Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 182: Qin Shi’s anger


Looking at the wolf's Luo Xueyu, Qin Shiyi wants to split.

Beside Luo Xuezhen, standing three or four men with greedy and evil faces, in the bushes, wilfully cruel, palms wandering in the snowy white skin.

"I killed you!" Furious, Qin Shi exhausted the scream of a scream, a sword of bloodthirsty, nine swords in the mountains like a gale.

The sword is like a rainbow, and the sly is through the branches and leaves, and the life of several people is harvested in an instant! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Snow, how are you, just..." Killing a few people, after Qin Shi landed, rushed up several consecutive steps, and picked up Luo Xueyu, but just wanted to ask the moment, when he saw this time When Luo Xueyu was in a wolf, he couldn’t bear to ask.

Luo Xueyan, she squinted, her eyes hollow and scattered, full of and lost, the white skirt of the snow was torn apart, and the whole body was covered with dirty dust.

All these have told Qin Shi that something happened that made her unhappy...

Looking silly at the starry sky.

A drop of tears fell in the eyes of Luo Xueyan.

She didn't dare to think about it. She thought about what had just happened, a dozen or more, and more people were cruelly licking her body and shrugging her for 20 years.

That kind of pain is far from the pain of the physical injury that can be experienced. That kind of pain is the touch of the soul, the unforgettable, unbearable pain.


For a girl, a simple girl, it is really too important. In particular, a woman like Luo Xueyu is far more than her life...

She had long vowed to keep her chastity in the bridal chamber and to the one she loved to love her, but now... everything has changed.


This is the end of the matter, even if you don't ask, Qin Shi can imagine... He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to express it... This is a big blow to Lost.

"Hope... she can get out of this cruel nightmare, don't be beaten." Qin Shi is silent, he bites his lower lip, even if he does not fall down, it is difficult to maintain his mood in this desolate situation. .

"I will help you heal."

Qin Shi helped Luo Xueqi, trying to break the spiritual power into her body.

But at this time, Luo Xueyan eyes moved, suddenly grabbed his wrist, and shook his head in disappointment: "No, no use... my spirit is broken, repaired as a waste... not saved!"


Qin Shi’s scorpion screamed, and a raging anger rushed into the sky.

He explored the spiritual power into the body of Luo Xueyu. Luo Xueyu’s body was broken and the nine veins were devastated and full of sores, which made him kneel and clench his fists.

Perhaps, because of the same feelings, he can understand Luo Xueying's helplessness at this time, resentful swearing: "Blood Jack Mercenary! I am not wearing the sky with you."

"I will take you back!"

Qin Shi picked up Luo Xueyan, and his eyes were red and bloody.

"No... I don't have a face to go back..." Breaking Qin Shi, Luo Xueying's lips are broken, and the black hair is scattered in front of her eyes, blocking her eyes shining with crystal: "Qin Gongzi... promise me one thing." !"

"You said, I promised all!"

Unequivocal response, Qin Shi hard to point.

"Now, I can't participate in this appearance, but this is the opportunity for the Luo family to look forward to twenty years... I hope that you can play for the Luo family!" When he said this, Luo Xueyu was sobbing. Her heart is bleeding.

For this purgatory, she paid only how much she was Zhīdào.

"This..." Qin Shi hesitated, always curious about him, but in this case, he really does not agree with Zhīdào: "Why me?"

"Qin Gongzi, I Zhīdào you are full of treasure, you must promise me..." Luo Xue pleaded for Qin Shi.

Looking at Luo Xueyu, Qin Shi couldn't bear to refuse, just taking a deep breath and nodding his head: "I promise you!"

Affirmed, Luo Xueyu's body is soft, and the look of death and no regrets in the blind man's eyes, his eyes are scattered and looking at the night sky, whispering: "So... I am dead, there is no regret, I look like this, I really don't have the courage to live..."

When she finished speaking, her hand suddenly grabbed the dagger next to her and lifted it up and stabbed her chest.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Shi was shocked and grabbed her jade hand.

"Don't stop me! I am now, the spirit is broken, just like the waste, what do you mean when I am alive? You let me die!" Struggling hard, Luo Xueyu cried, the voice is so pitiful .

Qin Shi refused to let go, and quickly urged: "I don't want you to say this kind of disappointment, I only know the president of the Association of Pharmaceuticalists, he must have a way to reshape your veins!"

"The pulse is remodelable! What about chastity?"

Luo Xueyu’s hand stopped struggling, but his eyes stared at Qin Shi with a hoarse voice in his voice, and he screamed with screams: “You tell me, chastity? Can chaste be remodeled? Tell me!”


Qin Shi’s heart hurts and he has nothing to say.

Yes, there are some things that are not remodeled by Kěnéng. It is like a mirror. Even if it is re-adhered, it will block the remnants of the crack. Perhaps, the broken mirror is only in the beauty of Hǎode.

