"Generally, the police in various countries use it for bloodstain identification, which can restore the blood spraying situation at the murder scene, so as to deduce the murder method, or find the first scene and so on."

"Anyway, as long as there is blood on the spot, it can be displayed with luminol reagent, and it is useless even if it is washed with water."

"Even bloodstains that are completely invisible to the naked eye cannot escape the Luminol reagent!"

Mouri Kogoro explained.

After all, he was a former detective and a current detective, and he still knew about this commonly used reagent.

It's just that when I was a criminal police officer, I never used it (Zhao Lihao).

The Japanese police mainly rely on the reasoning of various detectives to solve the case.

Even to this day, until now, this is the case!


Shimano Sachiko's face was pale, and his legs were weak on the ground.

Before Maori Kogoro could react, she held her face in her hands and began to cry.

Counting how Takenaka Kazumi blackmailed her, how she couldn't bear it, and finally had no choice but to kill her.

Then when he came out, he happened to meet the drunk Kogoro Mouri, and used this old classmate to prove his alibi.

Moreover, while Maori Kogoro was asleep in the car, she threw the blood clothes and murder weapon hidden in the trunk under the Dongdu Bay Bridge.

But words!

After hearing that Makoto Higashino was going to use Luminol reagent to conduct a comprehensive bloodstain identification on her car, Sachiko Shimano knew that she could no longer hide it.

In his trunk, there are a lot of bloodstains of the deceased. No matter how to explain this kind of thing, it is impossible to explain!

After some confession, Maori Kogoro directly looked stupid.

On the other hand, Officer Megumi had an indifferent expression. The moment he saw Sachiko Shimano kneeling down, he was hesitating about what to eat for supper at night.

After all, it's time to call it quits! .

Chapter 160

"Finally home!"

"Finally I can go home and sleep!"

Dr. A Li put down his backpack, looked at the familiar environment, and burst into tears.

"Doctor, there's no need to cry, right?"

"Isn't it because I was detained by the police for half a month for illegally selling illegal products?"

Conan sat on the sofa with his feet off the ground.

No matter how hard his short legs were, they couldn't reach the floor, so he had no choice but to give up.

It seems that drinking milk during this period of time has not grown much taller.

"But, that kind of place is really hell!"

"Thanks to Dongye-kun's intercession, it was released for me after only half a month."

"Otherwise, I may die of old age in prison!"

Dr. Li recalled what the policeman said, and he was still in a cold sweat.

What starts in five years, up to ten years.

He was getting old, with gray hair in his fifties, and he was still Mediterranean.

If it is locked for another five years or ten years, it may not even be possible to wait for the day to be released from prison. 753

"How can it be so exaggerated?"

"Phantom Thief Kidd and the others steal jewelry, what does it have to do with you, you are simply bad luck."

Conan said angrily.

He always felt that this little thing was nothing.

Even the multiple jewelry thefts of Kaitou Kidd are actually no big deal.

After all, every time he stole jewelry, he ended up returning it.

At most, it can only be regarded as a large-scale prank, not to the point of sentencing.

It's not a serial murder case!

"No, you can't say that, I'm also responsible."

"If I don't make those props, Kaitou Kid's crime of theft may fail, and may not even be stolen."

"Oh, I didn't expect these inventions of mine to become the accomplices of criminals."

Dr. Li was heartbroken, and it seemed that he had received a strong legal education in the police station.

"Xinyi, don't use your anesthesia needle in the future."

"I'll help you put it away!"

He grabbed Conan's wrist and took off the anesthesia needle watch in three or two strokes.

"Doctor, what are you doing?"

"Without that anesthesia needle, how can I be a detective?"

Conan immediately became anxious.

If there is no watch-type anesthesia needle, how can he use Kogoro Mouri and Sonoko Suzuki?

Is it difficult, do you want to hit the sap directly from behind?

With his height, I'm afraid he can't even reach it!

"New One!"

"Shooting someone with an anesthesia needle is a crime of intentional injury and a violation of the law!"

"Aren't you a detective? Not to punish criminals, not to protect justice?"

"How can you break the law yourself first?"

Dr. A Li's sincere education.

Obviously, in the half month in the detention center, he has received a profound legal education.

"It's not a crime!"

"I did it for reasoning, for the truth, and for solving the case!"

"Inference cannot be considered a crime!"

"Inference! Do you understand reasoning?"

"The detective thing, can that be considered a crime?"

Conan blushed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, followed by various incomprehensible words.

What "there is only one truth" and what "even though the body has become smaller, the mind is still smart (bcbc)" made Dr. Li's face embarrassed.

"Anyway, don't do this kind of thing in the future."

"And often being forcibly anesthetized will also affect the sensory nerves of others. After a long time, it may become a vegetative state!"

Dr. A Li kindly reminded.

Now he has fully realized.

What kind of watch-type anesthesia gun, what kind of glasses-type eavesdropping device, what kind of foot-strength-enhancing sneakers, take out any one of them, all of which endanger social and public safety, and are already criminal acts.

As for those gliders, poker pistols, and smoke bombs of Kaito Kidd, none of them are legal.

"I know, I know."

"I'll be more careful in the future, okay?"

Conan muttered perfunctorily.

His eyes were always on Dr. A Li.

When he put away the watch-type anesthesia gun and put it in the safe, Conan used the [-] times magnification function of the black-rimmed glasses to clearly see the password set by Dr. A Li.

At this time, the phone rang.

"What a hassle!"

Conan answered the phone and said impatiently, "Hey, Mom, what are you doing?"

"Do you have Kiko's phone number?"

"Seriously, she really is, she doesn't care about you at all."

"Yusaku is also, I don't know what to do all day."

Since Dr. A Li came out of detention for half a month, he seemed to have come to a realization, his whole mind became more awake, and he became more and more like a normal person.


"Leave, leave, leave, leave..."


Conan's face was pale, his eyes widened, and the whole person was stupid.

Even the newly bought mobile phone fell to the ground and the screen shattered, but he didn't respond.


"You mean..."

"Could it be..."

Even Dr. A Li is stupid.

Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo are getting divorced?

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