Yes, who is this old man?

Although he is old, his temperament cannot be hidden.

With such a figure, a strong cultural heritage, and a peerless demeanor!

Certainly not a simple identity!

I see.

Qiao Xiang straightened her costume, raised a burst of energy between her brows, and said vigorously and forcefully:

"The head of Yunchuntang Theater, Qiao Xiang!"

The voice fell.

The face of the son next to him changed, his father actually used his identity?

As the voice fell, a flash of lightning flashed in the memories of countless people!

The history of Yun Chuntang and Qiao Xiang in my memory was also quietly revealed!

A few decades ago, there was indeed a theater called Yunchuntang in JZ City. Back then, the theater was very prosperous. Every play was full of people, and it was normal to be full of guests. Unfortunately, the war of the Kou Kingdom invasion was very fast. The fire came, the people were struggling, and the soldiers died one after another. Because of the reputation of Yun Chuntang, these soldiers of the Kou Kingdom surrounded the entire theater.

The class leader at that time was asked by the people of Kou to sing Peking Opera for the soldiers of Kou. If he didn't sing, he would die!

Facing the sharp bayonet and guns of the soldiers of the Kou Kingdom, the class leader refused without frowning!

Those soldiers of Kouguo became angry, and bayonets glowing with cold light stabbed him frantically. The mad Kouguo soldiers stabbed more than 30 times, and the whole person was stabbed into a blood hole, but the class leader was dying. Without making a sound, Yin Hong's blood splattered all over the stage, and he died tragically on the spot without saying a word!

Yun Chuntang has also been lonely since then. Under the targeting of Kou people, no one dared to be called the leader of the class, and everyone was in danger.

Among the class leader's apprentices, this old man named Qiao Xiang was resolutely carrying the banner of the theater class leader!

This is undoubtedly against the soldiers of the Kou Kingdom!


He was repeatedly imprisoned by Kouguo soldiers for various persecution and torture, coercing him into submission!

But he still gritted his teeth and persevered!

In the face of all kinds of humiliation and abuse, he stood up!

At that time, he was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he guarded the master's will and the backbone of the people of the Dragon Kingdom!

It even kept the play spirit passed down from generation to generation by ancestors!

Later, when Kou Guo was about to retreat, Qiao Xiang was imprisoned again.

Since then, everyone has no news of him, and Yun Chuntang has also dispersed.

Never thought that the old man today is actually the head of the Yunchuntang Theater who keeps his integrity, Qiao Xiang? !

The three Kou people who were standing in front of him seemed to have heard about Qiao Xiang's identity, and the eyes that looked at Qiao Xiang again were extremely complicated!

In the live broadcast room, some local people in JZ City, many people have heard about Qiao Xiang.

For a time there was an indescribable touch:

"It turned out to be him! He came back?"

"Qiao Xiang, I've heard about him! I didn't expect him to be alive after experiencing such a thing!"

"What the big guys are saying, why can't I understand it? Please explain, is this old man very powerful?"

"I'm curious, what is the holy place, ask for knowledge!"

That era was a dark and sad time when the Dragon Kingdom was devastated.

Many places have their own tragic deeds, and the incident of Qiao Xiang can be regarded as a relatively well-known deed in the entire JZ city.

So soon, some local people began to popularize it.

Slowly narrate what happened back then!


"The whole JZ city thought he had died at the hands of the enemy bandits, but he was still alive!"


"Our generation has only witnessed the revival of the Dragon Kingdom, but never witnessed that period of decline! This Qiao Xiang accompanied the Dragon Kingdom through a dark history of ups and downs! He used his actions to prove the quintessence of the country. The spiritual inheritance of culture lies!"

"He has guarded his play spirit! He has also guarded the backbone of our Dragon Country people!"

"Mr. Qiao, you're back!"

"I found out that this teahouse was the former site of Yunchuntang! He's been there all the time!!"

One after another, the barrage made countless people numb their scalps.


"Such a person is most qualified to stand here and tell us what is Peking Opera and what is the quintessence of Chinese culture!"

"Isn't the prosperity of the prosperous world we enjoy today bought by thousands of ancestors like Mr. Qiao with their lives and spirit?"

"Tears, this lonely teahouse actually has such a story?"

at this time,

The three little dwarfs said coldly:

"We have decided to demolish this teahouse. This broken teahouse that no one cares about, the once broken theater, can be invested by our Kouguo. That is your luck, and it can also be regarded as the face of the Dragon Kingdom! It's up to you. Man, we'll see how you can stop it!"

"The decline and decline of your Peking Opera in the Dragon Kingdom has become an inevitable trend!"

The tone is full of threats, and there is also a bit of disdain!

"Our Peking Opera will never die! The 5,000-year history of the Dragon Kingdom relies on the inheritance of backbone and spirit! As long as there is this, our Peking Opera will always have a story to tell!"

Qiao Xiang's face was calm, and there was a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"What about five thousand years of history, and what about cultural heritage, if no one listens, how can your Peking Opera continue?"

The dwarf smiled disapprovingly and said.

At this time,

Suddenly there was a voice around:

"Who said no one listened!? I'll listen!"

"Not only do I listen, I want my children to listen too!"

In the crowd, the woman held the child and said with a somewhat resolute expression!

"Well said! Count me in, and I'll listen too!"

A man stood beside the car and hurriedly said loudly!

"Support Qiao Lao, support Peking Opera culture, after I saw the live broadcast, I came to listen to it!!"

"Let me be your audience! Mr. Qiao!"

"I listen too!"

This sound is like a chain reaction, and the surrounding sounds also sounded!

Everyone shouted excitedly!

In those days, the old gentleman kept his backbone for the Chinese people;

Today, everyone will accompany the old gentleman to guard the spirit of the play!

Kou Guo's dwarf was taken aback by this scene. The light in these people's eyes made him feel unbelievable and strange!

At the moment, he is still smiling coldly:

"Haha, just relying on your body? Sing on stage!?"

This sentence is like a basin of cold water, pouring it on the enthusiasm of everyone!

Yes, the old gentleman is old and sickly now.

Can you still be on stage?


Qiao Sheng, who was beside Qiao Xiang, couldn't bear it any longer, and prepared to sing in place of his father.

When he was about to go forward, he was stopped by Qiao Xiang.

But see,

He fiddled with the costumes on his lower body with extreme care, and said decisively to the crowd:

"Today, I will sing on stage again!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire commercial center circle of Jinyang Street in JZ City was instantly set ablaze!

"Good job! Come on, Joe!"

"Elder Qiao, we were not able to accompany you back then, but now, we are with you!"

Everyone's shouts rang out in an instant, and countless shouts came one after another, all supporting the hunched old man in costume in front of the restaurant!



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