Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 372: I want a pair of wind swords

The four gods of Pandaria are the four of the wild gods, and they represent the wisdom, hope, strength, and tenacity of Azeroth.

Long ago, after the Four Gods were defeated by Thor, they had been thinking of ways to exert these four powers together, so that even the most powerful enemy would be difficult to resist.


In order to integrate the four laws represented by the four demigods, the four gods have studied for nearly ten thousand years, but there is still no way.

Well, in fact, there is also a way. As long as there is a host with more than four demigods as the main source of energy, the four energies can be perfectly harmonized.

This is almost impossible-according to Yulong's estimation, even Malorne cannot be the main source.

But for Zuifeng, this situation can still be achieved.

After all, it is not difficult to find an energy source for more than four celestial phantoms.

Originally, Zuifeng wanted to do it himself, but after thinking about it, it seems that his true energy is not superior to the four gods!

This is very embarrassing!

After hesitating for a while, Drunk Wind solved the misty language.

Looking at this bamboo stick that has been following him for many years, but still as clean as new, Zuifeng sighed slightly.

Although reluctant, but hesitated at this time!

The phantom of the four gods had already begun to prepare to seal it, and Drunk Feng simply lifted the words of the mist in his hands high, and jumped to Ragnaros's side.

The phantom of the four gods began to become illusory.

"The name of Yulong, the wisdom of Mourning."

"The name Niuzao makes you tough."

"The name of Chi Jing is absolutely hope."

"The name of Xuenu is like strength."

"Seal of the Four Elephants!"

The words of the mist in Drunk Wind's hands faded from the green at a speed visible to the naked eye and became dry.

At the same time, the huge energy in the language of the mist was pulled out and became the source of power to seal Ragnaros. With the help of the Four Heavens Phantom, the Lord of the Fire Elemental gradually became violent, fragile, and desperate. And weak.

In this case, the Balrog Lord also realized the seriousness of the problem!

Although elemental creatures are difficult to kill outside the elemental plane, it is still possible to be sealed, and looking at the posture of Drunken Wind, the seal is quite difficult!

In desperation, Ragnaros could only grit his teeth and choose to retreat!

"Ant! Don't think you have won! I am waiting for you in the land of the fire source. One day in the future, you will experience the real Saffron temperature!"

"The flame will eventually completely purify this world!"

Although the words were pretty, Ragnaros escaped in a desperate manner.

After Ragnaros left completely, the temperature of the entire Molten Core dropped-although it was still high because of the willingness of many lava pools, it was no longer so hot and unbearable.

Seeing this, Magni and Muradin sat down on the ground and exhaled.

"Finally solved!"

The brothers only felt sore muscles now. They hadn't fought against Ragnaros several times, but had suffered so much.

"Take a good rest." Zuifeng shook his head, "High temperature will make the physical strength flow faster. Fortunately, you have turned on the gods to descend to the earth, otherwise you are probably dehydrated now."

Speaking of dehydration, Zuifeng quickly greeted the black iron dwarves who rushed over.

"Quickly, who will make some magic spring water!"

A dark iron dwarf girl (aunt?) volunteered to make a big pink magic drink and handed it to Drunk Wind.

Drunk Feng took the magic drink expressionlessly, and then passed it to Magni. He took off the gourd on his waist and gushed the wine, leaving the dwarf girl (aunt?) heartbroken.

No one noticed, the drunk wind of drinking looked painful.

Any traverser can soak into the elf girl, this is a lie! I almost bid farewell to the favor of the elves in my own panda outfit-whether it is a night elves, high elves or blood elves, obesity means ugliness.

Although among the Pandaren, Zuifeng is not fat (well, as a Pandaren, Zuifeng is actually thin), but in the eyes of the elves, Zuifeng is fat-in other words, it is ugly!

Well, although Zuifeng himself is loyal to Onyxia, no one would be happy to be regarded as ugly by a beauty, would he?

What's more, Zuifeng found that she seemed to be particularly favored by female orcs, tauren and dwarves-this made Zuifeng want to cry!

"Fortunately, I have a gentle, lovely, beautiful and kind-hearted Ony!" Drunk Feng grinned secretly, and neatly threw the pot in his hand to Thaurissan, "Hey, go on! Sip the bar-let you Be comfortable!"

The chic movements caused the black iron dwarf aunts to exclaim again.

"It's over, I have completely become the idol of the aunt..."


In Darkforge City, Magni and Thaurissan are arguing nonchalantly about many related matters after this raid, but the atmosphere has lost the sense of rattling, even Amora is still watching with a smile. Where are my husband and dad arguing.

"The Dark Iron Dwarf must have a seat in the Council of Three Hammers!"

" but the Dark Iron dwarves must all be registered, especially the casters-including shamans and wizards, they must be recorded in detail!"

"Then we must have our own territory in Ironforge!"

"This will be discussed again!"

"Amora's child will inherit my last name and become the next Prince Thaurissan!"

"I will name Amora's child!"



The drunk wind while drinking found that the two guys were discussing issues that became trivial, and finally stood up.

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty Magni--I have one thing to ask you!"

"Oh? Just tell me if I have something to say, please-as long as I can!"

"That's it. I lost my weapon in Molten Core. Now I can only use my bare hands. I need you to help me build weapons. Uh, I don't have ores."

"Hahaha!" Magni smiled, "No problem at all. You have helped us a lot this time. What are the weapons! Let's talk, what weapons do you want? I have the materials!"

Zuifeng nodded, took out the blank scroll of Lorewalker, and outlined it with infuriating energy.

Soon, the shape of a long sword appeared in the air.

"It's interesting." Magni stroked his long beard. "What materials do I need?"

"Original minerals."

"No problem!" Magni took a deep breath, "It's just a sword, I can still afford these few source minerals!"

"Not a sword!" Zuifeng smiled, "I am used to dual wielding."

"..." Magni grinned, "Well, for the sake of three hammers in one!"

If a World of Warcraft player sees the long sword drawn by Drunk Wind, he will be surprised.

"This is the rhythm of dual wielding wind swords!"

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