Part-time as God of the Heavens

Chapter 294 Don't talk and pretend to be a master?

"I don't understand, you actually agreed to a request from a human being on Earth, not mine!"

"Mr. Zhou is very powerful, and his advice is very helpful to us." The Guardian looked down at Sinisto, "and, given that you brought dozens of Green Lanterns to snipe the Parallax without permission, the Green Lantern Corps suffered unprecedented heavy losses. , we haven't punished you yet."

"That's because I didn't bring enough people!" Sinesto recalled the Green Lanterns who didn't even take a breath in the hands of the Parallax, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart, "Also, the Parallax is too powerful, His ability can actually restrain the power of our will, which is unprecedented! I need to know the origin of the parallax! You know it, and Abin Sur also knows it, but he won't tell me why!"

"..." The guardian was silent for a while, and insisted on Sinesto so much, all his eyes were focused on a broken stone pillar with no guardian sitting on the top, and finally came out the reason for the matter.

"Willpower has always been our only weapon against the dark forces of the universe, but not everyone is strong-willed, not even Green Lantern.

After the huge loss, those of us have suggested, why not use another energy as the energy source for the lamp ring as well?

An energy source that we once swore never to use.


But the energy of fear was too unpredictable, and the possibility of being eroded by fear rather than exploiting it was so great that we finally decided to give up the decision to use the energy of fear... All agreed, except one. "

"Guardian." Sinestro said coldly.

"Yes, the guardian entered the fear energy that was sealed by us alone," the guardian looked at the broken stone pillar, "he wants to prove to us that the fear energy can be controlled by us... his The purpose is simple, but the wish is too naive, and in the end, after absorbing the energy of fear, he becomes the demon he once wanted to destroy..."

"Parallax." Sinestro understood.

"After discovering this, we sent Abin Sur to imprison him in the Lost Sector, but now..."

"He escaped, and absorbed the fear and all the vitality of all life in several civilizations, becoming stronger than ever before. Green Lantern was vulnerable in front of him, and he was still coming to OA star, wanting to destroy Green Lantern Legion, kill all guardians," Sinestro said.

"Yes, that's right." The Guardian nodded.

"...Then there is nothing we can do?" Sinesto asked after being silent for a while.

"Mr. Zhou is the most powerful creature we have seen over the years, except the Kryptonian. With his help, the Green Lantern Corps only needs to exercise as a whole and work together to solve the parallax monster," the guardian said. .

"But we can't pin all our hopes on a human who is not a Green Lantern!" Sinestro suppressed his anger and retorted, "The glory of the Green Lantern Corps is defended by all the Green Lanterns with their lives! In the end, you are because of a strong enemy. Want to rely on outsiders before? This will only make the Green Lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps unable to make any progress and gradually decline!"

"I have to remind you that you have been temporarily relieved of your position as the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro, and we have not been held accountable for your unauthorized actions that resulted in the deaths of dozens of Green Lanterns." The Guardian His face turned cold.

"Yes, I made mistakes, but I fought for the future of the Green Lantern Corps. Their sacrifices brought precious information. They defended the glory of the Green Lantern Corps with their own lives. Not coming out, but handing over the future of the Green Lantern Corps to the hands of others!" Sinesto said angrily, "We must find a way by ourselves! In this way, if that human can't solve it, we can at least have other solutions. , take the future into our own hands!"

"...What do you want to do?" The Guardian said after pondering for a while.

"Fear," Sinesto said coldly, "fear to fear, when the parallax arrives here and wants to avenge us, he will find that his ability to survive has been used by us!

We, must create a ring of fear yellow light! "


"It's beautiful."

Hal, with a glass of champagne in his hand, walked over to Carol.

Carol is the childhood sweetheart who grew up with him, and is also the daughter of the Phiris Military Industrial Company, and also the partner of Hal during the failure of the "Phiris Saber III" test battle—ha Er used Carol as a bait to sacrifice, and then came a wave of extreme height challenges, successfully defeating the final product Saber III, which the Ferris company had hoped for.

It has to be said that under such circumstances, Carol has not fallen out with Hal, and the relationship is simply too iron-clad.

Of course, it is also possible that this did not affect the reason why the Ferris Sabre III was successfully sold to the military and successfully saved the Ferris company.

Now, they are at the celebration banquet held by Ferris Company.

"Yeah..." Carol looked at the Ferris Sabre III in front of her and said with a smile, "It's beautiful."

"No... I'm talking about your dress," Hal was rude and gave up on flying, but he wasn't a fool when it came to girls, and he knew that what he did would hurt Phoebe The influence of the company and Carol... Fortunately, Carol managed to get the order in the end, "Of course... and you."

"..." Carol looked up at Hal, "Well, your leather jacket is not bad..."


"No, do you still want me to say you are handsome?"

"Hey, I know I'm sorry for what I did, but you can't speak out against your conscience."

"Hehe, you misunderstood. I don't say that you are handsome because of this. I always don't think what you did is wrong, and I don't think you are sorry for me... I just don't think you are handsome, thank you."

"Okay..." Hal understood that Carol was clearly still angry, so he quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which... how did you manage to get the order?"

"I persuaded the military that it was you who carried out the illegal operation first, and also asked the technicians to improve the maximum cruising altitude of the Ferris Sabre III, so the matter was settled like this~" Sure enough, Ka Lorton was immediately diverted. It can be said that she successfully saved the Ferris military industry in this wave! This is something to be happy about.

