Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 330: Gilneas Volunteers

When the scout said that Gilneas' army had arrived on the battlefield the next day, even Drunken Wind and Khadgar were shocked.

After commanding on the battlefield for a whole day, Khadgar, who had just handed over the command of the Violet Avenger to Medivh, uttered a rare comment: "The old stubbornness of Genn also has a time? I can't believe it!"

"Who knows..." Drunk Wind glanced at Khadgar helplessly. "But it's always a good thing, isn't it."

And when Drunk Wind really welcomed the army, he realized that Khadgar's complaints were not wrong at all.

"Liam and Gilneas volunteers came to support!"

Looking at Liam, dressed as a stalker, riding on a horse, Drunk Wind had already made up a lot of what happened in Gilneas-but when Liam finally told the origins of the Gilneas Volunteers, Drunk Wind found out that he was The supplement is not right...

The reason why Gilneas sent troops is very miraculous, and all of this is inseparable from the goblin called Black Cable.

After Alsace picked up Frostmourne at the beginning, almost all the soldiers who fought under Gilneas were transformed into undead natural disasters by him-including the goblins of the Blackfuse group.

When the siege craftsman Hesso was collecting debts in Lordaeron, Arthas was easily transformed into an undead.

The few meat grinders in the Scourge are made by Black Cable.

But even though the goblin became the undead, the greed for money has not changed-Blackfuse never forgets the money Terenas owes him. Now that Terenas is dead, Blackfuse demanded that Alsace's father pay the debt.

Alsace obviously wouldn't take care of Blackfuse, so Blackfuse went on strike...

In all fairness, the price of Blackfuse’s business was fairly fair this time (the Battle of Gilneas, the Blackfuse group basically gave Terenas a cost price in order to get its name), but Arthas obviously didn’t have much to do with the goblins. After dealing with him, he incorrectly estimated the greed of the goblin, and as a result the angry black rope betrayed Arthas.

You heard it right!

The undead transformed by Arthas can betray the Scourge when Ner'zhul is not attacked!

Hearing this news, Zuifeng had to sigh with emotion the goblin's pursuit of gold coins-even death can't stop these little men's desire for gold coins!

Blacksaw, who had betrayed Alsace, brought his own siege team to Gilneas and offered to help Gilneas in revenge at the price of Lordaeron's gold coins.

Originally, this group of goblins had just fought with Gilneas, and now they are still a group of undead, which is unbelievable at all, but King Jean is not the kind of noob like Arthas. He knows the character of goblins deeply, and directly agrees with Hei. Suo's idea.

Of course, Genn is not a good crop. If you Terenas dare to expand, why should Gilneas not dare?

In the eyes of Gene Greymane, he could move eastward as a whole nation. According to the intelligence of Black Soup, Arthas had already left with the main force. Now the entire Lordaeron, as long as the banner of Gilneas is planted, this A piece of land can claim to belong to Gilneas!

But for Jean's idea, Liam raised an objection.

Prince Liam thinks his father's behavior is totally undesirable!

"Now all the creatures in Azeroth are facing severe tests. Those **** undead are the enemies of all our living creatures. At this time, we can no longer care about the gains and losses of a city, but should unite in everything. , Face this difficulty together."

Liam's words were loud and loud, but Gene remained unmoved and insisted on taking advantage of the chaos to go out to enclosure.

The father and son tried to communicate many times, but they could not convince each other.

Gene firmly believes that Gilneas has paid too much and was violated by Lordaeron for no reason. At this time, he should start asking for compensation.

Liam thinks that now is not the time to care about these promises. After the victory of the war, the entire Lordaeron including Hillsbrad Hills and Tirisfal Glades will be discussed in the post-war meeting. Pine Forest will return to Gilneas without a doubt.

In the end, Gene began to mobilize in the name of the king.

In the central square of Gilneas, Liam gave a speech in the name of the prince.

"The Battle of Gilneas is over. Terenas paid the price for his stupidity. Arthas chose to fall because of his stubbornness. Under the high wall, we temporarily ushered in peace."

"But are we going to hide behind the wall like this and continue to tremble?"

"Undead natural disasters are still raging on the land of the Eastern Kingdom, and countless people like you and me are still living under the shadow of terror-although they are not from the same country as us, we can treat them with peace of mind. Turn a blind eye to the pain?"

"One thousand and two hundred years ago, we were once the people of Emperor Thoradin, and we resisted the attack of the troll together; today, one thousand and two hundred years later, we should also be united in the face of raging undead!"

"No matter what kind of contradictions occur within our human beings, this is our own business. If the undead and demons want to take the opportunity to intervene, we will not allow it!"

"Lordaeron was destroyed, and Dalaran was also destroyed. If we continue to stand by and watch, Gilneas will be the next one to fall!"

"Now, Arthas and his minions are heading to Stratholme. Once Stratholme is captured, what we will face is not the last attack by a few soldiers. We will face tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. Ten thousand undead-can we just sit back and watch?"

"Now, I announce the formation of the Gilneas Volunteer Army. We will take our shotguns and step onto the battlefield to fight side by side with the brothers outside the wall."

"Gilneas has never been a spoiler-for the future of mankind ~ ~ for Azeroth, we will fight to the last minute!"

Liam's speech mobilized the deepest pride in the hearts of Gilneas. This isolationist country seemed indifferent, but in fact it placed itself in the position of the last guardian.

Gene watched Liam and Gilneas eagerly joining the army quietly from a distance, and sighed.

"Your Majesty the King." Jean's guard captain Leman Ruth didn't know when he came to his king's side. "Would you like to help, the prince will probably take away most of the young people, when our military action It will be tough."

"No need." Gene waved his hand disapprovingly, "My son is so confident, how can I, as an old man, hold him back-and we are going to the enclosure, what do we need so many soldiers to do?"

"But, the Paladin of the Silver Hand." Riemann Ruth was obviously worried. "The guys won't sit back and watch us..."

"Huh, those hypocritical bastards-it's also a problem, so let's go to Arugal..." (to be continued.)

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