Chapter 172 Farting

I heard that he was a guest from the city. Mr. Li thought that the burial would be in the cemetery in the city. I didn’t expect that this client was a little special. The place he chose turned out to be in a remote rural place. The owner of the money, such a choice is rare. When they got off the bus, they found that the entire mourning hall had been built.

In the car, his eyes swept over the family's expectation.

Class Master Li's rough face became a little more solemn:

"Get off the bus quickly, don't make people wait in a hurry!"

"Eh, yes, Master!"


Several apprentices nodded quickly, this time I heard that he was also a customer with a story, and he was worthy of respect.

So the master declined other jobs, so he specially prepared eight suonas for this.

I heard that it was the request of the master-level master who played Hundred Birds Chaofeng at the funeral of President Tang last time. Undoubtedly, this performance was completely because the master saw the face of the master Su, and was willing to do it for him. However, the story of this client is not simple, and living for such a client is one of the few opportunities for them.

Not everyone can afford eight suonas.

Eight carry a large sedan chair, eight suonas, great joy and great sorrow.

As life blows and falls, what Suona tells is both regret and brilliance.

The van was parked firmly outside the mourning hall, and the apprentices got out of the car first and took their own things from the trunk.

Class Master Li finally got out of the car, holding a jet-black wood-grain suona in his hand, looking straight in the direction of the mourning hall with a dignified expression.

When the apprentices took out their things from the car and stood upright and in order behind Class Master Li on both sides.

This group of people finally caught the attention of everyone in the mourning hall.

People with good eyesight immediately recognized the identity of Class Master Li:

"It's Li Jiaban!"

"What Li Jiaban?"

"There was a town principal before, who seemed to have done a good deed all his life. When he left, Li Jiaban played the suona, and the eight suonas were sent off. The audience did not cry, and finally came Qu Bainiao Chaofeng, Xianzi. Xiaosun kneels all over the mountain! You didn't see that scene!"

"you saw it?"

"Me neither!"


"I have a friend who happened to be at the scene at the time and told me that with the suona, goosebumps arose in an instant, and the people around him were like waves, kneeling down one after another, with his knees on the ground. Up, they were all facing the direction of the mourning hall. The vast expanse of white knelt down. The suona sounded. The past of the principal seemed to appear in front of people's eyes. Tears couldn't stop coming out. All the birds were attracted, and they were all surrounded by the mourning hall. They didn't leave for a long time, and they chanted continuously. The master of the town said that it was a bird brought in by the principal's high morality. Everyone knows that the suona is really a god, that's what the suona brought in, and if you can play the suona to this extent, do you think it's amazing?"

"It's amazing. It's a pity that I couldn't be there. I can only hear about such things."

"Damn, the eight suonas in Li's family are notoriously strong. No matter how many times you want someone to come out, you have to queue up! This time I heard that the juniors of the Xu family wanted to invite them, but they clearly said they didn't invite them. I know what's going on, but it's here now, looking at this battle, it should be eight suonas, after Li Jiaban became famous recently, everyone rushed to come, this price is not cheap!"

"The younger generation of the Xu family has a heart, I'm afraid it cost a lot of money!"

"Lao Xu has been a good person all his life. Whether he treats people around him or strangers, he is treated as a normal, well-known old man. When he leaves, he can enjoy eight suonas, which is not a loss! If I die When Li Jiaban was able to make eight suonas for me, I walked away with a smile!"

"Nonsense, you can't talk nonsense!"


The people around were chatting one after another, talking about what had happened.

Some believers cast envious glances, and even when they learn about it, they feel very magical and respectful. How great the principal must be to be able to enjoy such treatment, Bainiao Chaofeng, Batai Suona, thousands of people. Sending each other off, thousands of people kneel all over the mountain!

There are also people who don't believe it. They just think they have heard a story and haven't seen it with their own eyes, so why not let them talk nonsense?

There was a story about a young man who played a hundred birds toward the phoenix at the funeral of the principal, and it will definitely spread. People may not know who the young man is or what kind of spectacle happened at that time, but They must be able to know that the principal has guarded and poured love and selfless dedication to the world, to the children in the world, and to the young ones!

At this moment, Xu Gu looked at Li Jiaban who appeared outside the mourning hall, a little stunned.

