Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 379: The conspiracy of the blood ring clan

In fact, Noomi's guess was correct. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

The stone palate's riot and Therma Prager's betrayal are both good things done by an ancient god.

To be precise, it was done by a dead ancient **** with only his own will.

Before the Titans came to Azeroth, the Void Lord once sent the ancient gods to corrupt Azeroth. They took root in this world, and then gradually expanded their own corruption.

After these ancient gods come into contact, they will fight each other, and then the winner will swallow the loser and become a stronger guy-until the last one is left, and then completely infect the star souls of this world and become the dark titans .

The number of ancient gods is not four, but five.

In addition to the "Thousand Eyes Demon" C'Thun, the "Thousand Throat Demon" Yogg-Saron, the "Seven Black Sheep" Y'Shaarj, and the "Thousand Beard God" N'Zoth, there is another one in Titan. The hapless one who was swallowed before, Saratas.

The direct reason why Y'Shaarj is the strongest among the ancient gods is that he swallowed Saratas.

Remember the grim curse left by Grim Batol in the Battle of the Three Hammers? Why do the Dark Iron Dwarves dared to divide their forces boldly, one enemy two? Because they found the remains of Saratas, and got a part of the shadow energy-of course, the final failure was also because at the critical moment, the ancient gods chose to betray.

Do you know why Shulu Deadeye, the chief of the Blood Ring clan, can occasionally get the "prophecy" of mysterious voice after losing the Blood Ring Holy Land? This was also what Saratas did. In Grim Batol, she kept bewitching the blood ring orcs and succeeded in gaining the temporary trust of Shulu Deadeye.

Gnomeregan’s Stone Palatine chaos seems to be an accident, but it is actually a premeditated action by the Horde against the Alliance!

Of course, Thrall is not in charge of this operation-he is still training new shamans in Northrend to make up for the lack of spellcasters!

After the natural disaster war, three years of peace highlighted some serious problems.

After the Battle of Keldaron, most of the orcs left the Eastern Kingdoms, and of course some went to the Hinterlands and Wetlands.

Let's not talk about the Hinterlands, only the wetlands.

The wetland was originally a hiding place for the blood ring clan. After the natural disaster war, the population of the tribes that entered peace began to increase, but the orcs multiplied too fast, and the Howling Fjord in Northrend could not support the multiplication of the four clans!

So in the wetlands, the elites of Warsong, Blackstone and Blood Ring hope to open up a new territory.

Unfortunately, it failed.

The environment of the wetland is already very harsh. The abundant water resources did not bring about fertile land, but instead brought a large area of ​​unproductive wetlands and swamps.

When Zuifeng traveled through the Eastern Kingdoms, he discovered that everything in the wetland had a disgusting smell of earth, which the orcs actually didn't like.

Therefore, the development of wetlands has not been smooth.

Orcs are not afraid that their prey is difficult to deal with. They can hunt mammoths in Northrend, where the snow is full.

But the orcs are very afraid that there will be no prey, such as this wetland, there is no output at all!

What is even more sad is that the tidal blade that Dalin left behind in Grim Batol has created a huge saltwater lake, causing serious land salinization.

The joint expedition team of the three clans found sadly that the wetland had no value in development.

What to do then?

Shulu Deadeye gave the answer.

What if there is no land?

Just grab a little bit of land!

The wetland is close to Dun Morogh and Loch Modan, the land is still good!

But these places are in the hands of dwarves and gnomes?

Then let the dwarves and gnomes have no time to take care of these places. Anyway, they did not leave clear landmarks and no settlements. As long as they did not come out to stop them during the development process, the orcs could completely occupy this place!

When the time comes, as long as the occupation is a fact, as long as the group of dwarves take the initiative, it will be the war you waged!

Who said that orcs have no brains?

Well, this is what Saratas taught.

But no matter what, this is indeed a very clever way. If it is really realized, maybe the dwarves can only bear it, because these fringe areas are only spheres of influence, not serious territory.

So why don't the dwarves and dwarfs have time to worry about here?

Of course, it is not feasible to start a war, which will cause a direct conflict between the Alliance and the Horde.

So Saratas went out.

Therma Prager was upset because of the loss of the master craftsman selection to Gelbin. He has always believed that his ideas are more correct, the dwarf needs a stricter order, and the goal of the invention must be clarified. Thinking" and wasting energy on meaningless inventions.

This idea of ​​his is undoubtedly not supported by the dwarf.

On the original world line, Therma Prager will insist on his order research, and strongly promote mechanization, even clamoring that robots dominate everything.

And this time, under the bewitching of Saratas, Thermaplugg secretly dug the channel of the Stonejaw Monster, causing this disaster.

Then, Therma Prager forged the experimental data and deceived the master craftsman Gelbin, saying that radiation can deal with the group of stone palate monsters, and organized the Gnomeregan retreat.

Those poor dwarfs who did not retreat in time were infected by radiation and became unconscious leprosy dwarfs with allegiance to Thermaplugg.

That is, after the eruption of the Gnomeregan Stone Palatine, the orcs began to build their fortresses on the border between Dun Morogh and Loch Modan.

The well-prepared orcs started to work with all their strength, and a fortress was taking shape under the hard work, day and night.

To commemorate the warchief who liberated all the orcs in the Scourge War, this fortress at the junction of Wetlands, Dun Morogh and Loch Modan was finally named although the whole incident For the tribe, it went well, but Shulu Deadeye was very serious at this time.

After learning about the power of Saratas, Shulu was eager to find this guy who was always whispering in his ears. He needed to find the body of Saratas and firmly grasp it in his own hands.

No one really believes in a guy who hides his head and reveals his tail--not to mention that Shulu is the chief of the Blood Ring clan. How could he be an ordinary person if he can win the clan's trust by plucking out an eyeball!

Shulu listened carefully to the whisper in his ear and followed the mysterious whisper.

Then, under the full search, Shulu found a dagger at the bottom of the lake created by Tide Blade, a dagger full of shadow energy.

When Shulu picked up the dagger and felt the mighty power contained in it, a crazy idea appeared in his mind.

"Using this power, I can get more, more!"

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