Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 324: Windsor Dead Eye

Turalyon rushed into the demons with the sword of the great royal knight in hand, rushing from left to right as if into no one's land. ??·

   Behind Turalyon are Bovar Fortagan and Reginald Windsor.

Windsor was born into a civilian family, and his superb riding skills made him join the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse early, and even participated in the Karazhan raid. There, he faced Lothar, Khadgar and many comrades in arms. The fallen Medivh stopped Sargeras.

   was also in Karazhan, Lothar heard Medivh’s prophecy about drunken wind, and Windsor saw his own death—death by the claws of the black dragon.

   For a real soldier, predicting death is not terrible.

   Windsor has always believed that heaven is to the left, and the warrior is to the right—sometimes, even if he knows death, he will charge.

   What's more, it's too early for the death that I know.

   Windsor participated in the expedition of Draenor as a squad leader. After returning to Azeroth, his comrades found that Windsor, who was brave in battle, was now in a desperate state.

   Anyone familiar with Windsor knows the reason.

  The black dragon is already standing by the alliance, and Windsor's fate is to die under the only evil black dragon-not surprisingly, Windsor believes that he will die under the hands of Deathwing. ?·

   After foreseeing his death, Windsor no longer had any fear, and his strength broke the shackles. Later, Turalyon was promoted to his adjutant.

   After the story of Kilrogg Deadeye spread, this Windsor had a nickname: Windsor Deadeye. He is as crazy and fearless as the orcs whose destiny is predicted by the Blood Ring clan.

   And Windsor himself knew that his madness was only for Stormwind.


   once again picked up a Voidwalker who was blocking the road, Windsor took advantage of the speed of the cavalry regiment to slow down and change direction and wiped the sweat from his face with his cloak.

"Hey..." Wen De Sole felt a little pain. He took a closer look and found that the entire cloak was covered with demon blood. These corrosive blood had just burned the wound on his face, which made him feel pain. .

   This is the first charge of the Royal Knights of Stormwind.

The wedge-shaped heavy cavalry charge directly collided face-to-face with the demon guard’s skirmish formation. Although the cavalry of the Royal Knights had a disadvantage in size, plus the heavily armored horses, in this confrontation, the storm The Royal Knights of the City prevailed. ?????·

   The wedge-shaped cavalry regiment headed by Turalyon pierced the entire formation of the Demon Guard, and then when the opponent did not react, the whole changed its direction and killed it back.

   Although the charge was a good one this time, neither Turalyon nor Windsor was happy.

   The loss is terrible.

  Although every cavalryman took almost a demon when he fell, the number of demons was several times that of the cavalry regiment—this was only the number of demon guards!

   The one-to-one battle damage ratio looks very powerful, but the Demon Guardians are just ordinary soldiers of the Burning Legion, and the Royal Knights are the elite of the Alliance and the entire Azeroth!

   Although the charge pierced the Demon Guardian this time and disrupted the Voidwalker, there were dense flame imps not far away, but Turalyon turned back decisively because the Alliance could not withstand this level of loss!

   "Asshole, don't you surround this damned group of cavalry? Believe it or not, let them go, I will screw all your heads off?!"

   Seeing a cavalry coming like the wind, like entering the land of no one, Hakkar was also very dissatisfied. When will the mortal army meet the Burning Legion? The last time the army was defeated was when we were fighting the Pantheon!

   Under the dispatch of Hakkar, the demon guard began to consciously surround the Royal Knights of Stormwind, using his body to slow the impact speed of the cavalry.

   In this situation, Turalyon found that the entire cavalry regiment was gradually losing its mobility.

   "Windsor! Fortagan! You two take the first team, follow me to open the road, we withdraw to the line of defense! Now the defense should be fully constructed, our mission is completed!"

   Turalyon said that it is true that the third and seventh legions of Stormwind have built a temporary breast wall relying on steam locomotives. Now the alliance can withstand the charge of the devil, and the charge of the Royal Knights of Stormwind has been completed.

   But in this case, opening the way is not easy!

Under Hakkar’s command, the devil completely ignored his own life and used flesh and blood to block the horse’s advancement. If it weren’t for Turalyon who had been using the Holy Light to heal the horse under the crotch, the entire cavalry regiment would have been forced to stop. Down!

   The Violet Avenger tried to use magic to open the way, but a large number of Hellhounds almost absorbed the magic on the battlefield. Now the boys in the cavalry regiment can only rely on themselves!

   Turalyon’s holy light gradually dimmed. As an arrow of attack, he was under pressure far more than A back and forth charge, he was almost exhausted!

   At a critical moment, Windsor suddenly speeded up and replaced Turalyon in the lead.

   "Marshal Turalyon, I'll take care of you for a while!" Windsor cut down a demon guard with a sword, twisted around and pushed its body away with a shield, "We need to speed up!"

   "Stop fighting, boys!" Suddenly a voice sounded like thunder, "I'm here to meet you!"

   A white giant suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

   Muradin, who had opened the descent of the gods, activated the gift of the creation Titan in the blood of the dwarves, and temporarily reversed the curse of flesh and blood. His originally short body suddenly became huge, almost like a small giant.

   The strong muscles turned into granite, and Muradin ignored the rain of fire, and strode toward the Royal Knights.

   "Huh?" Hakkar frowned when he spotted Muradin who was descending from the gods on the battlefield. "This is the breath of the Pantheon...Could it be that there are still the remains of the Titans in this world?!"

   Just after Hakkar’s stunned effort, a gap appeared in the encirclement of the Demon Guard, Muradin led the dwarves’ hill team to break the blockade, and finally joined the Royal Knights of Stormwind.

   "Get out, boys!" Muradin laughed, "For Khaz Modan, for Azeroth!"

   With the cooperation of the dwarves, the heavy cavalry of the Royal Knights of Stormwind accelerated again, and finally broke out of the encirclement of the devil.

   And the recalled Haka yelled angrily.

   "All demons, attack with all their strength and overturn those ridiculous barriers. Victory belongs to the Burning Legion!"

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