Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 382: Familiar negotiation

   Thrall didn't know at all, the loyal and honest faces of Grommash Hellscream, Reid Blackhand and Shulu Deadeye, secretly engaged in things while they were away. ..

   Of course, even if he knows, he has nothing to do.

   Thrall now has a headache, a very headache.

Many years ago, Thrall had fought trolls in the arena of Dunhold. He knew very well how powerful these big men who couldn’t stand upright were—strong, agile, and exaggerated. Regeneration capacity.

   And now, Thrall also knew why trolls were hung up and beaten in most areas of Azeroth.

   The trolls are not united.

   For the orcs, even the most violent warrior can restore peace under the comfort of the shaman. But for the trolls, no wise elders can stop their berserkers from brain damage.

  Although the Zandalari trolls succeeded in bringing the trolls of the forest, desert, jungle, and ice fields together, it is a pity that they are not convinced by anyone.

   In desperation, Thrall can only temporarily avoid it, let these trolls make enough noise in the internal meeting.


   According to the tradition of trolls, the chiefs or chief representatives of various tribes sat around the bonfire and started the troll meeting.

"We need allies!" Zul'jin, who was the first to say, tried to persuade the leaders of the various troll clans. "In the Hinterlands, the encounter with the Amani troll illustrates how important a complementary ally is. The **** long-eared elves found it. The mankind has driven us out of the forest--and now, that alliance is no longer what it used to be..."

"Shut up, Zul'jin, don't try to act like a leader. A loser who trembles in front of humans and elves is not qualified to speak out in the Zandalar!" Zul'Farrak's collar, sandfury troll water Master accountant Veresa snorted her fangs disdainfully, "That is your weak forest troll! If those reptiles dare to come to the desert, I swear that the violent sand will turn them into corpses!"

"No, no, it's not the same." Zul'Gurub's collar, Gurubashi's enchanter Jindo shook his head, "I don't agree with Zul'jin's opinion of joining the tribe, but I agree. What he said, the **** of the league are no longer what they used to be."

"You know, Hakkar had tried to resurrect before, but he was disturbed by a group of passers-by-quite an interesting story." Jindu's eyes flashed with unknown light, "Then the followers of Hakkar began to investigate carefully and got There are a lot of interesting news, these news are messy, but there is no doubt that the alliance is strong."

"Hakkar?" King Rastakhan finally moved with the Zandalar collar that had been silent. He no longer looked like an old **** on the ground, but squinted his eyes slightly, Jindu, " I think I warned you not to touch that guy again-now you seem to have forgotten my advice..."

   The strongest of the royal trolls of Rastakhan, his aura spread out, making Jin Du sweat for a moment.

"Sorry... My great King Rastakhan..." Jindu lowered his head decisively, his eyes flickering under the mask, "This is also impossible-the Gurubashi troll needs his own God of Loa... …Although Haka is a bastard, this is our only chance."

   Jindo turned to Veresa.

   "After all, not every troll's home has a pond where God Loa lives."

   Hearing Jindo's sarcasm to Gazrella, Vereza almost called for the power of the current to come to Jindo, but just as she was about to do it, a low voice appeared in the venue.

   "Stop it...the rise of the troll absolutely cannot pass the **** internal friction!"

   In the shadows, a troll wearing a robe came out.

   This was the only guy in the audience without a mask. He showed his dark eyes and dry face indifferently-but no one dared to despise this weak troll because his name was Zul.

   Dark Prophet, Zul.

   "My disaster-the disaster of heaven and earth, even Zandalar is dangerous. Now we need to find our way out."

  Zul's words made all the trolls present frowned.

   Obviously, this prediction is really scary.

   You know, Zandalar has never been threatened for thousands of years.

   Just when all the trolls were shocked by Zul's news, the face under King Rastakhan's mask showed a dissatisfaction expression.

   Zul-the existence of this dark prophet has threatened Rastakhan's rule. In Zandalar, Zul's words are far more useful than this nameless king.

  , Zul really wants to join forces with the orcs?

   King Rastakhan, who originally held a neutral attitude, suddenly wanted to break the alliance.

   Of course, although King Rastakhan didn't have much wisdom, he still couldn't express himself recklessly.

   After thinking a little bit, King Rastakhan made up his mind, and then took the opportunity to hand over the chair of the meeting to Zul, hiding himself in the darkness.

   In the struggle with Zul for many years, King Rastakhan has learned a For example, darkness can hide himself well—both body and heart.


   Interestingly, not only did the negotiations in Zandalar not go well, but also the negotiations in Orgrimmar.

  The alliance represented by Loya and Muradin has no advantage over the tribes represented by Redgromash and Shulu!

  Because they fought side by side in the natural disaster war, and the three guys in the tribe were basically not involved in the first orc war, the smell of gunpowder on both sides is not very strong.

   This form of negotiation is beneficial to the alliance, after all, the orcs' behavior of repairing the fortress without a word is still a bad idea.

   But I didn't expect Shulu Deadeye to show a first-class eloquence, always able to find out the loopholes in the alliance, and with his insight, Luoya and Muradin suddenly felt at a loss.

   When did the orcs with their brains and muscles speak so well?

Biting Orgrimmar to the wetland, Shulu's persistence made the Alliance difficult to fire. After all, the wetland is just a traditional name, and there is no boundary marker. As long as it is outside the alliance settlement, the tribe insists that this is no owner. This is really embarrassing for the league.

Muradin was okay, but Roja was furious. The orc’s arrogant behavior made the dwarf light quite dissatisfied. He had clearly established a fortress in the buffer, but it seemed that this was my place. Gradually lose your mind.


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