Chapter 160 Death, come in!

Feeling the runes of destruction flickering on Su Chen's palm, Taichi Gusaka really smelled the threat of death. If he didn't give a reason or reason, he really wanted to kill himself!

In order to save life, what else can't be said?

In the night sky, traces of moonlight began to penetrate the thick clouds, and it was difficult to reveal the pale moonlight.

Sprinkled all over the field.

It poured on Su Chen's face, reflecting his indifferent and murderous cheeks!

Kosaka Taichi looked up at him with difficulty, and said quickly:

"I said! It's because the breath you exposed is too weak. The person who really killed Xiaojunjun was Old Qin. Besides, there are not many people who can deprive the essence of the alien world. Most aliens even I don't know that there is an essence. So we agreed that it was Mr. Qin who took the metal rune essence. I went to investigate secretly and found that Mr. Qin didn't have it. So, I naturally suspected the target on you, thinking about it. Try your luck and see if you really took the essence! Didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect that, I really took it?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes and asked.

Hearing his words, Kosaka Tai nodded and said with a wry smile:

"Yes, so far I know that you have obtained the essence of the metallic rune!"

"If you say so, then if I kill you directly, no one will know that I took the essence?"

The killing intent in Su Chen's eyes almost burst out, and asked in a deep voice.

A cold wind suddenly blew over the two of them.

Kosaka Taiyi hurriedly shook his head:

"No! Once you kill me, even if they don't know that you have taken the essence, they will come after you! An old monster like Qin Lao is difficult to deal with, but if you are so young, you have such a cultivation base. , must be killed! Otherwise, there will be endless trouble for us! When a few of them join forces, I think you are not easy to deal with. Besides, you are excellent at the level of force, but there are still some problems in the level of rune. It's not as good as Qin Lao. Every time you make a move, you will leave a rune imprint. This place has been contaminated with your breath. They can feel it as long as they follow my breath. At that time, they will understand that you took it away. The essence of metallic runes!"

His voice was a little anxious, but there was no hint of deception.

every sentence is true

People leave their names, and geese leave their voices.

Su Chen knew that the rune marks were difficult to clean up, and once he made a move, it would definitely leave traces.

Only those who have mastered the runes together can erase all traces on their own.

Right now, his cultivation is far from enough.

It seems that this Gusaka Taichi can't be killed for the time being?

You can't kill it, but you can't let it go!

This kind of dwarf likes not to recognize old things the most, and makes promises like bullshit.

After all, if you don't even recognize history, you don't even recognize what your ancestors did, how can you keep your agreement with yourself?

So when he caught him, Su Chen never thought of letting him go!

Nor can it be handed over to the Secret Service.

He originally wanted to hide his strength. If this guy was handed over to the Mystery Bureau, Qin Lao Er and the two would naturally know their strength.

More trouble.

The moonlight was faint and began to sprinkle over the entire field.

Su Chen looked up and saw that a crescent moon light began to emerge.

Suddenly he laughed coldly.

This man is always lazy.

Once you get used to one thing, it's hard to change.

After hiding for a long time, I subconsciously wanted to retreat and avoid anything when I encountered something.

Forgot to take the initiative?

At the moment, looking at Kosaka Taichi, he asked in a deep voice:

"Since you are all connected to each other, you should know where the other monarchs are, right?"


Furusaka was startled, and nodded because he didn't know.

Think about why he asked that.

Hearing his answer, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction:

"That's good, take me to find them!"


Gusaka Taichi was stunned and looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

are you crazy?

It's trouble enough to catch yourself alone.

And to find other people, isn't this asking for trouble?

Could it be that....

The brain was spinning fast.

Kosaka Tai's face changed drastically.

Think of some horrible reason.

"You are very smart, then take me away!"

Su Chen observed the change in his expression and said coldly.

It seemed that he had thought of what to do.


Gusaka Taiyi didn't move, but stared at Su Chen, lying on the ground without moving.

Those cloudy eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

He understood that if he really agreed to Su Chen.

