Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 313: Unfriendly union

   Anub'arak didn't understand at the end how the Alliance army passed through this long valley overnight.

   But this is not important anymore.

   After the Alliance troops passed through the valley, there was a smooth road ahead.

  If Anub'arak dared to jump out at this time, Khadgar and the Violet Avenger wouldn't mind telling them why the flowers were so red.

   Of course, you can't do anything about it. Anub'arak didn't rush to death, but chose to leave directly. He will take his hands and gather with Arthas to help Northrend together.

   After Anub'arak retreated, Khadgar and Medivh successfully transported the dwarf's large equipment through the valley, and the Alliance army began to advance toward the agreed location.

   The Eastern Kingdom fell into a weird calm, and the armies of various forces were pursuing purposefully. At this moment, every minute and every second is precious.

   When they came to the shore of Lake Keldaron, Khadgar and Turalyon began to lead the army along the shore.

   At the urging of Medivh, the Alliance army marched all the way and finally arrived at the agreed place-unexpectedly, Drunk Wind and his army had not yet arrived at this time, but another group of troops was stationed here.


   To be precise, they are war hymns and blood ring orcs.

   The meeting between the Alliance and the Horde was a bit embarrassing.

   This time, the army sent by Stormwind is its own elite, and the elite of Stormwind has only one meaning-to prove its army in the orc war.

   In other words, these soldiers under Turalyon's hands were stained with orcs' blood, and at the same time, countless comrades died under the orcs!

Moreover, the blood ring and war hymn on the opposite side are not a cat or dog-the blood ring clan is one of the main forces of the first invasion of the orcs, and most of the whole clan are lunatics who are not afraid of death; the war hymn is the absolute main force of the second invasion, among the orcs The most powerful clan.

If Drunk Wind and Thrall are here, everything is good. Drunk Wind can temporarily hold the Alliance (Stormwind City) army. Thrall with Doomhammer can also order the War Hymn, but these two are still with the help of Water Spirit Next, let's catch (chong) road (lang) on ​​the Sodoril River!

  As a result, the Alliance forces headed by Turalyon and the Horde forces headed by Gromash started a confrontation.

   Both sides are very conflicted.

Turalyon personally experienced the orc wars. He has witnessed too many orcs committing treacherous crimes in this world. Originally, he thought he could temporarily let go of his hatred when facing the threat of demons, but now it seems that he cannot ...

   Grommash felt completely different. He got rid of the trouble of demon blood not long ago. From Logosh’s mouth, he knew Orgrim’s sacrifice.

   Don't think that Grommash is a brain-dead-his son is-Grommash is a very smart guy himself, but because of the influence of the devil's blood, he often has no chance to show his intelligence.

   Grommash doesn’t want to go to war with the Alliance now-although he is not afraid of the Alliance, but starting a war now almost means that he is helping the devil.

   After thinking about it, Grommash found a good way.

   picked up Gorehowl, Grommash turned his head and asked the soldiers to take the battle flag of the Warsong clan.

   Holding the battle flag in his left hand and Gorehowl in his right hand, Grommash strode to the battlefield.

   The blood-red battle flag was inserted into the soft mud on the lakeshore, and a white roaring skeleton fluttered in the wind.

   "Warsong Chief, Grommash Hellscream!"

   Grommash's lingua franca is not very standard, but its provocative meaning is clearly expressed.

   Turalyon didn't hesitate to turn around and grabbed an alliance's battle flag, urging the horse under his hips to rush out.

   came to Gromash, Turalyon jumped off his horse.

   The blue battle flag of Stormwind was also inserted into the soil, and the golden lion opened his mouth to eat.

   "Marshal of Stormwind, Mellas Turalyon!"

   Needless to say, in front of the two battle flags representing honor, the commanders of the Alliance and the Horde began to single out.


   In the eyes of everyone in the alliance, Turalyon is Lothar's successor-he is as reliable and kind as Lothar.

   And Turalyon has always used Lothar as an example to demand himself strictly.

   Although the war has been over for a long time, Turalyon has never relaxed his martial arts training. For so many years, Turalyon has not only used warhammers.

   In the current battle with Grommash, Turalyon uses a long sword.

   And everyone in the Alliance should be very familiar with this long sword.

   Great Royal Knight Sword!

At the end of the Battle of the Dark Temple, Lothar’s former sword was found by Drunk Wind along with the Hammer of Khaz'goroth. The Hammer of Khaz'goroth was returned to Highmountain, and this long sword was Give it to Turalyon.

   Although Turalyon has been using Lothar as an idol for so many years, he has worked hard to help Varian revitalize Stormwind, but in fact, his strength has unknowingly become the strongest among the first generation of unnecessary paladins!

   Why do Paladins like to use warhammers?

  Because the warhammer can easily carry more power of the Holy Light.

   And why Turalyon can use the long sword?

   Because his understanding of the Holy Light is far beyond ordinary people!

Turalyon’s true goal has never been mentioned to others-this time I learned that Kil'jaeden might come Turalyon actually had an inexplicable expectation while he was worried. He looked forward to it. With the sword of the Great Royal Knight in his hand, he truly defeated Kil'jaeden and avenged Lothar!

   Facing Turalyon, who is making rapid progress, Grommash realized that he was actually at a disadvantage between going back and forth!

   Although Turalyon’s power is not as powerful as Grommash, the battle is not determined by brute force!

Under the blessing of the holy light, the sword of the great royal knight burst with dazzling brilliance, and Turalyon’s every move was breathtaking.

  Gromash’s fighting skills are not uncommon, but facing Turalyon, his actions are extremely restrained.

   Turalyon seems to have insight into Grommash's every step of the way, and every block and dodge is just right.

   Grommash can't figure out Turalyon's bottom line at all, and it is difficult to lock the target even with every charge!

   This was originally just a duel for "magnitude", but the two gradually became a real fire.

   Grommash became violent after being scratched by the Holy Light-if Thrall were here, he would be surprised that some soldiers could get the spontaneous help of the wild spirit!

   And Turalyon also opened a pair of holy light wings, and even started a short gliding! (To be continued.)

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