Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 912: The drunken wind after the fall

  When besieging New Azshara, many Azeroth nobles jumped up and down.

   And it seems that their level of doing things is very high, very good!

  According to Gary Vix's intelligence, even these nobles tried to use the trade routes they controlled in an organized manner-their methods were very tough, and they even wanted to use administrative means to drive Galvix out of the Pandaria trade circle.

   On the other hand, these nobles are also increasing taxes on their territories. The reason is very simple, war!

   When the noble master wants to do things, the farmers are often helpless.

  Under their actions, there was a problem with the food gòngyīng of the Eastern Kingdom—it’s undeniable that there were some incomplete procedures in Galivex—the goblins did not leak taxes? (Gary Vickers: I am a reasonable tax avoidance!)

   So, the nobles simply used this as an excuse to seize a large amount of food from the Prince of Trade.

   The gòngyīng of the grain is stuck.

  Garywix tried to make a way for money, but the nobles in Stormwind formed an alliance, and Garywix’s tried and tested method actually failed!

   The frenzied nobles have increased their attacks on Galvix’s gowns-all Galvix’s cargo ships, even if there are more cats, are considered violations of the population declaration and charged with harbouring unknown druids.

   More dogs are suspected of helping Gilneas spies.

   And other caravans are the same. Except for the gloves of the nobles, the grains of other merchants cannot enter the Eastern Kingdom unless they are smuggled!

   Under this kind of organized and disciplined action, there was a frantic price increase in the place where Stormwind City belongs to the Eastern Kingdom.

   The price of food changes every day!

   You must know that due to the import of cheap food from Pandaria and the prosperity of triangular trade, the eastern kingdom’s own food production capacity has been greatly weakened.

   For farmers, the harvest of a year of hard farming is less than one-tenth of that of raising livestock-and because the orcs need meat, this demand will only be less!

   So in Irvine Forest and Westfall, most of the people here are raising livestock for meat.

   Now suddenly the cheap food is gone!

   The farmer was dumbfounded.

   Can we only eat meat now?

   But I didn’t want to do this before!

   It was obvious that I worked for a year before, and I could get a dozen gold coins for selling meat, and I could eat food for three years!

   Now you tell me, there is no food to buy?

   What’s even more frightening is that the purchase of meat and meat products is also a source of trouble-want to sell your meat products? Sorry, meat products are now cheaper than food!

   and only accept, not sell.

   I won’t feed the dog to you!

   After a set of combo punches, farmers in Elwynn Forest and Westfall went bankrupt, and even Redridge Mountain was affected.

   The farmers now have meat in their hands, but this stuff is not enough to eat!

   If I can eat enough meat for a month and sell it for a year’s food, I will not farm and raise livestock. Now that there is no food, even if I kill all the calves, I can’t keep going!

   Refugees finally appeared in the Wild West.

   Under the guidance of the nobles, the grievances directed towards Stormwind City.

  It's all you fighting, so food is so expensive!

   It's all you fight, and the meat purchase will go wrong!

Different from the series of Stormwind a few decades ago, the nobles this time are more cautious. When they made war fortune, they also pushed the ignorant bankrupt farmers to the forefront. In this game, the nobles They are driving the refugees to siege the city!

   Of course, there are followers of N'Zoth who are doing things, but are all the nobles involved in it be deceived?

   It is not-they are all for more money and power.

Under Varian’s tough hands, the nobles of Stormwind have suffered a lot for a long time. Unlike when Ryan was in power, the nobles of Stormwind are more superficially glamorous, emerging military nobles. They are eroding their power, which makes the noble lords who are accustomed to domineering feel a crisis.

   If you can no longer use your power to bully men and women, is that interesting?

  If one day, nobles can't lie down and collect money, and the living standards of common people will catch up with themselves, then are we still nobles?

   Mud legs are going to ride on my head!

   These nobles selectively forgot that when they came to Stormwind to open up the wilderness, their ancestors were actually a group of mud legs!

  Why did the last Drunken Wind's surprise trick N'Zoth?

   Because there is indeed something wrong with the Eastern Kingdom!


   When I saw Varian and Turalyon again, the two uncles looked very anxious.

   In the last meeting, this plan was affirmed by everyone present.

   But after the execution, Kul Tiras went well together-the distant relatives of the Proudmoore family were easily taken care of by Jaina. After all, it was a problem in the royal family.

   But here in Stormwind City, with the help of the nobles, the impact of the refugees began to get worse.

   The gates of Sentinel Hill are full of refugees who can't afford to eat. In Moonbrook Town, the thieves have already started contacting the pirates...

   After inquiring carefully, Drunk Wind was also a little surprised-the person doing things in Yuexi Town was not someone else, it was Van Cleef.

   has become famous, now

Ekwin VanCleef, who had tried to make a blind date for his daughter at home, stood on the cusp of the storm at this time.

   Akwin is one of the few people who have met the real high-levels of Stormwind.

The refugees prayed to Ekwin to go to Stormwind as a representative to implore the king to stop the war. They didn’t know that it was not Varian who caused their displacement, but a nobleman who used chicken feathers as an arrow and expanded normal policies infinitely. We...

   So Ekwin failed to even enter Stormwind, so the sheriff came back.

  Ikwin, who does not believe in evil, is an old qualification after all. As the builder of Stormwind, Ikwin will obviously not shrink from problems of this degree.

   However, just after entering Stormwind City for the second time, Ikwin was assassinated as soon as he arrived in Elwynn Forest.

   This is the worst method!

   Fortunately, Ekwin himself has received the training of thieves-he was lucky enough to fight back, but the price was that he was seriously injured.

   In a critical moment, fortunately the old horse knows the way.

   The old horse that Lothar gave to Ekwin in the past (in memory of Stormwind's new life-this horse was still a pony at the time) returned to Moonbrook with his owner.

   Things have happened!

   Seeing the pale-faced Akwin, the anger of the people of the Westfall finally could not be suppressed!

   You guys made us unable to eat even for the inexplicable war!

   We reasoned with you, you actually assassinated our messenger!

  Because of the famous MI7, this pot was directly behind Varian.

   Ekwin’s daughter Vanessa took over her father’s bǐshǒu and put on a thick veil.

  The Brotherhood of the Westfall is officially established! js3v3

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