Yesterday, I went to Li's family in person and asked them to live for my father, but they declined.

Said that he had already taken over another job.

Li Jiaban, who is well-known far and near, and whose name is out there, was not able to invite him, and it has always been a pity in his heart.

Hearing that Mr. Su Chen had reserved a suona team for his father, he had no choice but to accept it. After all, he had never had much contact with him, and he didn't know where other suona teams were good besides Li Jiaban.

Unexpectedly, now, this Li Jiaban actually appeared outside the mourning hall!

Eight suonas are ready!

Xu Gu still doesn't understand, this is Mr. Su Chen's handwriting?

Li Hongzheng, the head of the Li family class, even dispatched himself!

The hand-held suona comes first, followed by the seven disciples!

The dignified look on his face is a respect from the heart.

Li Hongzheng's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate, staring straight at the direction of the photo in the mourning hall, and then he took a step!

"Li Jiaban, the suona is here!!"

The sound is still very penetrating, and it spreads in the direction of the entire mourning hall!

The mourning hall, which was a little noisy, fell silent with this confident cry!

This sound made countless people feel goosebumps.

Following the crowd, they looked at Li Jiaban outside the mourning hall!

Under everyone's gaze, Li Hongzheng led seven apprentices with their own musical instruments and walked towards the mourning hall!

Seeing Li Jiaban approaching, Uncle Quan hurriedly approached Xu Gu and told him to accept the teacher.

Immediately, facing Li Jiaban's direction, everyone on both sides couldn't help but take a step back.

make way for it.

Xu Gu and Xu Jin quickly walked out of the mourning hall and bowed to them!

Facing the worship of the two of them, Li Hongzheng stepped forward unhurriedly and helped them up one by one.

This is also considered a gift in return, and it is more meant to bring the younger generation.

After helping him up, Li Hongzheng took his apprentices into the mourning hall, ready to start playing tunes for him.

When the Li family arrived, it was not yet time for the burial.

It must be tomorrow.

Many people came to worship and offer incense, all because Xu Bai's popularity was very good, and many friends came from various places to attend the funeral.

The crying continued, and the suona sounded from time to time, echoing throughout the mourning hall.

Looking at the orderly funeral, Uncle Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ding couldn't stop when he was busy.

"What an honest and good boy!"

Uncle Quan squatted in a corner, lit the cigarette brought by Xu Gu, while puffing the clouds, he looked at Xiao Ding and said thoughtfully.

"Uncle, thanks to you this time, without you, I might have to step on a lot of pits and make a lot of jokes at my dad's funeral!"

Xu Gu approached him, crouched beside him, and said in a serious tone.

For Uncle Quan and Xiao Ding who are busy before and after, he sees them all.

There is something, they are real.

I have to be grateful.

Looking at Xiao Xu, who was squatting beside him, his attitude has always been very modest, Uncle Quan smiled lightly:

"Hey, just don't dislike our busyness.

A good person like your father, look at the people who came to the funeral, how can there be any jokes? They are all here to help you, and they all want the funeral to be done well, which is the most rare thing.

In this lifetime, there is no guarantee that you will not do anything wrong. Offending someone, no matter what the reason is, is likely to offend someone who is alienated. I have done many funerals, and I have encountered a lot of things. It's really rare to have a home like yours.

This is due to your father's blessing!

The help of outsiders is also to watch the dishes. You have a good temperament and a good boy. "


Xu Gu listened to his words earnestly, smiled relievedly, and nodded.

It is my father's blessing and my own.

Uncle Quan was right, it was his father who behaved like this and everything he did.

There is a scene where so many people are willing to help.

Who said good people are not rewarded?

Thinking of this, Xu Gu felt that the corners of his eyes were suddenly moist.

Looking back at the mourning hall, the father's photo was enshrined on the table.

That familiar face seemed to be still smiling at him, that kind and kind face.

There is still a warm arc.

For a while, tears flowed uncontrollably. Wanting to hold back, he swallowed a few times and raised his head.

"Cry, cry when it's time to cry, don't wait to remember it later, there's no such occasion for crying again."

Uncle Quan slowly took a breath and said in a deep voice.

The slightly hoarse words entered Xu Gu's heart, as if they had defeated his last line of defense.

First smile.