Once it fails, it will be an extremely terrifying result!

"What? Don't want to?"

The golden rune in Su Chen's hand has never been destroyed at all, and now it has a bit of golden rune's breath.

asked coldly.

If he doesn't allow it, this golden rune will destroy him!

"You won't kill me, you still want to hide your identity, don't you?"

Furusaka Taichi gave a wry smile and tried to ask.

I want to know what Su Chen means.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen said expressionlessly:

"What do you think?"

"No! You can't kill me. If you kill me, you will be hunted down by several other monarchs! At that time, you will have no escape!"

Furusaka Taiyi hurriedly retorted!

In the face of his rebuttal, Su Chen sneered:

"Do you think it has anything to do with you after this?"

"What's the meaning?"

Kosaka Tai was stunned and asked.

Su Chen said indifferently:

"After all, I still have people's work to do, and I don't have time to play with you beasts. If you don't do what I want, I can only kill you! Now, the person who needs to recognize the reality is you, kill you. After that, whether I face their pursuit alone, or seek the help of the Mystery Bureau to resist them. Do you think, after this, whether I live or die, it still has something to do with you? You even live The chances are gone, do you think you need to think so much?"


Gusaka opened his mouth too wide, but was unable to speak.

Just like this, he looked up at Su Chen.

There was silence for a moment.

Then, in a hoarse voice, he lowered his head and said:

"I can help you find some other monarchs, as long as you can spare my life! Otherwise, I will die all the way down, so give me a good time now, and I will admit it!"

"Yes, as long as you help me find them one by one, I will let you die!"

Su Chen replied without hesitation.

As long as the hidden danger is solved, whether he lives or dies, he can't help himself!

At that time, he promised to let him die, but he didn't say let him be free.

"How can I trust you?"

Kosaka Tai's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

to this.

Su Chen frowned slightly:

"Believe, you will have a chance to live; if you don't believe, I will give you a ride now!"

"Believe! Believe in you!"

The corners of Taichi's mouth twitched, and he nodded again and again.

Expressed great confidence.

Especially this guy doesn't play cards according to the routine at all!

Never give yourself a chance to negotiate.

He is bound to be strong, and now he can only do what he wants!

Find it, find it!

I glanced at the whole field, a messy group, and those puppets were still scattered on the ground.

The battle traces are also too exaggerated.

It's like being overturned on the ground.

These puppet bits and pieces must be cleaned up. As for the exaggerated traces on the ground, just let those puppets dig and bury them.

Su Chen put the golden rune in his hand on Taichi Gusaka's chest and hid it in his clothes.

If you don't do what you want, you can get rid of him at any time!

It directly defeated his last little thought.

I have never seen such a cautious boss!

Too goofy!

He slowly stood up from the ground, one hand had been chopped to pieces by Su Chen's heel, which was considered a waste.

Looking at Su Chen with a painful expression.

"Use your puppet to clean up the traces of the battle, and we'll set off!"

Su Chen ignored his expression.

Like an order, he said to him.


Kosaka Tai straightened his body and hurriedly agreed.

Then, reach out!

The dim light wrapped around his fingertips, forming threads that were difficult to detect with the naked eye, and controlled those puppets!

Immediately, the puppets that were originally paralyzed on the ground seemed to have souls.

Under his control, began to fill the hole with soil.

It's a little different from what Su Chen imagined. This is completely controlled by the mind. After all, there are only a few movements of the fingers back and forth.

It is impossible to direct hundreds of puppets to do different things at the same time.

I have to say that the profession of puppet master is also very good.

Those puppets are the most loyal subordinates, they are weapons when they are used, and slaves when they are cleaned up.

Especially the female puppet who hit him while driving, really scared him, if he looked better.

If the means are more clever, maybe they can make dolls like people, and then it will be difficult to distinguish the true from the false...

cough cough.

When thinking of some more serious places, Su Chen forcibly interrupted his wild thoughts.

Looking at those bits and pieces, I found that they had been collected by Kosaka Taichi, and it seemed that they could be rebuilt.

