Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 109: Dyeing finger

"Ling Wei? Yujie, what is that?"

Looking at the villains on the ground, Qin Shi screamed.

Under the book, Yudun, the dignified board began to face, saying: "Lingwei is the spiritual power that can be produced when the spiritual power reaches the level of the mixed world. It seems that I still underestimate the old man, his strength. At least in the peak of the broken spirit!"


Breaking the peak of the spirit? How is that there? You must know that even the heads of the two major sects of the ancient city are nothing but reluctance to reach the middle of the broken spirit. Thinking of this, Qin Shi’s heart was raised and feared, and he could not help but tremble. He said: “God, what am I just drinking with monsters?”

At this time, the fierce spiritual power disappeared without a trace.

The old man caressed the messy beard and restored the appearance of a sinister sorrow. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to imagine that the shocking spiritual power that was just fascinated by the old man who covered it.

Sorry shook his head, because the villain was disturbed, the old man had lost the taste of drinking, and he lost his head: "Really, I don’t want to have a good drink." Immediately, he turned and glanced at Qin Shi, suddenly flipping it. In the sleeve gown, put a bottle of container with bright red blood on the table, saying: "Little guy, thank you for giving me the wine, there is no treasure in the old age, see you practicing a strange warfare, the blood of this red blood dragon, I will give it to you as a thank you."

Hearing, Qin Shizhen, half-sounding did not return to God.

When he reacted, the old man turned and left, letting him cry anxiously behind him: "Older, dare to ask your name?"

"Name?" The self-talking whisper, the old man shook his head and dropped his sleeves. He said: "Too many years, I can't remember it. I only remember that everyone called me "Drunken."

The remaining sounds are entangled and the old man has disappeared.

"Drunk fairy?" In a blink of an eye, Qin Shi and Xu Qiao are left in the restaurant. In the hands of Qin Shi, the blood of red blood and dragons was stunned.

In the empty restaurant, suddenly there was some sorrow.

"The blood of the red blood dragon, the stone you really developed this time." At this time, the book jade suddenly excited, said: "With these blood, enough to make your star smash the first layer: The refining of the skin, from the original snake Lin to the dragon dragon, the defense increased."

When I heard the sound, Qin Shi returned to God and licked the cracked lips: "Really, I just didn't expect that the old predecessors could see the star-studded martial arts of my cultivation. If there is a goodbye in the future, I would like to thank you very much. ""

Qin Shi’s temperament is not worthy of returning, but it can be divided into good and evil. Others are good to him, and he will also be good to others several times. Of course, people who are not good to him, he also remembered in his heart, waiting for dozens of times after the timing of repayment.

Qin Shimei sighed down the corners of the mouth, took back the blood of the red blood dragon, and prepared to leave with Xu Qiaoer: "This wine is not white, it is a big bargain. Now fill your stomach, it is time to set off!"

Seeing that the two had to go, the hotel owner hiding behind the counter was anxious, and slammed forward, and the voice shook: "Guest, objective, you can't go, you see this restaurant, it is made like this, How do you let me do business?"


Innocent eyes, Qin Shidao: "The problem is not what I got."

"Question, you were not with the father just now?" The store owner whispered.

Recall that Qin Shi is somewhat annoyed. This is really a hundred words. In the end, I have no choice but to take out two top-grade Lingshi. I will compensate the boss for the previous guest’s single, and the damaged seat. My heart is dark: "Rely, this is less. It’s a lay-up gun, it’s good to lie down!”

Of course, complaining complained that the two top grade Lingshi changed the blood of a red blood dragon, Qin Shi still felt very worthwhile. After all, the blood of this red blood dragon, if used properly, can greatly enhance his defense.

Leaving the restaurant, Qin Shi and Xu Qiao are ready to return to the town.

However, the two did not choose to rent a carriage at the station. If they used a carriage, they would have to wait at least seven days to get to the barren town. At that time, it was estimated that the moon would change from the silver plate to the crescent, and what Mid-Autumn Festival was passed.

Therefore, the two are ready to fly back to the desert town through spiritual power.

From the ancient city to the barren town about a hundred miles away, with the profound spiritual power of Qin Shi, it only takes three or four hours to get back, but in order to take care of Xu Qiao on the road, his speed is not very fast, and he still rests in the middle. Three times, so until the evening, the two talents arrived in the barren town.

At night, a full moon.

The sound of the wind is accompanied by a rhythm.

Standing in the town of the desert town, looking at the familiar scene, Qin Shi’s mind could not help but think of a scene a month ago. At that time, he was still worried because of Yun Dingzong, and was forced to leave the barren town. But now, Yundingzong’s giant behemoth has gradually surfaced and become no longer terrible.

Those past events, vivid in sight, just like yesterday, just happened, let Qin Shi feel very sorrowful, can not help but take a deep breath, grin, laughter: "haha, long time, the desert town, your great Qin Shi young master I It’s back.”


Unexpectedly, Xu Qiaoer was next to him, and there was no good rushing Qin Shi haiku.

Being interrupted by Xu Qiaoer, Qin Shi’s face was bitter, and some people were unhappy: “Hey, I’m telling you, who’s the old one with your brother’s head, who did you learn?”

"Zhou Qin sister!"

Big eyes, Xu Qiaodao.

"I should have guessed, you said why don't you learn something good? Hey, I forgot, from Zhou Qin that crazy woman, I really can't learn any benefits." Qin Shi made regrets. Shake his head.

Xu Qiaoer is not willing to show weakness, a serious saying: "Is there? I think Qin Sister said it makes sense."

