Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 385: New Alliance and New Horde

   In the eyes of later Azeroth historians, there are too many other profound historical meanings behind the Orgrimmar negotiations.

This time, after the conflict, the alliance and the tribe did not directly engage in armed confrontation. Instead, they chose to sit at the negotiating table and settle the problem through negotiation. Although the negotiation tends to be in the venue, it is better than the army. Kill the sky dimly strong.

   Unlike the alliance and tribe during the orc war, the members and strength of both sides have undergone tremendous changes at this time. In this case, a new alliance and a new tribe were born.


   Different from the old alliance, the new alliance lacks high elves, lacks Gilneas, lacks Lordaeron, lacks Stromgarde, lacks Alterac, and adds a Blackrock dwarf.

   Judging from the strength on paper, the strength of the alliance seems to have weakened a lot.

   But it should be noted that after the dwarf's three hammers are unified, with the support of the wizard and the shaman, the dwarf's combat effectiveness has doubled!

   Under the rule of the mountain king Anvilmar, the dwarves built Ironforge. Now under the leadership of the Council of Three Hammers, the dwarves are eager to try again, wanting to make their own voice in this world.

   Gnomeregan’s dwarf has undergone such a big change, but it hasn’t been stunned-the master craftsman Gelbin declared that the dwarf must be reformed and face today’s Azeroth with a more positive attitude!

   On the human side, because Stormwind City has absorbed the old Dalaran, the Stormwind City forces that the Cavaliers cooperated with are simply a mess.

  Varian boldly carried out business cooperation with the goblins in limited areas, and the large amount of commercial taxation greatly eased the financial pressure on Stormwind.

   The most important thing is that mankind has now basically clarified the political environment centered on Stormwind. Without the seven countries dragging each other back, and Lordaeron, the strength of the alliance has actually risen instead of falling!

   It is interesting to say that in order to compete for Tirisfal Glades, Gilneas, who voluntarily left the alliance in the past, also began to send people to contact the alliance, hoping to return to the embrace of the alliance.

Originally, in view of King Jean’s unhelpful attitude in the war of natural disasters, Varian, a straightforward character, once wanted to drive the messenger out-but then it occurred to Prince Liam that he took the main force to participate in the battle of Keldaron. Rian didn't have the fire, but chose to ignore Gilneas in order to see the aftereffects.

   However, when Varian knew that Zandalar had reached an intention with the Horde, maybe the hope of Genn's return to the Alliance came. Now Varian is not the one who decides the relationship based on his likes and dislikes.


   After talking about the alliance, let’s talk about the tribe-the new tribe has become an interesting bipolar pattern.

Different from the orc war period, the current orcs are gradually restoring the shamanism of the Draenor period. The four clans of Blackstone, Frostwolf, War Hymn and Blood Ring are quite tightly united around Warchief Thrall, with full power. Full-although still very slow...

   Twelve years have passed since the Frostwolf relocation, and a new batch of little orcs is about to grow into fighters.

   These fresh blood greatly increased the power of the tribe on the one hand, on the other hand it also brought tremendous pressure to the tribe.

  The food intake of adult orcs is quite large, and Stormheim can't support the reproduction of orcs at all—even if the wetlands and the eastern part of Arathi Highlands are added, it is not enough!

How to do?

   The tribe cast its sights on the troll.

   There is no doubt that the negotiation between Thrall and Zandalar is a magical touch.

   As long as the trolls join the tribe as a whole, then whether in Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms or Northrend, the tribe will have a new stronghold!

But what’s interesting is that under the condemnation of all the trolls, the Drakkari troll (the ice troll of Northrend) was almost excluded from the tribe. There is no way, even from the perspective of the troll, the Drakkari giant Demons are savage and cruel, there are no witch doctors, no priests, only a group of trolls wielding weapons and doing it-this is simply unbearable!

   Of course, one of the Gurubashi jungle trolls, the Darkspear troll did not join the tribe, but chose to stay in the vow.

"Wokinto, I bring a word." Locke Khan's face sank, "Dark Spear is a member of the vow, and the vow is our people-any behavior that tries to provoke the internal friction of the war can only be the enemy of the vow. ."

   In order to compete for new space, the tribe started a four-line battle.

   First Orgrimmar, this fortress was like a nail nailed to the border between the tribe and the alliance, advancing and retreating, and defending. The tribe once again did not deploy heavy troops, but the negotiating team has been talking.

   The second is Stranglethorn Vale. With the joint efforts of the Gurubashi trolls and the blood ring orcs, the tribe began to open Stranglethorn Vale with Zul'Gurub as the center. Obsessed with the alliance's commercial income, the tribe even began to contact Rivijaz in Booty Bay, hoping to jointly open this primitive forest.

The third is Kalimdor. The Sandfury Troll extended his hand to Zul'Farrak. Here, the opponent of the Troll is neither the Alliance (there is no Alliance at all) nor the pledge (the troll has not yet Brainless to attack the Caverns of but a neutral Hotsand consortium-in Tanaris, where the sky is full of yellow sand, trolls and Gadgetzan’s Hotsand Consortium began to compete for the dominance of this land .

   The last aspect is that in Northrend, the orcs of Howling Fjord began to move northward. They began to prepare to climb the mountains and attack the Grizzly Hills-this military operation will be supported by the Drakkari trolls. Poor furbolg...These guys who have gone astray are about to face a huge disaster.

   In short, in order to survive better, the peace between the Alliance and the tribe is gradually being worn away, and even has a strong smell of gunpowder.

   Regarding this, the oath deeply regrets and cannot do anything about it.

   After the three hammers finally became one, Zuifeng finally got two wind swords contentedly and set off on the road to Quel'Thalas.

The smell of gunpowder between the Alliance and the Horde is clear-Drunk Wind is restricted by Thrall and Varian this time. Drunk Wind believes that nothing will happen. The two sides are in a situation of confrontation in cooperation. Drunk Wind is not worried at all. .

   In Zandalar, Thrall and Zul discussed a lot of details, but after several failed attempts to disrupt the situation, King Rastakhan chose to reluctantly.

   What everyone doesn’t know is that there are still quite a few differences in the negotiations between Zul and Thr. The biggest point is how the new tribe will face the pledge...

   In the end, Thrall fought hard and temporarily dispelled Zul's idea of ​​reviving Thor. Knowing the terrible oath, Thrall did not dare to provoke the drunk wind.

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