"We can only hope now that the less evidence Higashino-kun finds, the better."

"No, it should be said, I hope Kuaidou makes as few mistakes as possible!"

Nakamori Yinzi also looked at the situation of the Kuroba family and comforted helplessly.

Finally, this day has come.

Although "July [*]" was long before, the police sent people to thoroughly search the entire house of the Kuroba family.

However, it was an ordinary police search after all, and no decent evidence was found from beginning to end.

But this time was completely different. It was the famous detective who solved countless murders and even caught Kidd the phantom thief.

Perhaps, he is still the most powerful detective in Japan and even the world - Makoto Higashino!

Do it yourself!

Nakamori Yinsan knew very well that once the man took action, no matter what the evidence, as long as it existed in this world, it would be impossible to escape his eyes.

Just like the phantom thief who has been following him for eighteen years, but has found nothing.

In the hands of Makoto Higashino, in less than a month, after only two brief fights, his real body was captured and brought to justice.

In the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and even the entire Japanese police circle, everyone has to admit that Higashino Makoto is the man with Japan's first reasoning ability.

Many people even suspect that maybe even the world-class reasoning writer Kudo Yusaku may not be able to beat the current Higashino Makoto.

"Jun Dongye, we have already searched the house, inside and out."

"But nothing was found."

"This place is very ordinary and very normal, and it doesn't look like a criminal den for international thieves at all."

"Perhaps Kidd, the phantom thief, has another secret base. However, that guy wouldn't say it."

Chamu Shentaro shook his head helplessly, his face full of bitterness.

Although with the help of Makoto Higashino, the phantom thief Kidd has been arrested on the spot.

However, everyone knows that Kuroba Kaito, who is only 17 years old this year, can never be the real Kaitou Kid, at least not the first generation Kaito Kid.

It's just that the investigation is not open, and the purpose of deliberately seducing the first-generation Kaito Kid.

Since this time, the Metropolitan Police Department has been following the advice of Makoto Higashino, letting the media ferment the news without commenting on it.

At the same time, the investigation progress of the Phantom Thief Kidd case has not been disclosed.

"There is no magic in the world, there is only magic!"

"And any magic is just a trick."

"Attract attention, divert focus, seduce with words, cheat in secret..."

"No matter what method it is, it cannot escape the logic and laws of reality."

"Once the secret is revealed, no matter how clever magic is, it will become very ridiculous!"

Makoto Higashino said words that Chamu Shentaro couldn't understand at all, opened a bedroom, and walked in slowly, step by step.

"This is Kuroba Kaito's bedroom."

"It's an ordinary high school student's room. The only thing special about it is that it uses a lot of paper towels."

"Other words..."

Chamu Shentaro turned around, but he couldn't say anything special.

It seems that this group of trash from the Metropolitan Police Department has been searching for three or four days, and they have not found any clues. They are really the saviors of criminals!

"Black Feather Pirates!"

"A former world-class magician died unexpectedly during a magic show eight years ago."

"I'm afraid he is Kuroba Kuito's father, right?"

Makoto Higashino touched the huge photo on the wall.

It was the black feather thief in a black gentleman's outfit. He was performing magic tricks and conjured three pigeons from his hat, which was very common.

However, under his handsome face, it constitutes a quite artistic photo...  

"That's right, according to our investigation, Kuroba Kuito's father is the magician Kuroba Rouichi who died unexpectedly eight years ago."

"And his mother, Chikage Kuroba, has lived in the United States for a long time and rarely returns to China. She usually only communicates with her son through video."

"Of course, we have also informed his mother, Kuroba Chikage, that she should rush back to Japan in the next two days."

Tea Tree Godtaro said.

A 49-year-old police officer with the rank of police inspector.

However, in front of Higashino Makoto, he seemed like an assistant.

dong dong!

Makoto Higashino tapped on the giant photo frame.

Transparent sound!

It's really empty inside!

"Get an axe!"

Tono Makoto stretched out his hand.


Chamu Shentaro was stunned for a moment.

"A hammer will do!"

"Bigger, bigger is better!"

Tono Makoto said lightly.

"Good, good!"

Chamu Shentaro took out the walkie-talkie and ordered loudly—"Go get the axe and hammer, the bigger the better."

"A chainsaw and a drill will work too!"

Makoto Higashino added a sentence.

"A chainsaw and a drill will work too!"

Chamu Shentaro hurriedly added.

"The best thing is to bring a demolition engineering team here."

Tono Makoto thought for a while, then said again.

"It's best to bring a demolition engineering team here."

Chamu Shentaro built a repeater.

Although he didn't know what Higashino Makoto was going to do, he knew very well that as long as he did it, it would be right, that's right!

Soon, seven or eight demolition workers, armed with axes, hammers, chainsaws, and drilling rigs, came to Kuroba Kaito's room.

These people were all urgently recruited from nearby construction sites.

After all, it is the Metropolitan Police Department of Tokyo. The resources that can be mobilized under an order are very terrifying.

A mere few workers are simply not to mention.

"Against this wall, centered on this picture frame."

The corners of Dongye Cheng's mouth twitched up - "Smash it for me!".

Chapter 148

"This, this is..."

Chamu Shentaro widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

After Kuroba Rouichi's giant photo frame was cut open, an obvious dark passage was revealed.

It is dark and deep, as if it leads to a secret deep underground.

Moreover, behind the photo of the magician Kuroba Rouichi is a photo of the phantom thief Kid.

Except for a black suit that turned into a white suit, it was obviously the same person.

"The truth is already very clear!"

Dongye Makoto looked at the giant double-sided photo frame, held his forehead, and smiled helplessly.

Superman Clark and reporter Clark, at least changed from tights to normal clothes, and the glasses are also double-framed.

The difference between Kuroba Rouichi and Kaito Kid is only the color of the suit and the addition of a single-frame glasses.

For eighteen years, no one has found out.

Are they all blind?

"It seems that Kuroba Piichi and Kaito Kid are two different people."

Chamu Kantaro compared the front and back photos and came to a very serious conclusion.


"You, what did you say?"

Makoto Higashino had the urge to vomit blood.

This shows that it is the same person, right?

"Look, Black Feather Pirate is a magician, and he only wears a black suit every time."

"And the thief Kidd is a jewelry thief who only wears a white suit every time."

"And, he's wearing glasses!"

"Black Feather Pirate doesn't wear glasses, his eyesight is very normal."

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