"Yes, I didn't marry, my elbow began to turn out. It really made my brother sad." Nothing, Qin Shigan went down the wind.

After that, the two quickly entered the barren town, and to be honest, Qin Shi had some time to wait. However, when he first entered the town, he felt a strange atmosphere. He saw that the portals of all the people in the desert town were closed and the lights were turned off.

"Weird, today is not the Mid-Autumn Festival? It is reasonable to say that now is the time to eat a reunion dinner, it should be very lively, but how can it be so deserted?" Left and right looking forward, Qin Shi hearted some snoring, squeezing his eyes, said: "Do you know that you have to come back and deliberately make fun of me?"

"Stone, bloody."

But at this time, the sound of jade in the book sounded: "It is in the position of your Qin family."


Wen Yan, Qin Shi nervous, and realized that the situation is not right, the scorpion suddenly dignified, grabbed Xu Qiaoer, rushed toward the Qin family.


Qin family, bloody.

I saw that in the compound, hundreds of people were crushed by black pressure.

Most of these people are born faces in the deserted town. They hold the silver-goal swords one by one, and the roars from time to time. Among them, it can be divided into five waves, and the five-wave crowd has a master of the spirit.

For the barren town, the five seals are already an innocent lineup.

The Qin family were surrounded by the center, and their bodies were more or less with some wounds. Qin Yongfeng was at the forefront. He looked embarrassed. His eyes swept through the five masters of the spirits. They were cold: "Wu Lie, Liu Yun, Bai Yan, Zhang Xiaosheng, Mao Zishan, your five foreign town families, even joined forces to attack me. Abandoned town!"

"Hey, Qin Jiazhu, where are you from this? As long as you separate the secrets of the deserted town, can you not make a fortune together?" Among the five leaders, Wu Lie’s middle-aged man, In the middle of the seal, Wang Yongfeng was forced by step by step.

Qin Yongfeng bite his teeth and angered: "Wu Lie, this secret is in my desolate town, I am afraid that it will not be possible for you to join the town outside the town. I want to seize the treasures in the secret, unless I die Qin Yongfeng!"

"Old man, why are you? You can eat such a big secret in a small desert town?" The man named Wu Lie, licking his teeth, could not help but haiku: "Now our five towns are united, Your bad town is not an opponent at all."

"Five dog towns!"

"Well, Qin Yongfeng, since you are obsessed with it, don't blame me for being so hot." Insulted, Wu Lie's eyes were cold, and some could not wait for the buzz. The first one rushed to Qin Yongfeng: "Brothers, kill them, The secret is ours."

Nearly a hundred people below, one by one growl, holding the sword to Qin Yongfeng rushed up.

Qin Yongfeng was a little anxious in his heart. He lifted his hand from the Huozong protector's banner: "You can be optimistic. This is the guardian's banner from the fire. If you dare to take a shot at my Qin family, then you are not afraid of offending the ancient city." Zong?"

Sure enough, I saw the guardian banner and everyone stopped at the same time.

But it’s just a moment, I saw Wu Lie’s hand, and also raised a banner, embroidered with a cloud-filled Beidou, and said: “Don’t be afraid, my Wu family also has the cloud guard’s banner. The matter, my Wu family is up."

With this in mind, the following people talked about the sound, and once again smashed the claws.

At the same time, facing the five masters of the spirit of the spirit, the Qin family only has one Qin Yongfeng. The strengths of the two sides are very different. Even if there are big stupid bears and dragons helping each other, the gap between the two seals is still irreparable and is approaching the end of the road.

"Wu Lie, I am fighting with you!"

Biting his teeth, Qin Yongfeng raised the blade, the old body was spinning in the air, and suddenly stabbed nine swords, and the cold road: "Huang Quan Jiujian!"

Jianguang is like a rainbow in the sky, drawing a picture of a wonderful man.

"Noisy!" Wu Lie cold drink, hands with a full set, suddenly opened up the battle, the fire in his hands emerged endlessly, suddenly blasted together a fierce fire, like a tiger rushing down the mountain, Xiong Tao's surge To Qin Yongfeng: "Fire!"

Knife off the sword shadow ~ ~ fly sand stone.

The big stupid bear and the dragon scorpion were united by the three masters of the mid-sealing spirits. They also lost and lost in a row, and the whistling roar of the mouth continued. Especially the big stupid bear, the huge and bulky body is like a live target, and a **** mouth is torn apart.

At this time, there were three cobras of the red blood snake, which was the Huoyun Cobra that was rescued by Qin Shi. Nowadays, they have grown up to the eighth-grade yellow-ordered beast, and the tongue in the mouth rolls over and continually bites toward the group.

However, their strength, in this duel, will not play a role.

"Damn, is it the death of my Qin family?"

One of the Qin disciples died in a pool of blood, Qin Yongfeng witnessed the split, the old hands continued to dance, a cold sword light, constantly swaying out.

At this time, I saw only two young people who were quenching the peaks of the spirits. They jumped to the back of Qin’s private rain. The sword in their hands stabbed the chest of Qin’s private rain: “Hey, Xiaopi Niang, it’s really white, not as good. From us, we are good to you."


"Private rain sister is careful!"

Everyone in the Qin family trembled.

Back to the first, Qin private rain is also a glimpse, but has been dodging.

But at this moment, a cold and spiritual power, covering the entire Qin family in an instant, two blood-red sword lights, directly through the necks of the two young people, instantly killed. Immediately, I saw a thin list of figures, kneeling in front of the Qin private rain, holding a **** sword in his hand, cold and cold: "My sister Qin Shi, you can also get it?"

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