Tears broke down completely and cried.

Uncle Quan looked in the direction of the mourning hall, where Xu Jin was kneeling, wiping tears.

Not bad, there is a pair of filial sons and worthy daughters.

When you are buried tomorrow, I hope you won't be too sad. This old bone can't stand the nerves.

A pair of old eyes looked at the mourning hall thoughtfully.

for a long time,

The ashes fell, and he looked up.

The sky was already getting a little dark.


In a city close to Qingyang County.

The bustling and bustling Kou Culture Street has been successfully developed. There are people from the Dragon Kingdom wearing kimonos, wandering among the bustling storefronts, sushi, Japanese food, and even Kou-based foot baths. Kou can be seen everywhere. His style, if it weren't for the often revealed sentences in Chinese, it would really make people think that they came to Kou Kingdom.

The man in a kimono walked on the street with his chest raised up, his eyes flirtingly looking at the pedestrians outside the street.

For them, it seems that only those who enter this street are truly fashionable people. If they don't enter this street, they are somewhat unable to keep up with the times and do not know how to keep pace with the times.

For such customers, they are too lazy to recruit.

The newly developed street itself has attracted a lot of traffic.


There are always some curious guests who come to enjoy the experience, and the effect is really good. After all, they can feel the exotic atmosphere that they can't enjoy at all in China.

The noisy and lively streets, the neon lights light up the whole street.

People are flowing.

People wearing pirate costumes stood by the street, constantly communicating and soliciting customers.

"Tonight? Grandpa, are you going to Qingyang tonight? Are you in such a hurry?"

"Well, I've discussed it with the boss, just tonight!"

"Grandpa, we have important things to do tomorrow. You should rest here tonight!"

"No! It's because there is something important tomorrow, so I discussed it with others tonight, don't persuade me! When your uncle's ashes come back, where will I have time to do other things? Besides, he It's hard to come back, I have to take care of it!"

A stubborn white-haired old man with a trembling body leaning on crutches and wearing an old-fashioned green military uniform was walking on the street.

From time to time, he chatted with his granddaughter next to him.

The granddaughter looked at the old man helplessly.

Perseverance is to go to Qingyang County. There is no other way but to take him back and prepare to go to Qingyang County together.

There are too many people on the streets in this area, and it is not convenient to drive, so you can only walk.

When you get back to the car, you can set off for Qingyang.

At this moment, the old man raised his eyes, as if he was attracted by some light.

Pupils tremble!

The wrinkled veteran pointed tremblingly in the direction of the Kou Culture Street, his dry mouth opened:

"This!...What's going on here?"

"This... it seems to be the newly opened Kou Culture Street!"

The granddaughter looked in the direction of his finger, immediately reacted, and said quickly.

The voice fell,

The old man's turbid eyes glared suddenly, as if a ray of essence shot out, and asked in disbelief:

"The Bandit Culture Street!?"

"Yeah! I heard that some pirate merchants covered this street!"

The granddaughter nodded in affirmation!


The old man trembled and was extremely angry:

"Nonsense!!! Impossible!"

"How can we let them occupy the place we fought and defended with blood? This street is the territory of our Dragon Kingdom!"

Having said that, he walked in the direction of Kou Culture Street!

Faltering, but moving so firmly step by step.

The crutches were stabbed on the ground, like the signboard of the bandits, which deeply stabbed the old man's mind!

"Grandpa! Where are you going?"

The granddaughter looked startled, and immediately realized that it was not good.

The old man used to be a soldier, but he couldn't persuade him when his energy came up!

Looking at the whole cultural street covered with neon lights, the old man is about to walk in!


At this time, several young men in kimonos standing at the entrance of Wenhua Street noticed the old man, and hurriedly stepped forward to block his way:

"Hey hey hey! Old man, this is our Kou Culture Street, not the place you should come!"

"That's right, go play somewhere else!"

"If you don't wear pirate clothes, you won't give in!"

The harsh words were like a thunderbolt that violently stirred in the old man's heart.

For a while, his face flushed, and he scolded sharply:

"Me!...What did you just say? Our bandit!?"

"What's up?"

The young man sneered disapprovingly.

The old man was leaning on his cane with difficulty, and in a hoarse voice, he used all his strength, almost gritted his teeth and roared:

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

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