Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 363: Nomi who is unfair

   Drunk Wind was still trying to communicate with His Majesty Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge. There was no way. After learning that his daughter had been abducted by Thaurissan, Magni immediately started shouting and killing. ?? W?w?w?.

   Drunk Wind, or whatever, this stubborn dwarf king just doesn't believe that his daughter really loves Thaurissan.

"Fart!!!" Magni had put on his armor and picked up his hammer. "I respect you, but this is not the reason you cheated me. How could my daughter like Thaurissan's house? The bastard?! That **** must have cast a charm spell on Amora, and the wizard has nothing to do!"

Ronin, who happened to come to Ironforge to deliver the letter, grinned. This red-haired mage was valued by Medivh after the war. Medivh thought this kid had good potential and accepted him as a disciple. Ronin came to Ironforge to deliver the letter on behalf of the reconstructed Dalaran.

   But looking at this posture, I am afraid that the delivery mission today will not be completed...

   At this time, Drunk Wind has no time to observe the red-haired Luo Chenggong. He used a lot of energy before he barely stopped Magni. The strength of the tempered dwarf is really not small.

"My Majesty Magni, don't get excited!" Drunk Feng pressed his hands down and signaled Magni not to be impulsive. At the same time, he winked and asked Muradin next to Magni to come and help, "I and Thaurissan are neighbors, I can guarantee. At least in terms of relationships, Little Thaurissan is not a bastard. As far as I know, the Thaurissan family seems to value family affection..."

   It seems that thinking of the story of the old Thaurisson and his wife, Magni let out a long sigh and barely calmed down.

   One of the main reasons that Old Thaurissan desperately summoned Ragnaros was to avenge his wife. In this way, it seems that Thaurissan’s family treats his wife pretty well.

   wait a minute!

   Magni found that he seemed to be fooled by the drunk wind!

   What's the use of Thaurissan's good wife? Bronzebeard and Thaurissan are rivals! The kind that meet and fight half-dead! Who promised to marry Amora?

   Seeing Magni seemingly mad again, Muradin hurriedly grabbed his eldest brother.

   Muradin has always had a good relationship with Amora. In his opinion, his niece is stubborn and might really like the Thaurissan guy...

   "It would be great if Brian was here. Together with Brian, I can certainly persuade Big Brother." Muradin shook his head, "Unfortunately I don't know where this stinky boy went..."

   Brian Bronzebeard, who led the team to conduct archeological excavations outside Uldaman, sneezed a big sneeze: " brother misses me..."


   At this time, Nomi finally met his first traveling companion.

"Oh, hello my goodness, you are really...well, you are not taller anyway, you are still taller than me, haha!" A dwarf reached out to Nomi, "Hello, my name is An De, Ander Malone Wrench, uh, now responsible for helping people deliver things, so you can call me the postman!"

   "Hello, nice to meet you, postman!" Nomi took his hand, "My name is Nomi, are you a dwarf?"

   "To be precise, I am a half dwarf and my mother is a human."

   Mentioned his ancestry, the postman was a little bit lost, and he even prepared to be taunted by this new travel companion.

   "Wow, that's so cool!"

   To the postman’s expectation, Nomi did not show contempt, but instead looked at herself with shining eyes, which made the postman uncomfortable.

   The postman doesn’t know, Nomi is also mixed...

   Then the next moment, the postman discovered something was wrong.

   "Nomi, are you a Pandaren?"

   "Yes." Nomi nodded, "I am a panda."

   "Gosh, then you must know Lord Drunken Wind?"

   Seeing that the postman turned into a fan for a second, Nomi twitched the corners of his mouth without a trace.

   "Yes, I know him."

   "Then can you help me ask, how does engineering make money?"

   "Huh?" Nomi was taken aback for a moment. He was ready to help the half-dwarf get an autograph, but unexpectedly the postman came up with such an idea, "You are short of money?"

   "Yes, yes!" The postman nodded desperately, "I owe a lot of money to a goblin, and now I can barely repay the daily interest."

   "Money owed to the goblin..." Nomi looked at the little dwarf in front of him sympathetically, "I heard my father talked a lot about the goblin, you are really a warrior, dare to borrow money from the goblin."

   "No, no, no." The postman desperately shook his head, "How dare I!"

   "Then why do you owe so much money? Is it a goblin profiteer?" Nomi's eyes suddenly flashed, "If there is any goblin profiteer who buys and sells, tell me, I will settle him!"

   Looking at the upright Pandaren in front of him, the postman smiled wryly and slowly told his story.

  Originally, the postman was still a famous thief. Well, stalker, he and his dwarf father learned a lot of stalker skills and became a full-time postman who specializes in transporting goods for people.

As a result, once while helping a goblin tycoon to deliver golden chips in Tirisfal Glades, the postman was caught by the Scarlet Crusaders. The fanatical Scarlet Crusaders believed that the golden chips delivered by the mixed-blood were a tool for gambling. No matter how the postman explained. , Did not believe that this golden bargaining chip was the random controller of the goblin random These crazy paladins not only confiscated the postman’s golden chips on the charge of illegally inducing gambling, but also threw the postman in in winter. To the icy Lake Lordamere.

   Although the poor postman was rescued by a goblin, he had to undergo an operation and installed a goblin pacemaker.

   Now the postman not only owes the original employer a large amount of liquidated damages, but also owes his life-saver a large amount of treatment fees. After all, the goblin pacemaker is not cheap...

   Nomi frowned when the postman said that.

   Nomi remembers that Drunk Wind said that the Scarlet Crusades are fanatical and excessive paladins and priests. It seems that they are not as simple as fanatical.

   "Where are you going now?" Shaking his head, not thinking about this, Nomi asked the postman, "Maybe I can get in with you."

   "Gnomeregan." The postman smiled, "This journey is fairly smooth as long as it is delivered to Gnomeregan, the interest for this month will be fine."

   And Nomi took out the map he took out of his room and looked at it carefully for a long time.

   "Gnomeregan... OK, I'll go with you!"

   At this moment, Nomi was so excited that he didn't realize what a miserable travel companion he met...

  The Dragon Postman of Book Friends is here! (To be continued...)


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