Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Xiaomi Cai

The spirit of this little snake, Qin Shi is a knowledge, so I saw a few disciples of Yun Dingzong, so I despise this really insignificant little point, and my heart sighs and laughs: "Dare to be a little guy, these few The kid has suffered."

Sure enough, several Yun Ding sects, who had just vowed to sneak into the hole, a disciple who was only in the early days of the seal, the foot ring was directly bitten by the colorful snake, which is different from the bite force of the snake. The disciple's ankle bone was broken.


The painful roar, a few disciples next to anxious, raised the blade of the hand, and cut down to the colorful snake. But in this group of people, most of them are the best-selling swords. Only a few spirits are just the products of the district. How can they hurt the colorful snakes?


The mortal is broken by the colorful snake.

"Hey, this little guy is weird."

"Rely, Xiao Xiao, this little guy, how is it so powerful?"

Several people invaded the site of the colorful snake. It was like a chicken blood, and it made a crazy attack. When someone saw it, they opened their mouths, no matter what they were.

In a blink of an eye, seven or eight disciples were wounded, but they did not even hurt the snake.

"Big, big brother, what should I do?" Several people panicked, and the person around the leader asked Jiao Yu.

The leading disciple is also full of guilty, biting his teeth: "What to do? What can I do? Run!"

"Run, big brother said to run, this beast is too powerful, we are not its opponents, go back and call the brothers and brothers to come over." Hearing the words, this group of disciples did not dare to hesitate, one by one not care about the baby in the cave If you don’t have a baby, you will run away when you turn your head.


However, will the snakes let them run easily?

Obviously not, I saw the snake's snake body painted S on the ground, and quickly walked in the mountain forest with a flexible belly, and flew a few people in a blink of an eye.

Qin Shi stood next to him, but it was a joy. Looking at a few Yun Dingzong’s disciples, they couldn’t break into the army. The beautiful scent raised their mouths and snorted: “Hey, these few unlucky ones, this time I understand what a snake can’t look like. What?"

Just as Qin Shi rises, his eyes turn, and he sees a Yunding dynasty disciple with a pointed fox, crawling up the back hill, groping and groping into the cave.

"This kid is smart."

Qin Shi’s mind turned and stared at the disciple of this sharp-nosed monkey.

I saw him groping into the cave, his eyes flashing brightly, and finally fell on the cheekbones of the colorful Xiangyun snake, kicking a few feet on the cheekbone, separating the skull from the torso, and holding up After the eyes, I was excited.

Immediately, he ignored the screams of the outside brothers and ran down the mountain in a panic when the snake was not aware.

"Want to run?" Seeing this scene, Qin Shi’s eyes were condensed, and the snoring sounds, and then the body flashed, and rushed to the front of the sharp-nosed monkey, and pulled out the bloodthirsty sword, sneer: "Hey, I said this brother. Is it a little bit of benevolence for you to decisively sell your teammates?"

After being stopped by Qin Shi, the disciple was shocked: "You, who are you?"

"Who am I? The person who will die, don't need to know. You said that you don't even let go of the body of the family. It's just that the animals are not as good as the animals. How do you want to die?" Look up and down, this person is only in the middle of the spirit, basically Can not enter the eyes of Qin Shi, scornfully lifted the bloodthirsty sword, the road.

See Qin Shi, the disciple of the sharp-nosed monkey, licking his teeth, and picking up a sharp sword. Cold: "Hey, a disciple from the fire in the middle of the spiritual period, you want to kill me? I see the person who is going to die. It should be you."

"Wrong and wrong, this is less so chic, the beauty of the world can not bear to die!" Qin Shixiao smiled and shook his head, and then his eyes condensed: "It is your scary goods to die." The voice just fell, the bloodthirsty in the hands The sword is turned over, just in the moment when the blade is right opposite the red sun, the nine swords are smashing through the sky, and the speed of the disciple is taken away, taking away the life of this disciple.

Kill this person, Qin Shi took up the skull.

At this time, the snake had already killed another seven or eight disciples, and this was the case that Qin Shi’s battle occurred. He burned in an instant, and rushed up if he didn’t want it.

"Oh, give it to you."

When the snake rushed up, Qin Shi warmly smiled and handed the skull forward.

Seeing the skull, the snake was grateful, spit out a tongue in the mouth, and made a hoarse sound.

"Well, don't be less emotional, just don't be chasing me and shouting." Feeling the gratitude of the colorful snake, Qin Shi tentatively raised his hand and touched the head of the snake. Immediately, the gaze stayed in the cave for one point.

There must be a baby in this cave.

However, Qin Shi did not want to be in danger, but shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Oh, not your own fortune."

Thinking of this, Qin Shi turned and prepared to leave.

But at this time, the colorful snake suddenly slammed forward and bit the Qinshi's trousers.

Being bitten by the trousers, Qin Shiqi raised his eyebrows and said: "Little guy, wouldn't you want to report it?"

"Hey!" The colorful snake bites Qin Shi's trousers and screams as he shakes his head.

"Stone, it wants you to help her bury her mother's bones." The jade floated out of the book. She was a girl, tears in her eyes, and dripping: "It, it says, it is too small, the mother has passed away." For many years, only the loess bones are left, but it is too late to help the mother to enter the land."

