"Then I'm his master - Jiujiu Yuankang!"

Hamano said.

"You guys, what's going on?"

"I like all magicians who have passed away!"

"I'm different, I like the most popular magician now - Mr. Sanada Ichizo!"

Naoko Kuroda said.

Needless to say, the first-generation phantom thief Kid is also the father of Kuroba Kuito.

And Yoshiro Kinoshita, the apprentice of Yuanyao Ninety-Nine, a genius magician, involved in the magic murder case that Conan and Kogoro Mouri solved together before.

As for Sanada Kazusan, when Makoto Higashino arrested Kuroba Kaito, on the Suzuki chaebol cruise ship, Suzuki Tomoko made a special trip to invite a genius magician pretending to be the phantom thief Kidd.

"By the way, Mr. Higashino, do you have a favorite magician?"

Naoko Kuroda asked curiously.

"The Legend of Spring Well!"

Makoto Higashino said a name.


"The Legend of Chunjing?"

"It's the magician who just passed away when he failed to perform escape magic some time ago!"

"How could it be him?"


The expressions of the crowd changed immediately.

Especially Miss Tanaka, her eyes changed obviously and her mood fluctuated violently.

However, she lowered her head and suppressed her emotions.

When she looked up again, the expression on her face was much calmer.

As for the likes of Maurilan and Suzuki Sonoko, they are not very keen on magic itself, but nothing has changed.

"Can't you? ˇ?"

Tono Makoto asked rhetorically.

"It's not impossible!"

"Hehe, whoever you like is personal freedom."

"Yes, yes, let's talk about it, didn't the black feather thief fail to perform at all?"


A few people helped round the field.

After all, Makoto Higashino's identity is too special, no one wants to offend him, but all are a group of people who want to please.

"Dad is not a failure in acting!"

Kuroba Kaito muttered softly.

If it weren't for the zoo's assassination, his father, Kuroba Rouichi, would not have failed in that kind of magic show.


The party dispersed and everyone went back to their room.

Of course, Makoto Higashino is different.

Together with Maurilan and Suzuki Sonoko, the three returned to the same room.

"That magic trick just now was so interesting!"

"How did Mr. Hamano guess, who did I choose?"

"No, he really can read minds, right?"

Sonoko recalled what happened just now.

Because the head of the chat room is called "Escape King" Xishanwu, he has been unable to contact him.

So Hamano proposed to use magic to elect a new acting head, and also assign different jobs to everyone.

"Mind reading doesn't exist."

"So, first rule out mind reading!"

Tono Makoto said with a smile.

He is a staunch materialist.

"Then how did he know?"

The garden asked curiously.

"Magic is not magic, all magic is designed behind it."

"It's just that it uses a special psychological and visual design to make you have an illusion."

"It's like a pattern you draw on a slip of paper, maybe you haven't drawn it at all."

Tono Makoto said lightly.

"But, I obviously have paintings!"

"Although I was blindfolded, I held the pen and did draw on the paper!"

Garden said firmly.

"Are you sure the pen given to you can write?"

"The magic method has always been to demonstrate writing first, to prove that the pen can write."

"And then at some point, divert your attention and sneak into another pen that can't write."

Tono Makoto said with a smile.

"Oh I see!"

"So, every mark on the note may have been made long ago."

"That is, everyone's work has been assigned."

".'If Sonoko was blindfolded to help everyone distribute work, everyone would have no complaints, only bad luck."

"That's why Mr. Hamano has to cover Sonoko's eyes and let her write with her back to everyone."

"In this way, neither Sonoko nor others will find the mark that was already made on the note."

Xiaolan suddenly realized that she wanted to understand all of a sudden.

"Listening to you, this magic doesn't seem to be a big deal."

Sonoko muttered, and instantly lost interest in magic.

"In fact, all magic is the same. Once the secret is revealed, it will become a very simple technique."

"However, the fun of magic lies in the process of performing it, not the technique behind it."

"Moreover, in order to perform foolproof in front of the audience, the magician has to pay hundreds or even thousands of repetitions behind the scenes."

Makoto Higashino said lightly (good for Zhao).

"Alright alright!"

"You're right, I'm going to bed now."

Sonoko covered the quilt, turned around, and turned her back to Makoto Higashino.


"I'll turn off the lights!"

Xiaolan pressed the switch, the room was dark, and she also lay on the bed.

However, both of them closed their eyes and pretended to sleep.

Everyone knew in their hearts that that man would not usually go to bed so early.

Two hearts, in the quiet room, thumped thumpingly.

He became more and more nervous, and his face became more and more red.

Just like the last moment before the college entrance examination, one step forward is to enter the examination room.

But... points...

Today's Makoto Higashino is extraordinarily quiet.

Just opened a curtain and quietly looked at the night outside the window.

Then, fell asleep. .

Chapter 234

"Mr. Higashino! Mr. Higashino! Mr. Higashino!"

The next day, early in the morning.

Outside the door of the room, there was a hurried knock on the door, as well as the eager shouting of Mr. Huang.

As if something very serious had happened, he shouted desperately.

Not afraid of pain, his right hand kept knocking on the door hard, and even kicked his foot.

"what happened?"

"Did something happen?"

Sonoko rubbed his sleepy eyes and woke up in a daze.

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