Pay 99 Yuan: Arranging A Mysterious Funeral For You

Chapter 76: Flattery? (2 in 1 large

Black clouds gathered above the sky, and a gloomy atmosphere filled the entire cemetery.

The relatives and friends next to Zhong Youcai's tomb were all attracted by the red flag car that was slowly approaching.

What's happening here! ?

Why did this scene happen at Zhong Youcai's funeral?

"This... Are these people and the car arranged by Jiayou?"

"It should be. Uncle Zhong doesn't have such powerful friends. Looking at these men in black, the aura is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"Strange, the weather forecast is sunny today, why do you suddenly feel like it's going to rain?"

"My dear, they really came!"

Relatives and friends were a little flustered.

No matter who specially invited it, or if it is Zhong Youcai's friend, it doesn't look like an ordinary person's pomp!

At this moment, Zhong Jiayou hurriedly ran over from the side.

He was also confused.

"Jiayou, are these people your friends?"

Zhong Zhihong asked with a solemn expression.

It is not something that ordinary people can do to have such a grand pomp at the funeral of my father.

He suspected that it was some friend that his son met outside. After all, he has become popular recently, and he might have made some powerful friends.

The relatives around also looked over with concern and wanted to know the answer.

Facing everyone's gaze, Zhong Jiayou hurriedly shook his head:

"No, I'm going to ask you! Did these people make a mistake, why did they come to my grandfather's funeral?"

"It shouldn't be!"

Who else can understand grandfather Zhong Youcai's past better than himself and his father?

In a mediocre life, where do you get the chance to meet these powerful characters?

Take a look at this collection-level, high-end and high-end Hongqi car, let alone grandpa could never ride it in his whole life, I'm afraid he has never heard of it.

Look at those men in black, Fan of the international agents, there are three thousand people!

Not everyone can have such an appearance!

Who is the big guy in the Hongqi car? Why did you come to Grandpa's funeral?

Zhong Jiayou has some doubts, these people may have made a mistake, or maybe the boss just passed by?

It's even more possible, maybe it's because of yourself. The image of Xiaosun has been spread all over the Internet. Could it be because of yourself?

This big guy appeared at grandpa's funeral for his own sake?

Looking at the empty space around, except for the tombstones of grandpa and grandmother, there is still a distance between the other tombstones, and the red flag car is obviously coming here!

He was a little flustered in his heart, and also a little inexplicably excited.

Soon, the red flag car stopped firmly in front of Zhong Youcai's tombstone!

Seeing this, everyone's mind seemed to pause for a moment, and they stared at everything in front of them in stunned eyes.

Three thousand men in black quickly stepped forward from the back of the vehicle and lined up in order.

A dozen figures walked to the car and stood on both sides of the car.

Thousands of men in black followed the dozen or so figures, extending half a meter in the direction of the tombstone.

On this section of the road leading to the tombstone, there are thousands of men in black, standing guard on both sides.

The formation of two men in black is solemn and serious!

With the end of their standing, the world became a bit more gloomy, and a slight cold wind blew over the entire funeral.

Everyone present could feel that it should be raining!

next moment,

Under everyone's attention, three thousand men in black neatly held up the black umbrellas they were holding!

Around the vehicle, the umbrellas held up by the 2,000 men in black who were facing the funeral in the distance spread rapidly like ripples!

On the road leading to the tombstone, the black umbrellas on both sides are also densely extending out!

Looking around, it looks like a long river with black umbrellas!

From the red flag car to the tombstone, everything was covered by black umbrellas along the way!

The cameraman who has followed Zhong Jiayou all the time, is still standing beside Zhong Youcai's tomb with the camera in hand, and can see the whole funeral scene more directly. , The solemn and shocking picture is also perfectly presented.

The picture is played in real time.

A strong shock awoke in the hearts of everyone from the moment they held up their umbrellas!

The whole shocking picture was broadcast through the live broadcast lens!

Countless netizens felt the shock through the screen, it was too strong!

With such a card, who is the big guy?

Driven by curiosity, one after another barrage began to launch frantically.

"It's too strong, who is this big guy's appearance?"

"At first, I thought it was a big guy that Jiayou knew, but I didn't expect that he didn't know either. Such a big guy would appear at the funeral of the old man. It seems that the old man is not easy!"