Tackling and mending, it is a new puppet.

As for how to store these puppets?

Under Su Chen's doubts.

With his flexible operation, dozens of puppets began to form together like Transformers.

At this moment, Su Chen understood why there were human organs hanging on some of the puppets.

Some also only hang the skin.

They are all like the fragmented organs of the human body.

Witnessing their transformation with my own eyes, after dozens of puppets were successfully combined, those fragmented organs and skin just spliced ​​into one person!

About two meters tall, he is still a big fat man.

Some are as strong as sumo wrestlers in Kouland, with lifelike eyeballs, like real people.

It's just that there are puppets in the body.

Immediately afterwards, this 'fat man' began to devour other puppets, three mouthfuls of one puppet.

After eating hundreds of them, they all melted into its stomach.

More than half of the puppets were spliced ​​together into a large box shaped like a coffin.

carried by the fat man.

As a result, thousands of puppet figures disappeared.

There was only a fat man with a stiff expression in front of him, carrying a large coffin-like box on his back.


For the first time, Su Chen discovered this puppet master profession.

It was an eye-opener.

This profession, if practiced, reaches the pinnacle.

Wouldn't it also be like Transformers?

The talisman master himself entered this profession because of the rewards of the system.

The real power was greatly improved through the essence of the runes that Mr. Qin gave him.

It is a first glimpse of the talisman.

The importance of the essence is evident.

A puppet master like him should also have the essence, right?

Think so.

Su Chen didn't ask the exit.

Still working with him.

Find other Maharajas!

Brand new BMW, the front bumper was knocked off due to the impact of the puppet.

The paint finish was also rubbed off a bit.

Fortunately, Kosaka Taichi has a lot of control over machinery, so he can handle such a problem easily.

Not knowing what he did when he stepped forward, the bumper was perfectly installed by him.

The problem of the vehicle not moving has also been solved.

The paint surface can only be repaired at the 4S shop.

There was nothing he could do.


Su Chen drove by himself, Gusaka Taiyi led the way, and the two ran towards the county town overnight.

It is still some distance from the county seat.

It was not until half an hour later that the two of them saw the outline of the county seat.

The county town at night is bright at the moment, and all kinds of neon lights hang by the roadside.

The arrogant night market atmosphere dispelled the dark silence.

Under the leadership of Taichi Gusaka, Su Chen followed him to a place where there was a lot of fun.

The floors here are all old buildings.

Bypass a night market.

Walking into the trail, there is a place to take a bath.

Because the decoration is not very good, the bath here is cheap, and the sauna is free.

People nearby like to take a bath here.

Before approaching the bathhouse, the air here can clearly feel very humid.

Su Chen frowned, the dwarf led the way.

Said to be on the second floor.

He looked up.

The red signboard lights are flickering on the balcony on the second floor.

Two scarlet letters are engraved on it: Bathhouse

"On the second floor?"

Su Chen frowned and asked.

Kosaka Taiyi hurriedly nodded and said with a smile:

"Well, it's on the second floor! He is a water-type talisman master, the fifth emperor among us, the Great Black Yangtai! His strength is above me!"

"Come on, take me up!"

Su Chen nodded suspiciously.

How can this guy still laugh?

From his expression, there was a hint of schadenfreude.

no matter what,

His little life is in his own thoughts!

You should not dare to deceive yourself.

Under the leadership of Taichi Gusaka, Su Chen walked up the stairs outside the house with him.

Came to the second floor.

The bronzed metal glass door was closed, and the frosted glass could not see what was inside.

The milky white light penetrates through the glass and continuously penetrates out.

Gives off an alluring! "

Strange hums came out one after another.



Hearing the sound, Kosaka Taichi blushed slightly.

Originally, I was going to push the door directly, but I felt that it was not good, so I knocked on the door politely.

There was a knock on the door.

The strange sound in the house immediately stopped.

Just listening, a charming and soft voice came from the house:

"Hey, **** it!"

"come in!"


(End of this chapter)

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