"It said, it said that you are a good person, as long as you can help it, help its mother into the earth, even if it wants its life, it is also willing." The words in the book, such as the tomb of the morning bell in Qin Shi's ear As the sound started, Qin Shi only felt squeaking in his mind, and some pain.

The same is true of the beast, who is that?

How many people, now for the sake of skill?

"Stone, let's help it. This little guy is very pitiful."

Brow Chengchuan, Qin Shi did not give an answer, just picked up the skull on the ground alone, step by step to the cave entrance. He came here and pulled out the Bixue Sword and the Bloodthirsty Sword at the same time. The two swords fell on the ground like a rainstorm.

The mood of all the waves is all vented on the earth.

That's it. Under the impact of countless times, a deep pit of three meters squared. After that, Qin Shi walked into the cave very quietly, and put the dead colorful Xiangyun snake bones into pieces, and put them into the pit one by one, and operated the spiritual force to bury the loess that was stacked next to the mountain.

When doing this, the colorful snake was watching next to it. It didn't make a sound without crying, but in its embarrassment it was accompanied by an indescribable thick sadness.

Filling the pit, Qin Shi wields the blade, and ‘唰’ sings a sword, and sees the old tree next to it. After the break, Qin Shi will make the ancient tree into a tombstone, and engrave several large characters on it: the tomb of the colorful Xiangyun snake, immediately standing in front of the pit, and squatting deeply.

"rest in peace!"

Take a deep breath, Qin Shidao.

The tombstone was engraved, and the colorful snakes squirmed to the front, and the shackles tied their heads in the soil.

A drop of undetectable tears slowly passed through its eyes and blended into the soil.

"Hey, life is dead, this is a destiny, I hope this little guy can understand the sorrow and change." Looking at the sorrowful look of the snake, with a heavy heart, Qin Shi clenched his fist, not sharp nails fell into the palm , took a painful feeling.

In the book, Yu is a girl, and she has already had pears and rain.

"Let's go." I don't want to stay here, Qin Shi turned.

But at this time, the colorful snake suddenly slammed forward, biting Qin Shi's trousers, and a faint hoarse sound in his mouth seemed to be begging for something.

"Stone, it said that it wants to follow you." After a moment, the book translated in jade, and immediately took the crying room, said: "Or, let us bring it, you lick its own lonely look, here Inside the secret, it’s horrible."

Qin Shi’s heart is a glimpse.

"This is a new thing. It is a good choice to bring a wild animal to be a pet. It is also a good choice. Is it full of wind?" Self-entertainment was a joke. Qin Shi’s eyes turned and nodded. "Well, little guy, look at your pitiful look, my brother will take you."

See Qin Shi promised, the colorful snakes twisted and twisted a few bodies, very sensitive, along the foot of Qin Shi, climbed the Qin stone waist little by little, drilled into the clothes of Qin Shi, looking for a Lying down in a comfortable position.

"Oh, this little guy, it is quite a place to choose." Qin Shichai looked up in his arms, could not help but laugh, I saw the colorful snake is lying on his chest, let him secretly: "It seems that this is a female snake. And still only a small color snake."

"Stone, you are lacking morality."

When I heard that Qin Shi was not doing the right thing, the jade in the book was disgusting: "It turned out that I thought you were only eating men and women. I can’t think of you as a human being!"

"That is……"

The arrogant eagerness of the head, immediately Qin Shi blinked: "Fart, when is the time for men and women to eat?"

"Hey, who knows." The jade in the book is very happy laughter.

Somehow, Qin Shi was too lazy to go to the book to read the jade, touch the colorful snake in his arms, said: "Little guy, see you covered with colorful scales, I will call you Xiaomi Cai later? How about this name? Is it enough?"

"Hey!" Xiaomi nodded liked the name very much.

"Well, Xiaomi Cai, let's go." Qin Shi smiled and was ready to leave.

But at this time, the body of Xiaomi Cai tightened and tightened the waist of Qin Shi: "Hey!"

"Stone, Xiaomi Cai said, let you go inside the cave." The book explains the sentence.

"The cave? I have forgotten this thing." With a slap in the head, Qin Shi returned to the taste, couldn't help but get excited, and immediately walked toward the cave in the stride of the meteor, touched the millet in the arms, praised: " Xiaomi Cai is good, knowing how to honor the master, unlike some people who only know how to be against me!"

Xiaomi Cai swayed his head.

However, the jade in the book is straight and itchy: "Who are you talking about?"

"Who is right with me, I will say who is embarrassed."

In response to the ridiculous sentence, Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders, not in the book and jade nonsense, stepping into the cave.

This cave is very dark, reaching out to the fingers, the cold yin wind screaming, the whistling sound is like a demon with long teeth and five claws, constantly blasting in the ear of Qin Shi, as if the inner soul will be mad.

"Good Yinsen." Just entering the cave, Qin Shi has a feeling of creepy hair, but for the treasures inside the cave, he can only sneak into the depths of the scalp. Going all the way, but I don't want this cave to be very broad, and there are not many turns in a row.

Turned around a few times, seeing Qin Shi will give up, but at this time, a strong medicinal fragrance suddenly came face to face, a faint purple fluorescence, flashing in the mouth not far away.

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