"Yeah, Zhong Jiayou also said that his grandfather was just an ordinary person. It's a low-key look. What kind of pomp can appear at the funeral of an ordinary person?"

"Mummy, if my funeral can have such a scene, it will be worth it in my whole life!"

"You'd better sleep more, there's everything in your dreams!"

"I don't dare to dream like this in my dreams!"

"My dear, this scene is thanks to our Dragon Country, otherwise I should have suspected some kind of social tycoon!"

"It's so scary!"


The barrages in the live broadcast room rolled by densely, all exuding their own shock.

I doubt that there will be such a scene at the funeral.

How could this be a funeral scene that an ordinary old man could have?

They began to suspect that Jiayou was keeping a low profile. In the previous interview, the old man had an ordinary past, and everyone was a little bit unconvinced. Now that such a mysterious scene appeared, where would anyone believe his words?

It's definitely not easy to have such a big guy on the field.

The old man Zhong Youcai buried here, I'm afraid it's even more difficult!

People who think they are smart have already gone to Du Niang to search for Zhong Youcai's information, but have not found any relevant information.

Above the funeral, with the umbrella open!

Everyone's eyes are more concentrated.

The door of the Hongqi car opened, and the man in black who was close to the door quickly greeted him.

Three old men in tunic suits appeared from them with solemn expressions!

It is obvious that the appearance of gray hair is gradually growing, but each has a vigorous energy and deep eyes.

The tunic suits set off their unique temperament, making them even more vicissitudes!

At this moment.


Tick ​​tock!

The gloomy wind swept the black clouds, and raindrops like broken jade fell.

The light broken rain hit the umbrella and slid to the ground.

The raindrops are small but dense~

Let out a reassuring whisper.

Only then did everyone discover that the black umbrella that stretched out from the vehicle to the tombstone just blocked the broken rain for the three old men.

This kind of feeling is like, the rain is accompanied by the black clothes, and the three old men come with the wind and rain!

The sky is surging, and the atmosphere is mysterious.

The road that the black umbrella stretches out is the direction for them to go to pay homage.

The scene in front of them made Zhong Zhihong and Zhong Jiayou's expressions change slightly.

Have they ever seen such a scene?

What made the father and son even more unbelievable was why these three distinguished old men appeared at the funeral of the old man?

Three thousand men in black escort,

The collection-level red flag car is on the way!

Even the light rain seemed to be accompanied by these men in black.

Because of their arrival, there is such a continuous rain.

"Still... a step too late!"

The three old men looked at Zhong Youcai's tombstone with all the vicissitudes of life.

There seem to be countless unresolved past feelings in his eyes, and his solemn face shows his respect for funerals and the deceased!

Just like that, the leading old man stepped out first!

Go in the direction of the tombstone!

The people around have long since avoided the umbrella of the man in black.

In the face of such a mysterious and shocking scene, they have long been unable to care about the shattering rain that is as thin as a cow's hair above their heads.

Especially Zhong Youcai's relatives were even more shocked.

They couldn't understand why there would be such a scene at the funeral of an ordinary person like Zhong Youcai. Those three old men were not ordinary people at first glance!

Where did he know this level of existence?

To be able to come and see him off in person!

Is it possible that you really underestimate the wealth of Zhong?

Is there anything he doesn't know about?


The cemetery is on a hill, not high, and the road is wide.

Through the live broadcast, you can see that the cemetery is already drizzling.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain.

A group of people in casual clothes gathered here.

Looking up at the clear sky that couldn't be more clear, the leader Qin Lao frowned and put his hands behind his back:

"Damn, this weather is not right, is this a live broadcast?"

Saying that, he patted the live broadcast screen in front of him.

The staff on the side quickly protected him and explained:

"Elder Qin, this is a live broadcast! It's really raining over the cemetery!"

"Hey~ I saw the weather, and it was also sunny. How come it turned into partial rain?"

Old Qin frowned, feeling a bit strange.

He picked up the walkie-talkie, asked a few questions, and got the news from the walkie-talkie that there was a cloud over the top of the mountain, and it was already raining.

The staff who ambushed near the cemetery are all their own.

There is no deception, that is to say, is there really a strange weather?

Kind of wicked.

It just so happened that these mysterious people appeared, and it just happened that the rain was derived from it.

What a weird one.

After thinking about it for a moment, someone behind Mr. Qin approached.


