Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 355: Archimonde's Revenge

All the preparations for the vow, Akmond did not know. (Pinyin of biqiwu). :.

But this is not important, Akmond believes that he can face everything about the oath!

In fact, Kil'jaeden and Azshara were stopped in the plan for a long time, and Akmund was so arrogantly divided into three groups, which did not mean that he used his teammates to attract firepower.

Kil'jaeden would not really die anyway-would he?

Although he knows very little about Azeroth, the attention member of the oath, Ake Mund, knows that the tauren and the troll are not enough. Naga has gone to the civil war, and the draenei and the blood spirit are gone. Stopping Kil'jaeden, now it seems that all he needs to face is the dark night's spirit.

Although the dark night’s ‘jing’ spirits are the strongest race in the pledge, this time Akmond is confident of winning the final victory.

"Soldiers of the Burning Legion, follow my orders and let us spread the flames of destruction on this land-we are the Burning Legion of all realms, and no one can stop us!"

"Let this world burn!"

Encouraged by Ake's "Mon", the demons began to march on the front battlefield.

Brutalus took the lead and rushed to the forefront. This time he didn't hold back, swinging a pair of blade fists, and slammed into the dark night's ‘smart’ troops, unstoppable.

Seeing that the Sentinel sisters with the dominant fighting situation on the two wings directly met the abyss lord, they found that the sharp moon blade and bow and arrow could hardly hurt this big man.

In desperation, the sentry could only choose to retreat, and the druid, who became a giant bear, met the army of the abyss demon headed by Brutalus.

The burly and powerful giant bear well withstood the impact of the Abyss Demon King, and it seemed that Dark Night’s ‘jing’ spirit had withstood the crucial first ‘wave’!

Looking at the druids who turned into giant bears, Ake Monde Lu gave a disdainful smile.

"Become a bear? The moves learned from those two stupid bears?" Ake ‘Mon’ shook his head, "The Burning Legion has experienced a failure, how can it be defenseless!"

After the druids came into contact with the Abyss Demon Lord, they were shocked to lose their ‘color’.

These long-anticipated demons used a peculiar spell, and large flames spread, burning under the feet of these claw druids, and at the same time, curses fell on the druids one by one.

Pain, weakness, fatigue... all kinds of negative states spread among these claw druids. The originally strong limbs began to become weak and weak. In the first round, the evenly matched'engagement' front suddenly became one. The face fell.

Fortunately, the Sentinel sisters did not completely retreat at this time. With Shandris Feathermoon as the leader, the Sentinel began to turn around, ‘crossing’ with the Druid of the Talon to take cover and call for support.

At this time, Brutalus also spotted Shandris Feathermoon, the leader of the sentry, who rushed over like a small tank at full power.

At the critical moment, the rescue of the dragon fell from the sky.

Kalecgos in the form of a blue dragon directly stopped Brutalus, and at the critical moment, he did not forget to whistle to General Shandris.

Then, while Shandris was stunned, Kalecgos was knocked out by Brutalus, drew a parabola in the air, hit Teldrassil, life or death...

Of course, Kalecgos was not useless, he finally slowed the speed of Brutalus' charge a little bit. At this time, Nefarian brought the Black Dragon Legion to stop these violent abyss demon kings.

The reinforcements of the five'color' dragons arrived.

Together with Cenarius, the five dragon kings surrounded Akmond, and the five-color dragons and the dark night's spirits dealt with the demons of the Burning Legion.

The power of the dragon needless to say. With the participation of the dragon, the oath gradually gained the upper hand in the battle.

The black dragons were at the forefront and resisted all the shocks, no matter whether you were the Abyss Demon King or the Wrath Guardian, all of them could not rush the black dragon's defense.

With the help of the World Tree, the green dragons began to purify the corrosion on the battlefield. Once the purification is completed, the strength of all demons will be greatly reduced.

The red dragon is using the flames of his life to heal the wounded of the oath. This magical flame can quickly heal the wound and restore the wounded's ‘essence’.

All output tasks were ‘handed over’ to the blue dragon. This group of magic guardians frantically poured arcane power to the devil. Flames, frost, gusts... all kinds of magical magic caused the devil to suffer heavy losses.

The sparsely populated bronze dragon swept the entire battlefield, together with Aviana’s heirs, maintained the absolute dominance of the vow, and kept reporting the news on the battlefield to Ravencrest under the World Tree. And Malfurion.

……………………This Eredar Warlock is too calm. With the help of the World Tree, the vow has already taken the upper hand, so why does he still have a smile on his face? !

"Nog-budscart!" Ake ‘mond’ saw the devil’s decay and yelled. Following his words, the entire battlefield was maddened by the devil and began a desperate attack.

But it's useless to die.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it!

Finally, when the oath completely took the initiative, Cenarius spoke.

"Devil, you failed! This time, I will avenge my father by myself!"

"Your father?" Ake Monde looked at Cenarius in front of him. "Could it be that white deer?"

"Not bad." Cenarius nodded, "This time, you are dead!"

Hearing Cenarius' words full of confidence, Ake Monde Lu gave a disdainful smile.

"The Burning Legion will not fail, only your world will be doomed to destruction!"

"Stop talking nonsense with her!" Nozdormu stopped Cenarius who wanted to say Let's work together to solve him, now Mount Hyjal is in a mess! "

Cenarius took a deep breath, then nodded.

Five Dragon Kings shot at the same time.

Due to Onyxia's lack of strength, Alexstrasza used Alexstrasza as a ‘meat’ shield in the face of Ake’s ‘Mon’, and the others used all their strength.

But Ake Monde is Ake Monde after all. In this case, although he will inevitably fall into a disadvantage, he can clearly feel it after the few'hands' in the field. Human power, it seems that this demon cannot be taken down!

Fortunately, the oath on the frontal battlefield has already seen the dawn of victory.

As long as Ake ‘mond’ is held back, the devil’s collapse will happen sooner or later!

"Do you think you won?" Just when everyone thought that the oath was about to usher in victory, Akmonde suddenly spoke, "I said, this world will be flaming-I Akmon De does what it says!"

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