Qin Shi has nothing to say, Luo Xueyu mourned more than the heart of the shaking head: "For me, living is just torture, I have lost everything, I am not clean... I am not clean..."

Qin Shi is dumb, he can not say what Zhīdào can say, just holding Luo Xueyu's hand, it is tighter: "Stupid girl, this is not your fault, Wei family... blood wolf mercenary group... one day, sooner or later, They will pay for it!"

Oh, a cold wind.

"The cost? Little devil, who do you want to pay?"

At this time, the night forest was curled up by the wind, a sharp sneer, and suddenly echoed in the jungle.

Hey! At this time, a large group of people jumped out of the mountains, and there were hundreds of them. Among them, there were several men, and their eyes fell on Luo Xueyu’s body.

"Blood Wolf Mercenary!"

Qin Shiyi looked at it and snorted.

In the arms of Qin Shi, Luo Xueyan’s body trembled, and his eyes narrowed in horror.

Feeling the strangeness of Luo Xueyu, Qin Shi took a shot of her shoulder, softly and firmly said: "Don't be afraid, there is me here, no one wants to hurt you!"

"Oh, it depends on you?"

In the crowd, a leading person, a middle-aged man in his early forties, has a straight hair, slightly sang sang, and screams with his head up: "I thought that with this hoe, I could catch a few Luo family members. Revenge for my brothers in Dongcheng, I can't think of catching you such a girl! Then you will stay for the Luojia redemption, don't think about leaving!"

Qin Shi gently put Luo Xueyu on the grass and stood up indifferently.

He rarely shows such expressions, but every time he reveals this expression, it proves that he is really angry, very angry and angry: "Oh, are you Pang Jian?"

Pang Jianyi said: "Do you know me?"

"Oh, that's right! I really didn't want to go, but I want to correct you. It's not that I came to redeem. The redemption should be you! Give the snow a redemption!" Affirmed, Qin Shi has no nonsense, will bloodthirsty The sword is in his hand, step by step to meet nearly 100 people in the blood wolf mercenary group.

Luo Xueyu was a little nervous. He grabbed Qin Shi’s trousers and shook his head: “Don’t go...”

Qin Shidun, looking back on the cold face, the strong smile of the silky peace of mind: "Relieve, solve them, I will take you back to Luojia!"

For a while, Luo Xue had no words.

Qin Shi is not delaying, bowing his waist, squatting out, the bloodthirsty sword in his hand swept through the sharp grass, and made a sound of screaming, angry shouting: "Blood wolf mercenary group! Blood debts pay for it!" ”

"Drink, the beginning? The tongue of the tongue!" Pang Jianyi glanced at Qin Shi, his eyes showed a sly look, sneered, and photographed the mercenary next to him, saying: "Go, kill him."

"Hey, the head of the team is assured!"

This mercenary, in the middle of the broken spirit, let him face Qin Shi, can be described as full of confidence, start up and rushed up: "boy, dare to fight against our blood wolf mercenary group? You really do not want to live!"

"Get out!"

Qin Shi was furious and didn't feel joke. When he came up, he started, one hand and one hand, and thousands of evil spirits broke the underworld. A brain tumbling and attacking, the soaring soldiers threw themselves down. In a moment, the mercenary was paralyzed and directly fainted. dead.


In the back, the blood wolf mercenary group was shocked.

One, one hit? In the middle of the broken spirit, in the early days of the broken spirit, even one face has not passed? This unscientific.

Pang Jian was equally astonished, his eyes were slightly dignified, and he said: "Oh, boy, is it a bit of a skill, but I am going to be jealous, you can, we can deal with more people!"

"Brothers, go!"

Get the order, the blood wolf mercenary group nearly a hundred disciples, one by one rushed up like crazy, all kinds of martial arts overwhelming, the sky of silver confession, cut through the void.

"Qin Gongzi..." Hundreds of people, Luo Xueyu worried about the squeaky voice.

But this group of people, Qin Shi not only did not retreat, but Sùdù accelerated again, the face of the tremble shivered, roaring: "You are damn!!!"

A mighty spiritual force, such as the flood of rivers and floods, followed the Qin Shi's knowledge of the sea, the surrounding air produced a lot of ripples, and a gas field expanded.

The gas field passed through in the jungle to form a large aperture of about 100 meters.

The disciples of the blood wolf mercenary group were originally crazy and embarrassed, but in the moment of entering the aperture, one by one suddenly stopped, all became stupid.


Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey...!

One, two, more and more disciples, fell in the jungle in the stupidity, nearly 100 disciples in the blink of an eye, in the hands of Qin Shi all defeated?

In the rear, Pang Jian eyes condensed, and the whole person fell into a startle.

Things are developing too fast, and Luo Xueying’s whole person is in obsessiveness, his face is incredible, and his face can’t believe it...

"This is... mental power?"

Evening KěnéngYǒushì, may not be able to update... Xiaoshu also wants to cry, persisted for one month during military training, and the result is still not able to get 600 full attendance! Hard to push.

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