"Elder Qin, how is it?"

"Hey, it's a big deal!"

Old Qin looked back and said with a sneer.

If the origins of these mysterious people are unclear, it is already a serious case. At this moment, there is a strange weather, and even it was broadcast live on the spot, and tens of millions of people watched it at the same time.

It's not child's play.

The figure behind him was thoughtful, and quickly said:

"I will send someone to solve the weather problem, so I won't have any doubts. However, these mysterious people are here and cannot be let go easily. We must find out the origin. After all... this trace cannot be covered up. Also, Mr. Qin, you guys If the Mystery Bureau's commander misses this operation, next time, I'm afraid they will send out the ghost troops!"

"Haha, do you think the ghost army is useful for something that our mystery bureau can't solve?"

Old Qin shook his head and smiled, as if he was not optimistic about the ghost troops he mentioned.

"Elder Qin, the ghost army back then didn't have me."

Hearing that, there was a bit of coldness in the man's response.

Mixed with a bit of dissatisfaction~


Old Qin was stunned and nodded noncommittally.

His eyes were filled with frost.

The next moment, looking back at him, it was already icy cold.

The threat of death burst out from his body!

In an instant, the man, Queen Cang, took a few steps back.

In the face of this strange method, he couldn't resist.

Seeing this, Old Qin shook his head.

That's it?

In an instant, the murderous aura around him was reduced to nothing!


"Oh, I can live with this, but with the boss, you have to die!"

The tone is indifferent, the voice is indifferent.

The usual gentle Elder Qin, but now the killing intent was so vague that the shocked man was speechless for a while.

It is said that all the secret bureaus are all means of reaching the sky, with eccentric temperaments and loose organization.

That person was a master, knowing that he was not an opponent, so he hurriedly withdrew unwillingly.

Old Qin didn't take it seriously, and continued to stare at the live broadcast.

The whole person returned to that gentle appearance, smiling.

Whether it was him, Wang Ye, or Zhang Daoling.

No matter which person from the mysterious bureau is here, there will be no half-step back from the attitude just now.

The status of the Mystery Bureau cannot be challenged.

The ghosts and mysteries of the Dragon Kingdom are both designed to solve this kind of thing. There is also some friction and competition between the two, and they have never been very friendly.

This operation is a little bit incompatible with the ghost troops, and the commander-in-chief is on the mysterious side, so the person who had hidden the front in his words just now had a lot of temptation.

If Old Qin's attitude was not tough, they would just watch the dishes.

Seeing the continuous rain and rain in the picture, and the three thousand black umbrellas one after another, Old Qin put his hands behind his back and hesitated for a moment.

Decided to go up and see the situation in person.


At the funeral, Zhong Jiayou and his father watched the three old men walk slowly, and couldn't help but feel nervous from the bottom of their hearts.

This is definitely a big man!

To actually come to attend Grandpa's funeral, this is a chance!

A chance to chat!

The black umbrella spread a few meters away from the tombstone and broke.

The leading old man walked over first and was about to walk out of the area covered by the black umbrella.

Zhong Jiayou hurriedly looked for an umbrella around him, and wanted to take the opportunity to help him hold an umbrella so that he could get close.


The next moment, the man in black at the edge separated from the formation.

Follow the old man and hold an umbrella for him to cover the rain!

One by one, the three old men came to the tombstone together!

His complexion was solemn, and his aura was astonishing.

That is the aura of a formidable superior!

Not easy!

The identities of these three people are definitely not simple!

Zhong Zhihong and Zhong Jiayou stood their breathing became heavier and their faces were tense.

Unexpectedly, such characters would appear at the funeral of the old man!

"Old Zhong, we are late!"

Under the gazes of everyone, the three old men bowed together towards Zhong Youcai's tombstone!

As their bodies bent down, the three thousand men in black behind umbrellas bowed their heads in silence at the same time!

For a time, the scene was suffocating and depressing!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was silent for a while.

After a moment,

Only then did the figures of the three old men slowly lift up!

Seeing this, Zhong Zhihong and Zhong Jiayou bowed to the three of them in return.

After returning the salute, Zhong Jiayou hurriedly stepped forward with a respectful expression and introduced himself:

"You... hello, I'm Zhong Jiayou, Zhong Youcai's grandson!"

Hearing the words,

The leading old man frowned slightly and did not speak.



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