Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 312: Faqi Synergy New Era

How to do?

Unlike the War of the Ancients, this time Hakkar, as a commander, had to consider completely different things. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

In the past, Hakkar could take his army of Hellhounds freely, but now, he has to find a way to solve the dilemma faced by the Burning Legion.

It is impossible to fight like this-the demon formation is split by the magic of the Violet Avenger. The few demon guards in the front row can't resist facing the front of the elite cavalry, and the demons in the back row are difficult to support. The passive combat method makes the devil very uncomfortable, and at the same time it is difficult to exert his own strength.

At this time, the importance of the commander is reflected.

Hakkar didn’t know what to do, so the demons didn’t know what to do...

The scene was very embarrassing.

The Alliance and the Horde obviously won't give the demons a chance to adjust.

Turalyon, who was charging at the forefront, smashed into the demons like an off-string arrow, and then, the full-weight cavalry of the Royal Knights of Stormwind rushed into the demons.

At the same time, the Violet Avenger, who had a tacit understanding, moved the magical strike range forward, continuing to maintain the situation of the Stormwind Royal Knights only needing to face a few demons.

On the battlefield, the Royal Knights of Stormwind have always played more and less in part!

Seeing the successful tactics of this kind of magic-riding coordination, Khadgar seemed extremely excited. This is the best way to cooperate with the mages and knights that he and Turalyon envisioned after reading a lot of books. After years of training, the tactics of dividing the enemy and allowing the cavalry to always attack the weak position can only be accomplished by the Stormwind Royal Knights and the Stormwind Royal Mage. Fortunately, with Medivh’s help, the Violet Avenger passed the storm. The command of the City Royal Mage Corps also completed this tactic.

However, the success of Faqi collaboration is not only a nightmare for the demons, but also not good news for the orcs.

If it was said that demon hunters, watchmen, or demon hunters who specifically target demons before, they can perform well in the face of demons, these tribes can accept it, but now looking at the magic knight in Stormwind Working in concert, even Thrall frowned secretly.

Although he did not want to admit it, Thrall could still feel that the current tribe was weak in the war.

Compared with humans, the orcs are indeed strong and powerful, and their physical fitness is much better, but the number of human wizards is really too much—compared to the shaman of the orcs.

Thrall remembered what Drek'Thar mentioned when he was teaching himself that there were not many shamans in each clan in the tribe.

If one day, the alliance and the tribe go to war again, I am afraid that the alliance that has experienced the baptism of war can completely crush the current tribe.

"The tribe needs to change, we need more allies." Thrall began to think, "Although the tribe and the alliance stand together in the face of demons and natural disasters, but after that... we need real and common interests with us. Comrade-in-arms-not an unreliable guy like an ogre."

But now the tribe wants to find allies easier said than done!

In the orc wars, the bloodthirsty orcs offended almost most races in the Eastern Kingdom. In this case, it is hard to be friends.

"It seems, maybe after this battle, I need to go to the Hinterlands."

Thrall's instinct was right.

In fact, the significance of Faqi collaboration is far more than that.

In Azeroth, in many cases, a race’s units are relatively single-goblins and dwarves lack everything, orcs lack casters, tauren lack casters, troll clans are scattered, and dwarves currently lack casters. (Perhaps if the Dark Iron dwarves come back one day, the dwarves can also try.) The high elves lack fighters. Even the blessed night elves, when the number of druids were insufficient before, lacked soldiers capable of melee combat. In this sense, night elves cannot be completely counted as a mortal race.

However, for the first time, the human races who have mastered the coordination of law and riding have realized coordinated combat in the true sense. This power is not one plus one equal to two, but one plus one is far greater than two!

It is conceivable that if humans and orcs go to war, and on the frontal battlefield, humans put out their magic cavalry to fight together, how would the orcs fight?

Charge head-on through sharp ice edges and billowing flames? Or compete with human cavalry for mobility? After much deliberation, it seems that the wolf cavalry can only rely on the superior mobility of the wolf cavalry to conduct sports warfare-but how many wolf cavalry do the orcs have?

The same is true between humans and high elves. When the time comes, human wizards will not be foolish to cast spells, but will use protection spells to protect the heavy cavalry on the charge. In this case, even if the high elves have higher skills, it is difficult to say Can quickly solve the heavy cavalry, once close, the high elves can only be hanged and beaten!

From this point of view, the destruction of Dalaran has made mankind a blessing in disguise on the whole. After breaking the mage's separate monopoly system, with the state as the core, mankind finally truly demonstrated its superiority in learning.

While Thrall was thinking about the future of the tribe, the hard-supported demon formation finally collapsed.

The bullying and fearful kid started to run away, and the succubus didn't know where to go invisible. Although Hakkar said that I could still fight, I had to admit that the battle had failed.

The Frostwolf Orcs flanked and began to hunt down.

In war, losing the organization means collapse, and it turns out that the demons of collapse are equally vulnerable.


Under the influence of the drunk wind, the pattern of Azeroth has undergone earth-shaking Now the main body of the tribe is still the orcs. Although they settle down in Northrend and can rest and rest, their power is very weak. No allies-let's not talk about ogres.

Compared with the tribe, the alliance is also completely different. Without the addition of night elves, the human family is the only one in the alliance. Before the dwarven three hammers return to their place, no one in the alliance can shake the status of humans. Moreover, compared with the original timeline, the third war caused much less damage to mankind. Although most of Lordaeron was still ravaged by natural disasters, due to the rapid drunken wind operation, Alsace wanted to rapidly expand his army. Go straight to Stratholme, which makes the panorama of Lordaeron still have many small strongholds insisting on resisting.

Moreover, after the whisper landing, the Alliance and the Horde joined hands through the Battle of Dunhold, the Battle of Stratholme Eighth Army, and the Battle of Keldaron. After three battles, Arthas was summoned at the cost of the ghosts of Lordaeron. The main force of the demons is basically annihilated-although many demons have escaped, they can no longer become major forces.

Of course, this does not mean that the Eastern Kingdom has restored peace.

Just as the Alliance and Horde gave up their prejudices and joined forces to fight the demons, Gilneas' Grey Temple Legion and Lordaeron's Scarlet Crusade clashed. (To be continued.)

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