I haven’t seen Earth Temple for a long time.

Since Dian Wei moved into Qin Mansion, he only came back a few times.

No way, Dian Wei enjoys life in Qin Mansion more and more, mainly because people are waiting for him, and he can take a hot bath before going to bed, not to mention it's so cool.

For those who practice martial arts like him, he will be sweaty and smelly all day long. If he doesn't take a bath for two days, he will inevitably get rotten on his body and wash his clothes frequently.

Someone solves these daily troubles for Dian Wei, and Dian Wei's small days are naturally going to be turbulent and happy.

It's getting late.

A faint mist filled the mountains and plains.

Dian Wei dug out the belongings buried in the ground, totaling 30 silver tael, plus about 150 taels worth of mountain ginseng, Spirit Mushroom.

"From now on, you will have to pay Old Zheng five silver tael every month, and at least one silver tael a day for mutant beast meat..."

Dian Wei is different from others, he There are frolicking dice. After opening the No. 4 plug-in food gospel, I ate a lot, and the cost is bound to be more than that.

Calculated like this, the remaining money in his hand can only last for three months.

Thinking about this, Dian Wei couldn't help but look up somewhere.

"Within three months, I will find a way to kill the black bear." Dian Wei made up his mind.

The fog is getting bigger and the sky is getting dark quickly.

Seeing this, Dian Wei hurriedly prepared fodder, fed the donkey, and then briefly washed and went to bed.

It is midsummer at this moment, the weather is hot, and people who can be hot at night are sweating.

The temple is not ventilated.

Dian Wei did not dare to open the door for ventilation, fearing that a wild beast would come in at night.

Furthermore, mosquitoes are particularly large and numerous in the countryside. If you are bitten, you must have a big red swelling on your body.

Dian Wei checked the mosquito net for dead spots, and then lay down after confirming that it was in good condition.

On the bed is only a layer of mats, and the corners are a bit torn.

Dian Wei took off his clothes, lying naked on the summer mat, just like that, falling into a drowsy sleep.

I don't know how long it has been...

Dian Wei woke up suddenly, only feeling cold, and there was an inexplicable chill in the ruined temple.

"Why is it so cold?"

Dian Wei sat up, the darkness in front of him, the cold surrounding him, and a layer of goose bumps on his body.

He touched the pillow, found the clothes, and put it on his body in the dark.

Just then!

A rays of light shined into the hall through the crack of the door.

Dian Wei eyes slightly narrowed, I saw that the rays of light were blue, like the fluorescence of the Fire Insect, but the intensity of the light was so great that it pierced the darkness.

He stripped off the mosquito net, ready to get out of bed to have a look.

crash-bang ……

How can I think of a layer of things falling off the mosquito net.

Dian Wei looked closely, his expression suddenly changed.

"Is this, ice slag?"

The surface of the mosquito net is covered with ice slag. You must know that even in winter, it is unlikely that ice will freeze on the mosquito net.

Strong fluorescence swept across the door, illuminating the hall.

Dian Wei took the rays of light and swept his eyes, and found that the ground, walls, pillars, and door panels were all covered with a layer of white ice dregs.

Even the breath out of his mouth is white.

Dian Wei got out of bed, walked to the door, looked out through the crack of the door, the fog was thick outside, and a dazzling fluorescence could be seen.

But he couldn't see the source of fluorescence.

Dian Wei was about to open the door with both hands, and suddenly stopped, thinking: "If the situation outside is unknown, it's better not to go out rashly."

He had a brainstorm and moved his body. The seal, an instant Astral Projection.

At this moment, Dian Wei stopped at the door, his soul passed through the door, and came to the door at once.

Dian Wei looked around and immediately discovered that the source of the fluorescence came from the winding river outside the village, less than fifty meters away from him.

Dian Wei groaned for a while, flew over, and flew over the small river, overlooking the sky.

I saw that there was a huge luminous body in the small river, sinking to the bottom of the water. I could not see the specific details, only the outline could be seen.

This luminous body, resembling a snake, is more than ten meters in length, and emits pulse-like fluorescence.

The stream is rolling, but the luminous body is moving up against the current, slowly moving forward.

Look at the direction, and go to Dark Tree Town naturally.

"This is, what is it?" Dian Wei was amazed. He didn't dare to dive under the water to observe, and his sight followed the movement of the luminous body.

In this way, after about time it takes to burn a stick of incense, a silhouette suddenly appeared in the darkness.

"Someone!" Dian Wei narrowed his eyes.

A black clothed masked man came to the river, near the luminous body, carrying a sack on his shoulder.

The masked man looked at the luminous body and opened the sack to reveal a young girl, unconscious.

Then, the masked man shook his hand, and the young girl rolled down into the river.

oh la la!

The luminous body suddenly moved. If it was a long snake, then the snake's head twisted and moved to the vicinity of the young girl.

The young girl sank under the water.

The long snake opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit the young girl abruptly.

The river water instantly dyed red.

At this moment, Dian Wei clearly saw the young girl wake up and start struggling all over, but it was too late.

The long snake quickly swallowed the girl.

The masked man watched this scene motionless.

After the luminous body swallowed the girl, the river returned to calm, and the red-stained place dispersed and disappeared.

Furthermore, the fluorescence gradually dimmed.

Time goes by a little bit...

oh la la!

Finally, the luminous body moved again, and the snake head broke through the water.

Dian Wei breathed, he saw an incredible scene.

What came out of the water was not a snake's head, but a human head, a large human head with distorted features and covered with a layer of scales.

Then the head keeps shrinking, the facial features change, and finally it becomes a woman's face.

It was the girl who was swallowed!

At the same time, the luminous body at the bottom of the river is shrinking rapidly, evolving into hands and feet, and completely transforming into a human appearance.

The young girl walked onto the bank from the bottom of the river, naked, with a faint fluorescent light all over her body, which was extremely magical and mysterious.

The masked man immediately untied the package behind his back, took out a set of clothes and handed it over.

The girl puts on the clothes, and the fluorescence on her body is completely extinguished.

At first glance, she is exactly similar to the girl who was swallowed.

Then she left with the masked man and moved towards Dark Tree Town.

Dian Wei could not leave his territory and had to return to his body.

At this time, he no longer felt any chill, but was very sultry, and all the ice ballast on the mosquito net and the ground disappeared.

Dian Wei's head is full of chaos. What he sees and hears is so strange that he doesn't even know what he saw.

A luminous body eats a person, and then becomes that person. What is the picture?

What is the background of that masked man?

However, after this incident, Dian Wei discovered that becoming an Earth God has a great benefit, that is, being able to Astral Projection at any time, peeping into the inconvenient picture.

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