days, they have been dealing with corpses every day.

For ordinary people, terrifying murder scenes and blood-drenched corpses are commonplace in their eyes.

No, it's not like that!

Conan's eyes were solemn, and he re-examined the dead.

"Ah Lie Lie, this watch is so beautiful, it's yellow. ¨!"

"Is this made of gold?"

Suddenly, Conan lifted the dead man's wrist, and the big gold watch looked particularly shining under the light.

"Hey, kid, who let you touch the corpse?"

Mouri Kogoro scolded angrily.

But in the next second, his eyes were attracted by the gold watch.

"This watch is..."

He looked at Da Shan Jiang's watch, and then at the Da Jin Lao he was wearing.

It's exactly the same!

"Oh, that Rolex was just bought by Professor Dashan a few days ago."

"When he bought it, he even showed off to us that he bought it at a counter in Tokyo's Daimaru Department Store after waiting in line for a long time."

Kanazawa Chikang explained, with envy in his eyes.

The large gold Rolex watch, worth more than 500 million yen, is a luxury that he can never reach in his life.

"very strange!"

"Since the murderer was trying to rob money, why didn't he take this watch with him?"

"I remember that when Cheng bought an identical watch for Dad, it cost more than five million!"

Even Xiaolan saw the problem.

The cash in the safe is five million.

The murderer tried his best, even at the cost of killing the mountain general, but he failed to get it.

And the big piece of gold in his hand was also worth five million, so the murderer just left, giving up such an expensive thing in vain.

"This, this may be..."

"That...probably, I didn't see it!"

"Hahaha... The room is so dark, he didn't see the watch."

Mouri Kogoro smiled awkwardly.


The crowd was embarrassed.

Conan was embarrassed and speechless.


Unprepared, a pair of silver-white handcuffs directly tied Kaori Nakahara's hands.

"You, what are you doing?"

Kaori Nakahara asked loudly.

"Oh, almost forgot."

"This is my police card!"

"Don't look at me so young, I'm actually a serious police officer."

Makoto Higashino took out the documents he was carrying with him.

"Tokyo Metropolitan Government... Metropolitan Police Department... Distinguished Criminal... Senior Advisor."

"Makoto Higashino, are the police looking right?"

Kaori Nakahara recites a long list of titles.

By the end of the reading, her entire complexion had changed.

The police are right?

18-year-old police officer?

What do you call 18 years old?

Call it the police?

Gunma prefecture's police headquarters copy chief is just a police officer!

"Even so, you don't need to catch Kaori, right?"

"No matter what, the murderer can't be her!"

Fei Tian Yin'er said quickly, as if he had a good impression of her.

"Yeah, Cheng, what's going on?"

"Didn't Miss Zhongyuan just go to the convenience store down the mountain to buy food and drink?"

".¨Even if it's a car, it will take at least forty or fifty minutes to go back and forth!"

Xiaolan was also very puzzled.

"I just called the convenience store down the mountain."

Makoto Higashino looked at Kaori Nakahara, whose face changed drastically, and said with a smile, "Tonight, you haven't been there or bought anything!"


For a moment, everyone present was stunned.

All eyes were immediately focused on her.

I didn't go to the convenience store, that is, I didn't have an alibi.

Meanwhile, she's still lying!

But at the time when Professor Dashan Jiang was killed, he told a seemingly meaningless lie.

And even though he didn't go to the convenience store, he brought back a lot of snacks.

Except for the three detectives Higashino Makoto, Conan, and Mouri Kogoro, the others present were also top students who graduated from the medical department of Toto University.

With their IQ, they can see a very serious problem at a glance.

There can only be one reasonable explanation for all the purposes of what Kaori Nakahara said and did (what Zhao De did).

That is—she is deliberately creating an alibi in order to murder the great mountain general!

"No, no?"

Conan picked up the blood-stained lighter on the sofa, and all the thoughts he had just connected were about to unlock the cold signal of death that Dashan would leave behind.

But at this moment, everything was shattered, chaotic and unbearable.

become meaningless!

What is the placement of the tablecloth and chessboard, what is the special meaning of Japanese shogi, what does the blood-stained lighter point to...

Even Conan has taken into account the fingerprint identification commonly used by Makoto Higashino.

But now!

All the information, all traces, all the reasoning, all turned into a bubble under the phone call of that guy!

He just made a phone call and asked about the convenience store down the mountain.

The murderer's alibi is gone! .

Chapter 90

"If Miss Zhongyuan didn't go to the convenience store down the mountain, how did she bring back the food?"

"Everything you want to buy, except for ice cream, Miss Zhongyuan bought everything!"

Xiaolan asked in confusion.

"Yeah, how can I explain this?"

Mouri Kogoro lowered his head in thought, but couldn't figure out what to do.

"It's very simple, just buy it in advance!"

"You should have had a gathering like today's many times."

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