Not far away, among the crowd, Hector, whose hairline seemed to be in his 50s or 60s, passed the pedestrians through the traffic and looked at Carol and Hal who were communicating, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous and angry.

After gaining great power, people often lose an accurate view of themselves...and some people didn't have it before.

In short, after Hector discovered that he was infected, mutated, and had magical abilities, some subtle changes had taken place in his cowardly and inferiority mentality because of his appearance.

I am so powerful, why should I feel inferior, why should I be cowardly?

I want the woman I want, I want everything I want! I want no one to dare to oppose me!

As the son of a senator, Hytke actually grew up with Hal and Carol. Under his current state of mind, he naturally assumed that Carol chose Hal and abandoned him. self.

But also, Hal was originally a handsome and handsome pilot. He was handsome and had eight-pack abs. He was still a good person, and there was nothing too bad about him. For Hector, who seems to be in his 40s or 50s older than his own father... It's definitely more popular!

Whether it is appearance, character, or ability, Hector is crushed in all aspects.

It's just... Hector now has no reason to think clearly about these things. In his opinion, he is so powerful that he can have everything!

After that, Hector's father, Senator Hammond, came to the banquet and announced the successful agreement with Carol's father, and also introduced Hal and Carol... Of course Hector He was not introduced. To be honest, Hammond was also very disappointed with Hector, and had a little contempt and disgust in his heart.

Hammond's psychology was still being eroded, and Hector, whose ability was gradually becoming stronger, could hear clearly.

This caused infinite anger in Hector's heart.

"I, I must make you pay the price, I will make you feel the deepest fear!" Hector roared in his heart, but his facial expression remained motionless. Go Hammond, then, a flash of yellow in his eyes!

A faucet on the bar was directly smashed by high water pressure and broke. The propeller at the tail of the helicopter was directly broken. Under the extremely high speed, it was directly transformed into steel fragments comparable to bullets and flew out, smashing the main propeller above, and directly letting the elevator rise. The helicopter in mid-air lost power and began to fall!

The people on the ground were screaming, terrified, and fled in all directions, and Hector remained motionless, enjoying the thrill of this fear, very pleasant!

"This kind of feeling like the master of everything is really enjoyable! Hahahaha!" Hector laughed wildly in his heart.

Hal widened his eyes and hurried to change his clothes.

At least for now, Hal is not interested in being recognized as a superhero by others. Isn't that the case in comics? Once superheroes reveal their identities, there will be a lot of trouble, and even in reality, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman have never revealed their true identities!

Hurrying to a place where no one was paying attention, the green light ring on his hand instantly glowed, and he put on the tight uniform necessary for a superhero, and Hal hurried back.

At this time, the helicopter had already fallen to the ground, and the main propeller did not know what was wrong and could not stop at all. He took the helicopter all the way to "slide". The high-speed rotating propeller blades were like a death sickle, which was about to harvest everyone. s life!

The guests of the banquet were running in all directions, and Carol was in the direction the helicopter was heading toward, and she fell to the ground because she tripped on a drum on the stage. She injured her foot and couldn't escape.

Hal shook the ring in his hand and directly wrapped Carol in a protective cover. At the same time, he also built a large pickup truck and a plastic track to directly control the out-of-control helicopter and drive to the side. The pilot on the helicopter Finally, he finally reacted and successfully released the power of the helicopter. In the end, the crisis was successfully resolved!

"..." Hal came to the protective cover, lifted the protective cover, stretched out his hand, picked up Princess Carol whose ankle was injured, and handed it over to Carol's father who ran up. Then he turned around and flew away. Leave at high altitude.

Carol looked at Hal who was far away, and her eyes were full of doubts.

Howl is this... what are you doing?

Do not speak and pretend to be a master?

When did you have this ability?

He doesn't think that no one can recognize him if he wears a blindfold over his eyes, does he?

Can anyone recognize it? ? !

(Note; Green Lantern's eye patch works similarly to Superman's glasses, but Carol is recognizable because she's "too" familiar with Hal)

"When will the seaside city have superheroes..." Carol's father murmured as he looked at Hal's back in the distance.

Looking down, he saw his daughter Carol looked at him with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Carol shook her head speechlessly, and decided to help Hal to hide it.

If you want to ask specific questions, please wait until later.

"Hal..." In the corner, Hector looked at Hal who was leaving, with shock, extreme, anger, and fear in his eyes.

He also recognized Hal!

So what's the use of Green Lantern's blindfold? (slams the table)

Several reporters who were invited to the banquet even found the best shooting angle when Hal appeared before, and filmed all of Hal's actions.

This is news, great achievement!


"Master Wayne, I think you need to look at this." Alfred, who had gray hair, put a tablet in front of Bruce.

"...What kind of aesthetic is this guy, why is he wearing such a green uniform?" Bruce couldn't help but say.

"Maybe... what special hobby?" Alfred replied after thinking for a while.

On the tablet, Hal was bathed in green light all over his body, and Bruce moved the tablet away subconsciously, otherwise he felt that the green light would come out of the screen to shine on him and dye himself green.

"However, will the superheroes that appear at this time have anything to do with the fear energy..." Bruce frowned, took out his mobile phone, and made a call, "Zhou, you know a green man who can fly. boy?"

ps: Internship + graduation ing...


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