Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 337: Vaschi’s 10,000 Years (2/5)

Chapter 327 The Ten Thousand Years of Vaschi (2/5)

Vasiqi looked at the black female tauren with double axes in front of him, with a rare expression of interest.

The current Vaschi is not the ignorant maid at the beginning. Naga's expansion in the deep sea has no warmth. For ten thousand years, Vaschi has spent almost all of his life in battle: fighting the Hydra , Fight whale sharks, fight water elements, fight demigods, fight Neptulon...

Even the turtles she now summoned, if Vashj took Naga and defeated their leader, how could these turtles easily sign a contract and obey Naga's call?

During the battle, the fighting factor in Vasj’s bloodline gradually awakened. Don’t forget, the reason why Vasj’s mother was able to name Vasjir after her was not because she was Queen Azshara’s best friend, but because She led her troops to conquer this place from the hands of the troll!

Compared with her mother, Vaschi is not much better.

Why can naga enslave the murloc?

Quite simply, because the Naga conquered and destroyed the faith of the murlocs.

The gods of the wilderness are not only those of Mount Hyjal and the four deities. In fact, there are also demigods in the ocean. Although these demigods are ancient and dull, huge in size, but not very powerful, they are also true half gods. God!

The origin of the murlocs is untestable, although this group of guys who are always talking ooh la la la actually have their own civilization, with warriors, prophets, and shamans. Although the social structure is relatively primitive, they are already civilized creatures. Up.

After the birth of Naga, Azshara began to search for slaves interestingly due to the difficulty of reproduction. After screening, she found that the murlocs in the sea (that is, the Mogel murlocs, which are different from the freshwater murlocs) are good targets for slavery. .

So he led Naga to try to conquer the murloc.

In front of the Naga, the Murloc was vulnerable.

But although the Mogel murlocs were defeated one after another, they did not succumb to the Naga, but chose to flee and escaped under the protection of three huge creatures.

One of these three behemoths is called Nesepira, one is called Lagrek, and the other is called Ozumat. They are three ancient demigods in the ocean—nautilus, shell and octopus.

Although the life forms of these three demigods are still extremely primitive, they are the manifestations of the life energy of Azeroth's crustaceans, and they are also the objects of worship of the Mogle murlocs.

In this case, Azshara directly ordered the three demigods to be dealt with.

And it is not someone else who is directly fighting the demigod, it is Vashj!

And Azshara is responsible for stopping the lord of the water element who came to support with N'Zoth's Faceless, the Tidehunter Neptulon.

This is an endless battle.

The male naga needed to charge and fight in the front line, so they suffered heavy casualties. With the help of N'Zoth, the newly born male naga often had insufficient IQ, so the naga gradually became a matriarchal society with distinct classes.

Naga and the water element stopped, even Azshara and Neptune personally met several times, and the two sides were basically half-hearted.

But Vaschi had the upper hand in the battle with Nesepira, Lagrek and Ozumat.

Regardless of the three demigods, they are not small, but in fact only Ozumat has the fighting ability. Poor Nesupira and Lagrek can only support with the help of Ozumat!

After all, octopuses can fight, but how do nautilus and shells attack?

After the Naga had the upper hand, the Moguer murlocs turned their backs, and these Moguer murlocs who worshiped the strong chose to be enslaved by the Naga willingly.

Not long ago, N'Zoth conspired to control Ozumat, and began a full counterattack, directly threatening Neptulon. In this case, Neptune can only choose to retreat to his throne of tides and support it hard.

If it hadn't been for the Battle of Grim Batol, the Deathwing that N'Zoth fully supported was severely damaged, at this time Naga might have conquered the Throne of Tides.

Now in the eastern part of the Endless Sea, a large area of ​​the seabed is named after Vaskir-not only because there are the ruins of the former night elves city Vaskir, but also because Vaski led Naga to conquer it. !

Ten thousand years is too long. After a long time, human beings grew out of nothing, earth spirits became dwarves, and the high elves of Quel'Thalas passed through generation after generation.

And Vasiqi has also turned from a timid soft sister into a truly powerful elite in these ten thousand years of battle.

Perhaps it was because Illidan’s betrayal gave too much stimulation, Vaschi was not a little tougher than in the original history-if it hadn’t been for Azshara to order Vaschi to attack Kalimdor as a forward, it might be too late. Time Vashj will kill Nesepira and Lagrete himself!

In the face of such a Naga Siren, Magatha had no chance of winning-even on land.

At the very beginning, in order to understand the fighting power of the tauren in front of him, Vaschi did not use all his strength, but instead allowed Magatha to attack. Magatha did not let her down either, and the windfury axe in her hand swung to alive. Take off a tauren female version of the black whirlwind.

Cooperating with the ghostly wolf nearby, Magatha's attack was like a violent storm, making people overwhelmed.

But even so, Magatha failed to gain a clear upper hand.

If Magatha is a wild hurricane, then Vaschi is the boundless sea—maybe the squally wind can cause the sea to make huge waves for a while, but after all, it can’t be the same.

Magatha's attack couldn't hit Vasiqi at all. Vasiqi, who dodged from left to right, even smiled, calmly analyzing the reasons for Magatha's every move!

After Vasiqi basically mastered the fighting method of enhancing the shaman, she finally got real.

Facing Magatha's axe that smashed his head and covered his face, Vashj no longer dodged, but instead held the axe with the back of his longbow.

" The seemingly slender arms are unusually strong, and the tremendous force even shook Magatha's arms.

"Not good! Bad!"

Now Magatha also found the problem, he seemed to be completely not the opponent of the seemingly weak Naga in front of him.

But it was too late.

On Vasiqi's other pair of arms, the gems at the top of the staff had already lit up.

An ice arrow pierced Magatha's shoulders, and the ice power contained in it even numbs half of Magatha's body!

"After playing for so long, stay here!" Vaschi smiled slightly, "It looks like you are still a leader."

With that said, Vasiqi directly frozen Magatha in place!

At the critical moment when Vashj was about to catch Magatha, a huge black figure flew straight towards Vashj.

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